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if (headRow.tagName != "TR") return; headRow.runtimeStyle.cursor = "hand"; //"move"; ColumnCount = headRow.children.length; for(i=0; i < ColumnCount ; i++) { arrHitTest[i] = new Array(); } var cx=0; var cy=0; var c; defaultTitleColor = headRow.children[0].currentStyle.backgroundColor;
for (i=0; i<ColumnCount ; i++) { var clickCell = headRow.children[i]; clickCell.selectIndex = i; c = clickCell.offsetParent; if (cx == 0 && cy == 0) { while (c.offsetParent != null) { cy += c.offsetTop; cx += c.offsetLeft; c = c.offsetParent; } }
arrHitTest[i][0] = cx + clickCell.offsetLeft; arrHitTest[i][1] = cy + clickCell.offsetTop; arrHitTest[i][2] = clickCell; arrHitTest[i][3] = cx + clickCell.offsetLeft + clickCell.clientWidth; clickCell.attachEvent("onmousedown",onMouseDown); } PowerTable.attachEvent("onmousemove",onMouseMove); PowerTable.attachEvent("onmouseup",onMouseUp); /////// if (arrHitTest[0][0] == arrHitTest[0][3]) mustRefresh = true; } function InitHeader() { var cx=0; var cy=0; var c;
for (i=0; i<ColumnCount ; i++) { var clickCell = headRow.children[i]; clickCell.selectIndex = i; c = clickCell.offsetParent; if(cx == 0 && cy == 0 ) { while (c.offsetParent != null) { cy += c.offsetTop; cx += c.offsetLeft; c = c.offsetParent; } } arrHitTest[i][0] = cx + clickCell.offsetLeft; arrHitTest[i][1] = cy + clickCell.offsetTop; arrHitTest[i][2] = clickCell; arrHitTest[i][3] = cx + clickCell.offsetLeft + clickCell.clientWidth; } } function ChangeHeader(iChange) { for(var y = 0; y < arrHitTest.length; y++) { if (arrHitTest[y][2].currentStyle.backgroundColor == hitColor) arrHitTest[y][2].style.backgroundColor = defaultTitleColor; }
if(iChange == "-1") return; arrHitTest[iChange][2].style.backgroundColor = hitColor; } function onMouseUp(e) { if(!bDragMode) return; bDragMode = false; var iSelected = objDragItem.selectIndex; objDragItem.removeNode(true); objDragItem = null; ChangeHeader(-1); if( (iArrayHit - 1) < 0 || iSelected < 0) return; // default faliure // iSelected is the 0-based index of the column being moved // (iArrayHit-1) is the 0-based index of the column being replaced CopyRow(iSelected, (iArrayHit - 1) ); // Reset our variables iSelected = 0; iArrayHit = -1; } function onMouseDown(e) { // If the grid is contained in an invisible panel (other DHTML stuff) // the initialization step must be repeated to take real values if( mustRefresh) { InitHeader(); mustRefresh = false; } bDragMode = true; var src = e.srcElement; var c = e.srcElement;
while (src.tagName != "TD") src = src.parentElement; // Create our header on the fly objDragItem = document.createElement("DIV"); objDragItem.innerHTML = src.innerHTML; objDragItem.style.height = src.offsetParent.clientHeight; objDragItem.style.width = src.clientWidth; objDragItem.style.background = dragColor; objDragItem.style.fontColor = src.currentStyle.fontColor; objDragItem.style.position = "absolute"; objDragItem.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=75)"; objDragItem.selectIndex = src.selectIndex; objDragItem.style.border = "1 solid black"; while (c.offsetParent != null) { objDragItem.style.y += c.offsetTop; objDragItem.style.x += c.offsetLeft; c = c.offsetParent; } objDragItem.style.borderStyle = "dashed"; objDragItem.style.borderWidth = "1px"; objDragItem.style.display = "none"; src.insertBefore(objDragItem); } function onMouseMove(e) { if(!bDragMode || !objDragItem) return; // If we aren't dragging or our object is null, we return // Hardcoded value for height difference var midWObj = objDragItem.style.posWidth / 2; var midHObj = 12; // Save mouse's position in the document var intTop = e.clientY +document.body.scrollTop; var intLeft = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft; var cx=0,cy=0; var elCurrent = objDragItem.offsetParent; if (elCurrent != null) { while (elCurrent.offsetParent != null) { cx += elCurrent.offsetTop; cy += elCurrent.offsetLeft; elCurrent = elCurrent.offsetParent; } }
objDragItem.style.pixelTop = intTop - cx - midHObj; objDragItem.style.pixelLeft = intLeft - cy - midWObj; if(objDragItem.style.display == "none") objDragItem.style.display = "";
iArrayHit = CheckHit(intTop , intLeft , e); e.cancelBubble = false; e.returnValue = false; } function CheckHit(x,y,e) { midWObj = objDragItem.style.posWidth / 2; midHObj = 12; for(var i=0; i < ColumnCount; i++) { if( (y) > (arrHitTest[i][0]) && (y) < (arrHitTest[i][3] )) { ChangeHeader(i); return i + 1; } } return -1; }
// // Copy from row to row.. Does the Header also. // function CopyRow(from, to) { if(from == to) return; var origfrom = from; var origto = to; var iDiff = 0;
if( from > to ) { iDiff = from - to; var saveObj = headRow.children[from].innerHTML; var saveWidth = headRow.children[from].width; for(var i = 0 ; i < iDiff; i++) { headRow.children[from].innerHTML = headRow.children[from - 1].innerHTML; headRow.children[from].width = headRow.children[from - 1].width; from--; } headRow.children[to].innerHTML = saveObj; headRow.children[to].width = saveWidth; } else { iDiff = to - from; var saveObj = headRow.children[from].innerHTML; var saveWidth = headRow.children[from].width; for(var i = 0 ; i < iDiff; i++) { headRow.children[from].innerHTML = headRow.children[from + 1].innerHTML; headRow.children[from].width = headRow.children[from + 1].width; from++; } headRow.children[to].innerHTML = saveObj; headRow.children[to].width = saveWidth; } for(var i = 0 ; i < headRow.children.length; i++) headRow.children[i].selectIndex = i;
InitHeader(); for ( var iRowInsert = 0 ; iRowInsert < tbody.rows.length; iRowInsert++ ) { from = origfrom; to = origto; if( from > to ) { iDiff = from - to; var saveObj; try { saveObj = tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from].innerHTML; } catch(e) { saveObj = null; } for(var i = 0 ; i < iDiff; i++) { try { tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from].innerHTML = tbody.children [iRowInsert].children[from - 1].innerHTML; from--; } catch(e) {} } if (saveObj != null) tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[to].innerHTML = saveObj; } else { iDiff = to - from; var saveObj; try { saveObj = tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from].innerHTML; } catch(e) {} for(var i = 0 ; i < iDiff; i++) { try { tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from].innerHTML = tbody.children [iRowInsert].children[from + 1].innerHTML; from++; } catch(e) {} } try { tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[to].innerHTML = saveObj; } catch(e) {} } }
//////// var buf = ""; for(var i=0; i<headRow.children.length; i++) { var td = headRow.children[i]; tmp = td.innerHTML; pos = tmp.indexOf("<"); if (pos > 0) tmp = tmp.substring(0, pos); else { if (pos == 0) tmp = td.innerText; } buf += tmp; if (i < headRow.children.length-1) buf += ","; }} //--> </script>
</head> <body onload="initDragTable(exote)"> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="" align="center" id="exote"> <tbody> <thead> <td>世界</td> <td>中国</td> <td>美国</td> </thead> <tr> <td>55</td> <td>66</td> <td>77</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
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