Spring下使用Hibenrate annotation

xml 代码
  1. <bean id="sessionFactory"  
  2.     class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean">  
  3.     <property name="configurationClass">  
  4.         <value>org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration</value>  
  5.     </property>  
  6.     <property name="configLocation">  
  7.         <value>classpath:hibernate.cfg.xml</value>  
  8.     </property>  
  9. </bean>  


LocalSessionFactoryBean 中的原码注解:


private Class configurationClass = Configuration.class;

  * Specify the Hibernate Configuration class to use.
  * Default is "org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration"; any subclass of
  * this default Hibernate Configuration class can be specified.

Can be set to "org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration" for
  * using Hibernate3 annotation support (initially only available as
  * alpha download separate from the main Hibernate3 distribution).

Annotated packages and annotated classes can be specified via the
  * corresponding tags in "hibernate.cfg.xml" then, so this will usually
  * be combined with a "configLocation" property that points at such a
  * standard Hibernate configuration file.
  * @see #setConfigLocation
  * @see org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration
  * @see org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration
 public void setConfigurationClass(Class configurationClass) {
  if (configurationClass == null || !Configuration.class.isAssignableFrom(configurationClass)) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(
     "configurationClass must be assignable to [org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration]");
  this.configurationClass = configurationClass;
