Intel Threading BuildingBlocks(Intel TBB)介绍

Intel Threading BuildingBlocksIntel TBB)是一个使用ISO C++代码实现的多平台、可扩展并行编程库。下边首先给出一个免费版本的TBB下载链接:打开链接

(1)what's  Intel Threading BuildingBlocksIntel TBB)?

         The Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) library provides software developers with a solution for enabling parallelism in C++ applications and libraries. The well-known advantage of the Intel TBB library is that it makes parallel performance and scalability easily accessible to software developers writing loop- and task-based applications. The library includes a number of generic parallel algorithms, concurrent containers, support for dependency and data flow graphs, thread local storage, a work-stealing task scheduler for task based programming, synchronization primitives, a scalable memory allocator and more. 


Intel Threading BuildingBlocks(Intel TBB)介绍_第1张图片


  • 通用并行算法  TBB提供了parallel_forparallel_whileparallel_reduce等算法,应用于不同的并行算法场景
  • 并发容器   这是对常见容器的线程安全版本的实现,同时考虑到性能要求,提供了细粒度的锁机制,TBB2.0里提供的容器包括hash mapvectorqueue
  • 任务调度器:提供了task机制的封装
  • 同步原语:提供了原子操作、mutexlock等同步原语的封装
  • 内存分配:提供了对cache机制更友好的支持
更多详细资料参见:TBB 学习链接
