ORA-12537 / ORA-12547 or TNS-12518 if Listener (including SCAN Listener) and Database are Owned by Different OS User (文档 ID 1069517.1) | 转到底部 |
In this Document
APPLIES TO:Oracle Database Configuration Assistant - Version to [Release 11.1 to 12.1]Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 11.2 to 12.1] Oracle Net Services - Version to [Release 11.2 to 12.1] Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMSIn environment where listener home (including SCAN listener which resides in GRID Infrastructure/ASM home) and database home are owned by different OS user, ORA-12537 could happen when connecting through listener, when creating database through DBCA, or when installing database software and creating a database in runInstaller. Job Role Separation is a typical example as SCAN and local grid home listener is owned differently than database.
CHANGESThis is likely a new installation. This problem occurs often on systems where GRID control and database home reside together. CAUSE
$ ls -l $RDBMS_HOME/bin/oracle
ls: /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2/db/bin/oracle: Permission denied
ls -l $RDBMS_HOME/bin/oracle
-rwxr-x--x 1 oracle asmadmin 184286251 Aug 9 16:25 /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2/db/bin/oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle asmadmin 184286251 Aug 9 16:25 /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2/db/bin/oracle
mount| grep <mount_point_of_ORACLE_HOME>
/home/oracle on /dev/dsk/diskoracle read/write/nosuid..
4. Another cause may be permissions on the RDBMS Directory structure or Home directory which needs to be accessed by the CRS user.
[grid@orcl002:+ASM2 ~]$ ls -al /home/oracle/app/oracle
ls: cannot open directory /u01/app/oracle: Permission denied ***NOTE: the Oracle directory has 700 for the permissions, which should be changed to 755:
Current (incorrect) -->
[grid@orcl002:+ASM2 ~]$ ll /home/oracle/app
drwx------. 8 oracle oinstall 4096 Oct 12 08:38 oracle
Should be (correct) -->
[grid@orcl002:+ASM2 ~]$ ll /home/oracle/app
drwxr-xr-x. 8 oracle oinstall 4096 Oct 12 08:38 oracle
b) Likewise the /product directory has 700 perms, so change to 755 -->
[grid@orcl002:+ASM2 ~]$ ls -al /home/oracle/app/oracle/product
ls: cannot open directory /u01/app/oracle/product: Permission denied
[grid@orcl002:+ASM2 ~]$ ls -al /home/oracle/app/oracle
drwx------. 3 oracle oinstall 4096 Oct 12 08:58 product
Should be (correct) -->
[grid@orcl002:+ASM2 ~]$ ls -al /u01/app/oracle
drwxr-xr-x. 3 oracle oinstall 4096 Oct 12 08:58 product
$ sqlplus system/<pwd>@'(description=(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=orcl002)(port=1521))(connect_data=(server=dedicated)(service_name=ORCL)))'
SOLUTIONSolution is to make sure file system for database home has setuid/suid set, database binary($RDBMS_HOME/bin/oracle) has correct ownership and permission, and listener owner is able to access database oracle binary (as listener owner, "ls -l $RDBMS_HOME/bin/oracle" will tell) REFERENCESNOTE:975457.1 - How to Troubleshoot Connectivity Issue with 11gR2 SCAN NameNOTE:422173.1 - Local SQL*Plus Connection and DBCA Fails With: ORA-12547: TNS:Lost Contact NOTE:970619.1 - ORA-12545 or ORA-12537 While Connecting to RAC through SCAN name |