[数据结构与算法分析] 单链表基本操作的实现


  这次尝试用所谓的"Google Style"写代码,习惯了缩进4空格的Windows风格后再改到缩进2空格,真的是有些不习惯。本来Google Style中,变量应该都是小写字母,但我实在不喜欢小写的L和P,变量命名仍就坚持自己的习惯——单字母变量大写,多字母小写。


  1,在几个函数中出现了类似while (P != NULL && P->Element != X) 这样子的代码,根据逻辑运算符的短路规则,如果P != NULL(链表末尾结点),就不会再检查后面的布尔表达式。

  2,原书使用  Position tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)) 这样的代码,但根据Google Style 建议,改为" malloc(sizeof(tmp))"有利于保持同步(鉴于tmp的数据类型有可能改变)。

  Code is here~



struct Node;
typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;
//  List and Position are pointers
typedef PtrToNode List;
typedef PtrToNode Position;

#define ElementType int//set the type of element as Integer

//  Functions:
List MakeEmpty(List L);
List InitialList();
int IsEmpty(List L);
int IsLast(Position P, List L);
Position Find(ElementType X, List L);
void Delete(ElementType X, List L);
Position FindPrevious(ElementType X, List L);
void Insert(ElementType X, List L, Position P);
void DeleteList(List L);
Position Header(List L);
Position First(List L);
Position Last(List L);
Position Advance(Position P);//not implemented yet
ElementType Retrive(Position P);//not implemented yet
void PrintElement(Position P);
void PrintList(List L);
int SizeOfList(List L);
int FindIndex(ElementType X, List L);
int InsertAsTail(ElementType X, List L);
int InsertAsHead(ElementType X, List L);




#include "LinkList.h"

struct Node {
  ElementType Element;
  Position Next;

List MakeEmpty(List L) {
  //used for initialization
  Position P = Header(L);
  P->Next = NULL;
  P->Element = 0;
List InitialList() {//return a new List (header)

  List tmp;
  tmp = malloc(sizeof(tmp));//standard malloc way for "tmp"
  tmp->Next = NULL;
  //  tmp = MakeEmpty(tmp);
  return tmp;
int IsEmpty(List L) {//Return true if L is empty
  return L->Next == NULL;
int IsLast(Position P, List L) {//Return true if P is the last position of the list L
  return P->Next == NULL;
Position Header(List L) {
  Position P = L;
Position First(List L) {
  Position P = L->Next;
Position Last(List L) {
  Position P = Header(L);
  while (!IsLast(P,L)) {
    P = P->Next;
  return P;
Position Find(ElementType X, List L) {
//  Return Position of X in L;NULL if not found;
  Position P = L->Next;
  while (P != NULL && P->Element != X)
    //  You should first know if P is NULL, here we use shortcut "&&"
    P = P->Next;
  return P;
int FindIndex(ElementType X, List L) {
  //Return Index of X in L;-1 if not found;Index starts from 1(not 0).
  int index = 1;
  Position P = L->Next;
  while (P != NULL && P->Element != X) {
    //  You should first know if P is NULL, here we use shortcut "&&"
    P = P->Next;
  return index; //header node is not counted in index
void Delete(ElementType X, List L) {//Delete the first occurrence of X in List L
  Position P,tmp;
  P = FindPrevious(X,L);
  if (!IsLast(P,L)) {
    tmp = P->Next;  //Now "tmp" is just which node you want to "delete" here
    P->Next = tmp->Next;
    free(tmp);  //the data at address tmp is meaningless after free it
Position FindPrevious(ElementType X, List L) {
  //If X is not found, then Next Field of Returned Position is NULL
  Position P = L;
  while(P->Next != NULL && P->Next->Element != X)
    P = P->Next;
  return P; //If X not found in this List, P is the last node, P->Next is NULL
void Insert(ElementType X, List L, Position P) {//Insert After Position P
  Position tmp = malloc(sizeof(tmp));
  if (tmp == NULL) {
    printf("Out of space!");  //  TODO(AllZY): Use a variable to indicate the state.
  } else {
    tmp->Element = X;
    tmp->Next = P->Next;
    P->Next = tmp;  //tmp should never be "NULL" when this line executed
int InsertAsTail(ElementType X, List L) {
//  return index if inserted successfully, otherwise return -1
//  Insert it after the last ele.
  Position Tail = Last(L);
  Position tmp = malloc(sizeof(tmp));
  if (tmp == NULL) {
    return -1;
  } else {
    tmp->Element = X;
    tmp->Next = Tail->Next;
    Tail->Next = tmp;
  } //Is this what they called "google style"? I think it's a bit odd...
int InsertAsHead(ElementType X, List L) {
//  return index if inserted successfully, otherwise return -1
//  Insert it before the first ele.
  Position Head = Header(L);
  Position tmp = malloc(sizeof(tmp));
  if (tmp == NULL) {
    return -1;
  } else {
    tmp->Element = X;
    tmp->Next = Head->Next;
    Head->Next = tmp;
void DeleteList(List L) {
  Position P,tmp;
  P = L->Next;
  L->Next = NULL;
  while (P != NULL) {
    tmp = P->Next;
    P = tmp;
  //an unreliable version, not recommended
    P = P->Next;
void PrintElement(Position P) {//Print one Element
  ElementType e = P->Element;
  printf("%d ",e);
void PrintList(List L) {//Print all elements in the List
  Position P = First(L);
  while (P != NULL) {
    P = P->Next;
int SizeOfList(List L) {
  int count = 0;
  Position P = First(L);
  while (P != NULL) {
    P = P->Next;
  return count;

int main()
//  List L = malloc(sizeof (List));
//  MakeEmpty(L);
  List L = InitialList();
  Position P = Header(L);
  int i;
  for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
  for ( ; i <= 20; i++) {

  printf("\nSize of list is %d",SizeOfList(L));
  Position p10 = Find(10,L);
  printf("\nThe element in the Position of value \"10\" is %d\n",p10->Element);
  printf("The index of Element 11 is %d\n",FindIndex(11,L));

  return 0;









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