svn 出问题 try performing 'cleanup'




Earlier today I was struggling with Subversion in my Eclipse installation. I'm using Subversive 2.0.4 with the SVNKit 1.5 Implementation in Eclipse 3.4. When I tried to add a directory to version control using the Team > Add to Version Control... menu item, an error occurred.

*** Add to Version Control
svn add "/home/litrik/workspace/be.norio.drupal/build/lib"
svn: Working copy '/home/litrik/workspace/be.norio.drupal/build' locked;
     try performing 'cleanup'
*** Error (took 00:00.010)

When I tried to run cleanup using the Team > Cleanup menu item, this error was logged:

*** Cleanup
svn cleanup "/home/litrik/workspace/be.norio.drupal/build"
svn: Error processing command 'modify-entry' in
svn: Error modifying entry for 'lib'
svn: 'lib' is not under version control
*** Error (took 00:01.023)

A does not work. Try B. B does not work. Do A first. Ad infinitum .

I decided to switch to Ubuntu's command line svn client, hoping that it would allow to get me out of this deadlock. When I went into the /home/litrik/workspace/be.norio.drupal/build and entered the svn cleanup command another error was shown:

svn: This client is too old to work with working copy '.';
     please get a newer Subversion client

Apparently the subversion client included in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) is version 1.4.6. My Eclipse Subversive plug-in is already using 1.5. After installing the 1.5 subversion command line client using these instructions I was able to run the svn cleanup command and switch back to Eclipse to add the directory to version control. All's well that ends well.

I still wonder how I ended up in that deadlock situation in the first place...



   我的问题是在eclipse svn上出的, 就象老外说的:A does not work. Try B. B does not work. Do A first. Ad infinitum .

   没办法自己想办法解决,出问题无非是大文件夹要clean,小文件又牵制,所以我把小文件夹先ctrl + x 到其它目录,再把大文件夹下的.svn打开,把里边与小文件夹有关的内容都删了,如果文件是只读,不让删文字, 就把文件删了,到eclipse里刷新一下再clean再把大文件夹提交一下, 再把小文件夹copy出来。再提交,OK。











