
         如题,该库名为BGSLibrary,是采用C++编写的用于 background subtraction (BGS)背景减去相关算法的开源库,包含了29种目前常用的背景减去算法。目前发布在google code上面,其链接为:https://code.google.com/p/bgslibrary/,遵守GNU GPL v3协议,需要的朋友可以自行下载。目前该库中包含的BGS算法有:

Basic methods, mean and variance over time:
(StaticFrameDifferenceBGS)  Static Frame Difference
(FrameDifferenceBGS)  Frame Difference
(WeightedMovingMeanBGS)  Weighted Moving Mean
(WeightedMovingVarianceBGS)  Weighted Moving Variance
(AdaptiveBackgroundLearning)  Adaptive Background Learning
1  (DPMeanBGS)  Temporal Mean
1  (DPAdaptiveMedianBGS)  Adaptive Median of McFarlane and Schofield (1995)  paper link
1  (DPPratiMediodBGS)  Temporal Median of Cucchiara et al (2003) and Calderara et al (2006)  paper link1 paper link2 paper link3

Fuzzy based methods:
2  (FuzzySugenoIntegral)  Fuzzy Sugeno Integral (with Adaptive-Selective Update) of Hongxun Zhang and De Xu (2006)  paper link
2  (FuzzyChoquetIntegral)  Fuzzy Choquet Integral (with Adaptive-Selective Update) of Baf et al (2008)  paper link
3  (LBFuzzyGaussian)  Fuzzy Gaussian of Sigari et al (2008)  paper link

Statistical methods using one gaussian:
1  (DPWrenGABGS)  Gaussian Average of Wren (1997)  paper link
3  (LBSimpleGaussian)  Simple Gaussian of Benezeth et al (2008)  paper link

Statistical methods using multiple gaussians:
1  (DPGrimsonGMMBGS)  Gaussian Mixture Model of Stauffer and Grimson (1999)  paper link
0  (MixtureOfGaussianV1BGS)  Gaussian Mixture Model of KadewTraKuPong and Bowden (2001) paper link
0  (MixtureOfGaussianV2BGS)  Gaussian Mixture Model of Zivkovic (2004)  paper link1 paper link2
1  (DPZivkovicAGMMBGS)  Gaussian Mixture Model of Zivkovic (2004)  paper link1 paper link2
3  (LBMixtureOfGaussians)  Gaussian Mixture Model of Baf et al (2008)  paper link

Type-2 Fuzzy based methods:
2  (T2FGMM_UM)  Type-2 Fuzzy GMM-UM of Baf et al (2008)  paper link
2  (T2FGMM_UV)  Type-2 Fuzzy GMM-UV of Baf et al (2008)  paper link
2  (T2FMRF_UM)  Type-2 Fuzzy GMM-UM with MRF of Zhao et al (2012)  paper link1 paper link2
2  (T2FMRF_UV)  Type-2 Fuzzy GMM-UV with MRF of Zhao et al (2012)  paper link1 paper link2

Statistical methods using color and texture features:
4  (MultiLayerBGS)  Multi-Layer BGS of Jian Yao and Jean-Marc Odobez (2007)  paper link

Non-parametric methods:
5  (PixelBasedAdaptiveSegmenter)  Pixel-Based Adaptive Segmenter (PBAS) of Hofmann et al (2012)  paper link
0  (GMG)  GMG of Godbehere et al (2012)  paper link
6  (VuMeter)  VuMeter of Goyat et al (2006)  paper link

Methods based on eigenvalues and eigenvectors:
1  (DPEigenbackgroundBGS)  Eigenbackground / SL-PCA of Oliver et al (2000)  paper link

Neural and neuro-fuzzy methods:
3  (LBAdaptiveSOM)  Adaptive SOM of Maddalena and Petrosino (2008)  paper link
3  (LBFuzzyAdaptiveSOM)  Fuzzy Adaptive SOM of Maddalena and Petrosino (2010)  paper link
