安装Oracle 的RAC,在Grid 安装时报错:
[INS-41112]Specified network interface doesnt maintain connectivity across cluster nodes
首先尝试在节点间ping 各个IP 地址没有问题。
因为使用安装程序做的SSH 验证,所以尝试测试ssh远程连接是否还需要确认:
[grid@rac2 ~]$ ssh rac2 dae
bash: dae: command not found
[grid@rac2 ~]$ ssh rac2 date
Thu Dec 20 21:21:01 CST 2012
[grid@rac2 ~]$ ssh rac1 date
Thu Dec 20 21:21:05 CST 2012
[grid@rac2 ~]$ ssh rac2-priv date
The authenticity of host 'rac2-priv(' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is a2:23:fe:22:50:03:e0:db:01:ff:76:f1:21:55:86:6a.
Are you sure you want to continueconnecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added'rac2-priv,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Thu Dec 20 21:21:43 CST 2012
[grid@rac2 ~]$ ssh rac1-priv date
The authenticity of host 'rac1-priv(' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is3c:62:4f:fd:e2:dd:94:9e:ee:58:0f:9d:76:55:53:8b.
Are you sure you want to continueconnecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added'rac1-priv,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Thu Dec 20 21:21:49 CST 2012
[grid@rac2 ~]$
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