1. 新增单例类ActionManager:
2. 修改单例类GameSceneController:
1) 添加了私有变量moving和message(用来显示输赢信息)
2) 添加接口IQueryGameStatus,实现moving和message的查询和设置。
3) 去掉了枚举变量state(由moving和message替代)
3. 修改GenGameObject:
1) 修改枚举依赖
2) 修改输赢提示方式为设置message
3) 修改动作实现方式为ActionManage,不在Update中实现。
4. 修改UserInterface:
1) 修改枚举依赖,通过IQueryGameStatus查询
2) 修改输赢提示方式为显示message
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using Com.Mygame; namespace Com.Mygame { //-------------------------SceneController-------------------------------// public interface IUserActions { void priestSOnB(); void priestEOnB(); void devilSOnB(); void devilEOnB(); void moveBoat(); void offBoatL(); void offBoatR(); void restart(); } public interface IQueryGameStatus { bool isMoving(); void setMoving(bool state); string isMessage(); void setMessage(string message); } public class GameSceneController: System.Object, IUserActions, IQueryGameStatus { private static GameSceneController _instance; private BaseCode _base_code; private GenGameObject _gen_game_obj; private bool moving = false; private string message = ""; public static GameSceneController GetInstance() { if (null == _instance) { _instance = new GameSceneController(); } return _instance; } // registration public BaseCode getBaseCode() { return _base_code; } internal void setBaseCode(BaseCode bc) { if (null == _base_code) { _base_code = bc; } } public GenGameObject getGenGameObject() { return _gen_game_obj; } internal void setGenGameObject(GenGameObject ggo) { if (null == _gen_game_obj) { _gen_game_obj = ggo; } } // IQueryGameStatus public bool isMoving() { return moving; } public void setMoving(bool state) { this.moving = state; } public string isMessage() { return message; } public void setMessage(string message) { this.message = message; } // IUserActions public void priestSOnB() { _gen_game_obj.priestStartOnBoat(); } public void priestEOnB() { _gen_game_obj.priestEndOnBoat(); } public void devilSOnB() { _gen_game_obj.devilStartOnBoat(); } public void devilEOnB() { _gen_game_obj.devilEndOnBoat(); } public void moveBoat() { _gen_game_obj.moveBoat(); } public void offBoatL() { _gen_game_obj.getOffTheBoat(0); } public void offBoatR() { _gen_game_obj.getOffTheBoat(1); } public void restart() { moving = false; message = ""; Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevelName); } } //----------------------------ActionManager-------------------------------// public interface IU3dActionCompleted { void OnActionCompleted (U3dAction action); } public class ActionManager :System.Object { private static ActionManager _instance; public static ActionManager GetInstance(){ if (_instance == null) { _instance = new ActionManager(); } return _instance; } // ApplyMoveToAction public U3dAction ApplyMoveToAction(GameObject obj, Vector3 target, float speed, IU3dActionCompleted completed){ MoveToAction ac = obj.AddComponent <MoveToAction> (); ac.setting (target, speed, completed); return ac; } public U3dAction ApplyMoveToAction(GameObject obj, Vector3 target, float speed) { return ApplyMoveToAction (obj, target, speed, null); } // ApplyMoveToYZAction public U3dAction ApplyMoveToYZAction(GameObject obj, Vector3 target, float speed, IU3dActionCompleted completed){ MoveToYZAction ac = obj.AddComponent <MoveToYZAction> (); ac.setting (obj, target, speed, completed); return ac; } public U3dAction ApplyMoveToYZAction(GameObject obj, Vector3 target, float speed) { return ApplyMoveToYZAction (obj, target, speed, null); } } public class U3dActionException : System.Exception {} public class U3dAction : MonoBehaviour { public void Free() { Destroy(this); } } public class U3dActionAuto : U3dAction {} public class U3dActionMan : U3dAction {} public class MoveToAction : U3dActionAuto { public Vector3 target; public float speed; private IU3dActionCompleted monitor = null; public void setting(Vector3 target, float speed, IU3dActionCompleted monitor){ this.target = target; this.speed = speed; this.monitor = monitor; GameSceneController.GetInstance().setMoving(true); } void Update () { float step = speed * Time.deltaTime; transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, target, step); // Auto Destroy After Completed if (transform.position == target) { GameSceneController.GetInstance().setMoving(false); if (monitor != null) { monitor.OnActionCompleted(this); } Destroy(this); } } } /* MoveToYZAction is a combination of two MoveToAction(s) * It moves on a single shaft(Y or Z) each time */ public class MoveToYZAction : U3dActionAuto, IU3dActionCompleted { public GameObject obj; public Vector3 target; public float speed; private IU3dActionCompleted monitor = null; public void setting(GameObject obj, Vector3 target, float speed, IU3dActionCompleted monitor) { this.obj = obj; this.target = target; this.speed = speed; this.monitor = monitor; GameSceneController.GetInstance().setMoving(true); /* If obj is higher than target, move to target.z first, then move to target.y * If obj is lower than target, move to target.y first, then move to target.z * The turn is implemented through callback function */ if (target.y < obj.transform.position.y) { Vector3 targetZ = new Vector3(target.x, obj.transform.position.y, target.z); ActionManager.GetInstance().ApplyMoveToAction(obj, targetZ, speed, this); } else { Vector3 targetY = new Vector3(target.x, target.y, obj.transform.position.z); ActionManager.GetInstance().ApplyMoveToAction(obj, targetY, speed, this); } } // Implement the turn public void OnActionCompleted (U3dAction action) { // Note not calling this callback again! ActionManager.GetInstance().ApplyMoveToAction(obj, target, speed, null); } void Update() { // Auto Destroy After Completed if (obj.transform.position == target) { GameSceneController.GetInstance().setMoving(false); if (monitor != null) { monitor.OnActionCompleted(this); } Destroy(this); } } } } public class BaseCode : MonoBehaviour { public string gameName; public string gameRule; void Start () { GameSceneController my = GameSceneController.GetInstance(); my.setBaseCode(this); gameName = "Priests and Devils"; gameRule = "Priests and Devils is a puzzle game in which you will help the Priests and Devils to cross the river within the time limit. There are 3 priests and 3 devils at one side of the river. They all want to get to the other side of this river, but there is only one boat and this boat can only carry two persons each time. And there must be one person steering the boat from one side to the other side. In the flash game, you can click on them to move them and click the go button to move the boat to the other direction. If the priests are out numbered by the devils on either side of the river, they get killed and the game is over. You can try it in many ways. Keep all priests alive! Good luck! Sphere -- Priest Cube -- Devil"; } }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Com.Mygame; public class GenGameObject : MonoBehaviour { Stack<GameObject> priests_start = new Stack<GameObject>(); Stack<GameObject> priests_end = new Stack<GameObject>(); Stack<GameObject> devils_start = new Stack<GameObject>(); Stack<GameObject> devils_end = new Stack<GameObject>(); GameObject[] boat = new GameObject[2]; GameObject boat_obj; int side = 1; // side records where boat docks public float speed = 5f; Vector3 shoreStartPos = new Vector3(0, 0, -12); Vector3 shoreEndPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 12); Vector3 boatStartPos = new Vector3(0, 0, -4); Vector3 boatEndPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 4); Vector3 leftBoatPos = new Vector3(0, 1.2f, -1.2f); Vector3 rightBoatPos = new Vector3(0, 1.2f, 1.2f); float gap = 1.5f; Vector3 priestStartPos = new Vector3(0, 2.7f, -11f); Vector3 priestEndPos = new Vector3(0, 2.7f, 8f); Vector3 devilStartPos = new Vector3(0, 2.7f, -16f); Vector3 devilEndPos = new Vector3(0, 2.7f, 13f); void Start () { GameSceneController.GetInstance().setGenGameObject(this); loadSrc(); } void loadSrc() { // shore Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Shore"), shoreStartPos, Quaternion.identity); Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Shore"), shoreEndPos, Quaternion.identity); // boat boat_obj = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Boat"), boatStartPos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; // priests & devils for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { GameObject priest = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Priest")) as GameObject; priest.transform.position = getCharacterPosition(priestStartPos, i); priest.tag = "Priest"; priests_start.Push(priest); GameObject devil = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Devil")) as GameObject; devil.transform.position = getCharacterPosition(devilStartPos, i); devil.tag = "Devil"; devils_start.Push(devil); } // light Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Light")); } int boatCapacity() { int capacity = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (boat[i] == null) capacity++; } return capacity; } void getOnTheBoat(GameObject obj) { if (boatCapacity() != 0) { obj.transform.parent = boat_obj.transform; Vector3 target = new Vector3(); if (boat[0] == null) { boat[0] = obj; target = boat_obj.transform.position + leftBoatPos; } else { boat[1] = obj; target = boat_obj.transform.position + rightBoatPos; } ActionManager.GetInstance().ApplyMoveToYZAction(obj, target, speed); } } public void moveBoat() { if (boatCapacity() != 2) { if (side == 1) { ActionManager.GetInstance().ApplyMoveToAction(boat_obj, boatEndPos, speed); side = 2; } else if (side == 2) { ActionManager.GetInstance().ApplyMoveToAction(boat_obj, boatStartPos, speed); side = 1; } } } public void getOffTheBoat(int bside) { if (boat[bside] != null) { boat[bside].transform.parent = null; Vector3 target = new Vector3(); if (side == 1) { if (boat[bside].tag == "Priest") { priests_start.Push(boat[bside]); target = getCharacterPosition(priestStartPos, priests_start.Count - 1); } else if (boat[bside].tag == "Devil") { devils_start.Push(boat[bside]); target = getCharacterPosition(devilStartPos, devils_start.Count - 1); } } else if (side == 2) { if (boat[bside].tag == "Priest") { priests_end.Push(boat[bside]); target = getCharacterPosition(priestEndPos, priests_end.Count - 1); } else if (boat[bside].tag == "Devil") { devils_end.Push(boat[bside]); target = getCharacterPosition(devilEndPos, devils_end.Count - 1); } } ActionManager.GetInstance().ApplyMoveToYZAction(boat[bside], target, speed); boat[bside] = null; } } public void priestStartOnBoat() { if (priests_start.Count != 0 && boatCapacity() != 0 && side == 1) getOnTheBoat(priests_start.Pop()); } public void priestEndOnBoat() { if (priests_end.Count != 0 && boatCapacity() != 0 && side == 2) getOnTheBoat(priests_end.Pop()); } public void devilStartOnBoat() { if (devils_start.Count != 0 && boatCapacity() != 0 && side == 1) getOnTheBoat(devils_start.Pop()); } public void devilEndOnBoat() { if (devils_end.Count != 0 && boatCapacity() != 0 && side == 2) getOnTheBoat(devils_end.Pop()); } Vector3 getCharacterPosition(Vector3 pos, int index) { return new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + gap*index); } void check() { GameSceneController scene = GameSceneController.GetInstance(); int pOnb = 0, dOnb = 0; int priests_s = 0, devils_s = 0, priests_e = 0, devils_e = 0; if (priests_end.Count == 3 && devils_end.Count == 3) { scene.setMessage("Win!"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (boat[i] != null && boat[i].tag == "Priest") pOnb++; else if (boat[i] != null && boat[i].tag == "Devil") dOnb++; } if (side == 1) { priests_s = priests_start.Count + pOnb; devils_s = devils_start.Count + dOnb; priests_e = priests_end.Count; devils_e = devils_end.Count; } else if (side == 2) { priests_s = priests_start.Count; devils_s = devils_start.Count; priests_e = priests_end.Count + pOnb; devils_e = devils_end.Count + dOnb; } if ((priests_s != 0 && priests_s < devils_s) || (priests_e != 0 && priests_e < devils_e)) { scene.setMessage("Lose!"); } } void Update() { check(); } }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using Com.Mygame; public class UserInterface : MonoBehaviour { GameSceneController scene; IQueryGameStatus state; IUserActions action; float width, height; float castw(float scale) { return (Screen.width - width) / scale; } float casth(float scale) { return (Screen.height - height) / scale; } void Start() { scene = GameSceneController.GetInstance(); state = GameSceneController.GetInstance() as IQueryGameStatus; action = GameSceneController.GetInstance() as IUserActions; } void OnGUI() { width = Screen.width / 12; height = Screen.height / 12; string message = state.isMessage(); if (message != "") { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(2f), casth(6f), width, height), message)) { action.restart(); } } else { if (GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(10, 10, 120, 20), scene.getBaseCode().gameName)) { GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10, 40, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height/2), scene.getBaseCode().gameRule); } else if (!state.isMoving()) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(2f), casth(6f), width, height), "Go")) { action.moveBoat(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(10.5f), casth(4f), width, height), "On")) { action.devilSOnB(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(4.3f), casth(4f), width, height), "On")) { action.priestSOnB(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(1.1f), casth(4f), width, height), "On")) { action.devilEOnB(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(1.3f), casth(4f), width, height), "On")) { action.priestEOnB(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(2.5f), casth(1.3f), width, height), "Off")) { action.offBoatL(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(1.7f), casth(1.3f), width, height), "Off")) { action.offBoatR(); } } } } }