IMA v0.2 Beta: Identity Management Auditor Project

IMA provides a simple way to audit Identity Management, is composed of several dedicated modules (MS Windows, Linux, HP-UX, IBM AIX, MS SQL Server, Oracle).

Each module allows you to retrieve users list, group members, password hashes... and others specific information.


  • Users and Groups lists can be correlated in order to identified Administrators profiles
  • Password hashes can be audited in order to identified NULL or Trivial password.
  • All results can be exported in a single XLS file

IMA respects the "One Click" concept. It will use, as possible, current credentials and automatic process for the audit.

IMA is Free software, may be Open Source...(C# Application).

This sofware is written in C#, so the .NET framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 is needed.

Currently, only the MS Windows and MS SQL Server modules are available.

At the moment two versions exists: Full and Lite.

Note: John The Ripper & PwDump embedded may be detected/blocked by some antivirus as "Hacking Tools"


Platform Description
MS Windows Active Directory Users, Groups, Shares, Services and Password Audits (Windows LM and NT Hashes).
MS SQL Server Users, Roles, Permissions, Databases and Password (SQL200x Hashes) Audits.
Password Auditor For MS Windows/Active Directory/MS SQL Server:
  • Full password assessment
  • Quick assessment (NULL or trivial passwords)
Extra Tools Available:
  • Password Generator (LM, NT, SQL2000 & SQL2005)
  • John Pot Generator (LM, NT, SQL2000 & SQL2005 formats)


Platform Description
MS Windows Active Directory Users, Groups, Shares, Services only (no Windows Hashes)
MS SQL Server Users, Roles, Permissions, Databases and Password (SQL200x Hashes) Audits
Password Auditor Only for MS SQL Server:
  • Quick assessment (NULL or trivial passwords)
Extra Tools Available:
  • Password Generator (LM, NT, SQL2000 & SQL2005)
  • John Pot Generator (LM, NT, SQL2000 & SQL2005 formats)

More information, about this project: Official Web Site



  • IMA Full v0.2 Beta
  • IMA Lite v0.2 Beta

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