X = xcos(theta) + y sin(theta) Y = ycos(theta) – x sin(theta)逆时针计算方法是:
X= x cos(theta) – ysin(theta) Y = xsin(theta) + ycos(theta)而图像的坐标轴与平常所用的坐标轴不同。
X = xcos(theta) + y sin(theta) Y = y cos(theta) – x sin(theta)顺时针计算方法是:
X= x cos(theta) – ysin(theta) Y = xsin(theta) + ycos(theta)边界xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax的计算方法:
void bound(int x, int y, float ca, float sa, int *xmin, int *xmax, int *ymin, int *ymax) /* int x,y; float ca,sa; int *xmin,*xmax,*ymin,*ymax;*/ { int rx,ry; // 以左上角为中心逆时针旋转 rx = (int)floor(ca*(float)x+sa*(float)y); ry = (int)floor(-sa*(float)x+ca*(float)y); if (rx<*xmin) *xmin=rx; if (rx>*xmax) *xmax=rx; if (ry<*ymin) *ymin=ry; if (ry>*ymax) *ymax=ry; }计算出边界来之后,就可以用下式子计算出新图像的高度和宽度。
xmin = xmax = ymin = ymax = 0; bound(nx-1,0,ca,sa,&xmin,&xmax,&ymin,&ymax); bound(0,ny-1,ca,sa,&xmin,&xmax,&ymin,&ymax); bound(nx-1,ny-1,ca,sa,&xmin,&xmax,&ymin,&ymax); sx = xmax-xmin+1; sy = ymax-ymin+1;然后就可以利用cvWarpAffine( src, rotImage, &M,CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS,cvScalarAll(0) )进行旋转。其实,方法cvWarpAffine看起来的效果,貌似是按照图像左上角旋转,然后,平移矩阵a13,a23得到的。即:
xp = ca * x + sa * y - xtrans; yp = ca * y – sa * x - ytrans;M矩阵为:
m[0] = ca; m[1] = sa; m[2] =-(float)xmin; m[3] =-m[1]; m[4] = m[0]; m[5] =-(float)ymin;上文中提到的都是从原图计算旋转后新图的问题。怎样进行复原。首先,需要找出原图像的原点。此处就是原图像左上角的点,在新图像中的位置。旋转超过90°和不超过需要分开处理。
void compensate_affine_coor1(int *x0, int *y0, int w1, int h1, float t1, float t2, float Rtheta) { // 逆时针旋转时的复原 float x_ori, y_ori; float x_tmp, y_tmp; float x1 = *x0; float y1 = *y0; Rtheta = Rtheta*CV_PI/180; if ( Rtheta <= CV_PI/2 ) { x_ori = 0; y_ori = w1 * sin(Rtheta) / t1; } else { x_ori = -w1 * cos(Rtheta) / t2; y_ori = ( w1 * sin(Rtheta) + h1 * sin(Rtheta-CV_PI/2) ) / t1; } float sin_Rtheta = sin(Rtheta); float cos_Rtheta = cos(Rtheta); /* project the coordinates of im1 to original image before tilt-rotation transform */ /* Get the coordinates with respect to the 'origin' of the original image before transform */ x1 = x1 - x_ori; y1 = y1 - y_ori; /* Invert tilt */ x1 = x1 * t2; y1 = y1 * t1; /* Invert rotation (Note that the y direction (vertical) is inverse to the usual concention. Hence Rtheta instead of -Rtheta to inverse the rotation.) */ x_tmp = cos_Rtheta*x1 - sin_Rtheta*y1; y_tmp = sin_Rtheta*x1 + cos_Rtheta*y1; x1 = x_tmp+1; y1 = y_tmp+1; *x0 = x1; *y0 = y1; }旋转不超过90度时,
因此,O`的x_ori = 0; y_ori = w1 * sin(Rtheta) / t1;
x_ori = -w1 * cos(Rtheta) / t2; y_ori = ( w1 * sin(Rtheta) + h1 * sin(Rtheta-CV_PI/2) ) / t1;首先将所需要还原的坐标点平移,使之变为相对于O`点的坐标。然后,以O`点,即原来的O点按相反的方向旋转theta角度。注意,w1和h1是旋转前新图像的高宽,而不是旋转后新图像的高和宽。
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