If txtContent1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "请输入查询内容!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示"
Exit Sub
End If
If cboRelation(0).Text = "" AndcboRelation(1).Text = "" Then
strSQL = "select * fromstudent_Info where " & strFields(0) & cboOperator(0).Text &"'" &Trim(txtContent1.Text) & "'"
Set objrst = ExecuteSQL(strSQL,msgtext)
End If
If cboRelation(0).Text <>"" And cboRelation(1).Text = "" Then
If txtContent2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "请输入查询内容!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示"
Exit Sub
End If
strSQL = "select * fromstudent_Info where " & strFields(0) & cboOperator(0).Text &"'" &Trim(txtContent1.Text) & "'" _
&" " & strRelation(0) & " " & strFields(1) &cboOperator(1).Text & "'" &Trim(txtContent2.Text) &"'"
Set objrst = ExecuteSQL(strSQL, msgtext)
End If
' '如果为一二三组合查询
If cboRelation(0).Text <>"" And cboRelation(1).Text <> "" Then
If txtContent2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "请输入要查询的内容!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示"
Exit Sub
End If
If txtContent3.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "请输入要查询的内容!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示"
Exit Sub
End If
strSQL = "select * fromstudent_Info where " & strFields(0) & cboOperator(0).Text &"'" &Trim(txtContent1.Text) & "'" _
& " "& strRelation(0) & " " & strFields(1) &cboOperator(1).Text & "'" & Trim(txtContent2.Text)&"'" _
& " "& strRelation(1) & " " & strFields(2) &cboOperator(2).Text & "'" & Trim(txtContent3.Text)&"'"
Set objrst = ExecuteSQL(strSQL,msgtext)
End If
If cboRelation(0).Text = "" AndcboRelation(1).Text <> "" Then
MsgBox "请选择合适的组合关系!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示"
Exit Sub
End If
在查询时我们首先考虑如何让查询的条件和数据库中的表字段结合起来,采取的方法就是,用select case 语句分别设置字段和索引相符合。'通过索引选择条件,将条件与表中的字段对应
For intindex = 0 To 2
Select Case cbofields(intindex).Text
Case "卡号"
strFields(intindex) ="cardno"
Case "学号"
strFields(intindex) ="studentno"
Case "姓名"
strFields(intindex) ="studentname"
Case "性别"
strFields(intindex) ="sex"
Case "系别"
strFields(intindex) ="department"
Case "年级"
strFields(intindex) ="grade"
Case "班号"
strFields(intindex) ="class"
End Select
Next intindex
For intindex = 0 To 1
Select Case cboRelation(intindex).Text
Case "与"
strRelation(intindex) ="and"
Case "或"
strRelation(intindex) ="or"
End Select
Next intindex
对于组合查询,只要明白程序如何运行,如何进行的对条件的查询,编写代码很容易,易错点就是在strSQL=”select * from 表 where 条件”中的条件如何编写,细节的符号等。