POJ_3664 Election Time

Election Time
Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 6174   Accepted: 3340


The cows are having their first election after overthrowing the tyrannical Farmer John, and Bessie is one ofN cows (1 ≤N ≤ 50,000) running for President. Before the election actually happens, however, Bessie wants to determine who has the best chance of winning.

The election consists of two rounds. In the first round, the K cows (1 ≤KN) cows with the most votes advance to the second round. In the second round, the cow with the most votes becomes President.

Given that cow i expects to get Ai votes (1 ≤ Ai ≤ 1,000,000,000) in the first round and Bi votes (1 ≤Bi ≤ 1,000,000,000) in the second round (if he or she makes it), determine which cow is expected to win the election. Happily for you, no vote count appears twice in theAi list; likewise, no vote count appears twice in theBi list.


* Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and K
* Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 contains two space-separated integers: Ai andBi


* Line 1: The index of the cow that is expected to win the election.

Sample Input

5 3
3 10
9 2
5 6
8 4
6 5

Sample Output




#define FIRST 1
#define SECOND 2
#define SIZE 50005
using namespace std;

void swap(long &a, long &b)
	long tmp;
	tmp = a;
	a = b;
	b = tmp;

long partition(long (&cows)[SIZE][3], long l, long r, int z)
	long x,i,j,k;
	x = cows[r][z];
	i = l - 1;
	for(j = l; j <= r - 1; j++)
		if(cows[j][z] >= x)
			for(k = 0; k <= 2; k++)
	for(k = 0; k <= 2; k++)
		swap(cows[i + 1][k],cows[r][k]);
	return i + 1;

void qsort(long (&cows)[SIZE][3], long l, long r, int z)
	long q;
	if(l < r)
		q = partition(cows, l, r, z);
		qsort(cows, l, q - 1, z);
		qsort(cows, q + 1, r, z);

int main()
	long cows[SIZE][3]; //number first second 
	long n,k,i;
	cin >> n >> k;
	for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
		cows[i][0]= i;
		cin >> cows[i][1] >> cows[i][2];
	cout << cows[1][0] << endl;
	return 0;
