Imports dll图片水印缩略图
Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Private imageutile As dell图片缩略图水印 = New dell图片缩略图水印
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim imagehz As String() = {".jpg", ".jpge", ".png", ".gif", ".bmp"}
'(ByVal Fup上传控件 As FileUpload, ByVal strimage As String(), ByVal image缩略图 As Image, ByVal lab错误提示
'str水印图片路径 As String, ByVal str图片保存路径 As String, ByVal str水印文字 As String, ByVal x水印坐标 As Integer, ByVal y水印坐标 As Integer, ByVal 缩略图高 As String, ByVal 缩略图宽 As String, ByVal 文字 As Boolean, ByVal 图片 As Boolean
Me.imageutile.upimage图片上传设置水印(Me.FileUpload1, imagehz, Me.Image1, Me.Label1, "image/logo.jpg", "imagelocal", "weizhigan", 30, 30, 100, 150, True, False)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class dell图片缩略图水印
Sub upimage图片上传设置水印(ByVal Fup上传控件 As FileUpload, ByVal strimage As String(), ByVal image缩略图
As Image, ByVal lab错误提示 As Label, ByVal str水印图片路径 As String, ByVal str图片保存路径 As String, ByVal str
水印文字 As String, ByVal x水印坐标 As Integer, ByVal y水印坐标 As Integer, ByVal 缩略图高 As String, ByVal 缩略图
宽 As String, ByVal 文字 As Boolean, ByVal 图片 As Boolean)
Dim imagelocal = str图片保存路径 ' "~/imagelocal"
Dim iname As String ' 文件保存名
Dim flash是否继续 As Boolean = False
If Not (Fup上传控件.PostedFile Is Nothing) Then '上传的图片不为空的时候进行一下操作
Dim namestr1 As String = (Fup上传控件.PostedFile.FileName) '获取上传的文件名
Dim j As Integer = namestr1.LastIndexOf(".")
Dim newname As String = namestr1.Substring(j) '图片得到后辍名
For k As Int32 = 0 To strimage.Length - 1 Step 1
If newname = strimage(k) Then
flash是否继续 = True '
End If
Next k
If flash是否继续 Then
iname = CStr(Now.ToFileTimeUtc) '随机的文件名(不会重复)
Dim newnames As String = iname + newname '重新组合文件名
'Fup上传控件.PostedFile.SaveAs(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(imagelocal) + "/" +
newnames) '保存文件到文件夹
Dim image, sImage, stimgs As System.Drawing.Image
image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(Fup上传控件.PostedFile.InputStream) '得到原图
Dim imagelocals As String = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath
Dim files As New System.IO.FileStream(imagelocals + "/" + str水印图片路径, IO.FileMode.Open,
IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite) '实例化FileStream类()
stimgs = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(files) '即将把获得的水印图流写入
files.Close() '关闭流
Dim width As Decimal = image.Width '得到原图的宽
Dim height As Decimal = image.Height '得到原图的高
Dim swidth As Decimal = stimgs.Width
Dim sheight As Decimal = stimgs.Height
Dim newwidth, newheight As Integer '定义缩略图的大小
If 缩略图高 > 0 And 缩略图宽 > 0 Then
newwidth = 缩略图宽
newheight = 缩略图高
If (width > height) Then
newwidth = 150
newheight = CInt(height / width * 150)
newheight = 150
newwidth = CInt(width / height * 150)
End If
End If
sImage = image '.GetThumbnailImage(width, height, Nothing, IntPtr.Zero) '返回image的缩略图
Dim output As Drawing.Bitmap = New Drawing.Bitmap(sImage) '设置缩略图为位图
Dim g As Drawing.Graphics = Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(output) '即将用绘画类画出图片
Dim x As Integer = x水印坐标
Dim y As Integer = y水印坐标
Dim fonts As New Drawing.Font("Tw Cen MT", 18) '默认的水印字体和大小
If 文字 Then
If str水印文字 = "" Then
g.DrawString("顶佳技术中心", fonts, New Drawing.SolidBrush(Drawing.Color.Red), (width - x),
(height - y)) '给图片设置文字水印
g.DrawString(str水印文字, fonts, New Drawing.SolidBrush(Drawing.Color.Red), (width - x), (height -
y)) '给图片设置文字水印
End If
End If
If 图片 Then
If str水印图片路径 = "" Then
g.DrawString("顶佳软件提醒你:图片未找到!", fonts, New Drawing.SolidBrush(Drawing.Color.Red),
(width - x), (height - y)) '给图片设置文字水印
g.DrawImage(stimgs, (width - swidth - x), (height - sheight - y)) '给图片设置图片水印
End If
End If
output.Save(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(imagelocal) + "/s_" + newnames,
image缩略图.Height = newheight
image缩略图.Width = newwidth
image缩略图.Visible = True
image缩略图.ImageUrl = "../" + imagelocal + "/s_" + newnames
lab错误提示.Text = "你要上传的图片不符合类型"
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class