static void icvHoughLinesStandard( const CvMat* img, float rho, float theta, int threshold, CvSeq *lines, int linesMax ) { cv::AutoBuffer<int> _accum, _sort_buf; cv::AutoBuffer<float> _tabSin, _tabCos; const uchar* image; int step, width, height; int numangle, numrho; int total = 0; float ang; int r, n; int i, j; float irho = 1 / rho; double scale; CV_Assert( CV_IS_MAT(img) && CV_MAT_TYPE(img->type) == CV_8UC1 ); image = img->data.ptr; step = img->step; width = img->cols; height = img->rows; numangle = cvRound(CV_PI / theta); // 霍夫空间,角度方向的大小 numrho = cvRound(((width + height) * 2 + 1) / rho); // r的空间范围 _accum.allocate((numangle+2) * (numrho+2)); _sort_buf.allocate(numangle * numrho); _tabSin.allocate(numangle); _tabCos.allocate(numangle); int *accum = _accum, *sort_buf = _sort_buf; float *tabSin = _tabSin, *tabCos = _tabCos; memset( accum, 0, sizeof(accum[0]) * (numangle+2) * (numrho+2) ); for( ang = 0, n = 0; n < numangle; ang += theta, n++ ) // 计算正弦曲线的准备工作,查表 { tabSin[n] = (float)(sin(ang) * irho); tabCos[n] = (float)(cos(ang) * irho); } // stage 1. fill accumulator for( i = 0; i < height; i++ ) for( j = 0; j < width; j++ ) { if( image[i * step + j] != 0 ) // 将每个非零点,转换为霍夫空间的离散正弦曲线,并统计。 for( n = 0; n < numangle; n++ ) { r = cvRound( j * tabCos[n] + i * tabSin[n] ); r += (numrho - 1) / 2; accum[(n+1) * (numrho+2) + r+1]++; } } // stage 2. find local maximums // 霍夫空间,局部最大点,采用四邻域判断,比较。(也可以使8邻域或者更大的方式), 如果不判断局部最大值,同时选用次大值与最大值,就可能会是两个相邻的直线,但实际上是一条直线。选用最大值,也是去除离散的近似计算带来的误差,或合并近似曲线。 for( r = 0; r < numrho; r++ ) for( n = 0; n < numangle; n++ ) { int base = (n+1) * (numrho+2) + r+1; if( accum[base] > threshold && accum[base] > accum[base - 1] && accum[base] >= accum[base + 1] && accum[base] > accum[base - numrho - 2] && accum[base] >= accum[base + numrho + 2] ) sort_buf[total++] = base; } // stage 3. sort the detected lines by accumulator value // 由点的个数排序,依次找出哪些最有可能是直线 icvHoughSortDescent32s( sort_buf, total, accum ); // stage 4. store the first min(total,linesMax) lines to the output buffer linesMax = MIN(linesMax, total); scale = 1./(numrho+2); for( i = 0; i < linesMax; i++ ) // 依据霍夫空间分辨率,计算直线的实际r,theta参数 { CvLinePolar line; int idx = sort_buf[i]; int n = cvFloor(idx*scale) - 1; int r = idx - (n+1)*(numrho+2) - 1; line.rho = (r - (numrho - 1)*0.5f) * rho; line.angle = n * theta; cvSeqPush( lines, &line ); } }