GTK+ study (1) supportting libraries

GTK+ and Supportting Libraries

1.    full OO dev inC :Gobject(the OO framework, split from gtk+ and added to Glib), includingobject inheritance, polymorphism, and, to the extent permissible in C  , data hiding.

2.  GTK+ library focuses only on providing the necessities of building GUI.

3.  Other, less visible basics of GUI dev, such as sync & async event processing, are supported mainly by other libraries. Yet, GTK+ does give access to many of them through own API.

4.  Cairo: A 2-Dvector graphics rendering lib, since 2.8.

5.  Glib: ageneral-purpose utility lib that is used to implement many useful nongraphicalfeatures. One of the main benefits of using Glib is that it provides across-platform interface that allows your code to be run on any of itssupported OS with little to no rewriting of code! Another advantageous aspectof Glib is the vast array of data types it provides to developers.

  • Singly & doubly linked lists, double-endedqueues, self-balancing trees, unbalanced n-ary trees.
  • Hash tables.
  • Strings.
  • Memory slices are an efficient wary to createchunks of memory that are all of the same size. They can be used to createarrays of evenly sized elements.
  • Cache allow you to share large, complex datastructure in an easy API.
  • Other: numerous types of utility functions, e.g.file manipulation, internationalization support, strings, warnings, debuggingflags, dynamic module loading, automatic string completion
  • Other: idle functions, time-out functions, timers

6.   GDK: GDK is a computer graphics libraryoriginally designed for the X Window System that wraps around low-level drawingand window functions. GDK acts as the intermediary between Xlib and GTK+. GDKprovides GTK+ widgets the ability to be drawn to the screen. It has alsoincluded support for Cairo.

7.  GdkPixbuf: GdkPixbufis a small lib that provides client-side image manipulation functions.

8.  Pango: Onlinux, Pango uses the FreeType and fontconfig libraries for client-side fonts.It controls text and font output in conjunction with Cairo or Xft.

9.  ATK: The ATKprovides all GTK+ widgets with a built-in method of handling accessibilityissues. It make program more friendly and easyly to use.



widget  hierarchy in GTK+ is a singly inherited system.

