#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <malloc.h> #define MAX_VEX_NUM 20 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define OK 1 #define FAIL 0 int visited[MAX_VEX_NUM]; typedef int status; typedef int q_elemtype; /* 邻接表的数据结构 */ enum GraphyKind { DG, DN, UDG, UDN }; struct ArcNode { int adjvex_no; void *arcinfo; struct ArcNode *nextarc; }; struct VNode { char data[3]; struct ArcNode * firstarc; }; struct ALGraphy { int vexnum; int arcnum; enum GraphyKind kind; struct VNode *HeadNode; }; /* 链队列的数据结构 */ struct QNode { q_elemtype data; struct QNode *next; }; struct linked_queue { struct QNode *front; struct QNode *rear; }; status init_queue(struct linked_queue *Q) { (*Q).front = (*Q).rear = NULL; return OK; } int queue_empty(struct linked_queue Q) { if (!Q.rear && !Q.front) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } status enqueue(struct linked_queue *Q, q_elemtype elem) { struct QNode *p; p = (struct QNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct QNode)); if (!p) { return FAIL; } p->data = elem; p->next = NULL; if (queue_empty(*Q)) { (*Q).front = (*Q).rear = p; } else { (*Q).rear->next = p; (*Q).rear = p; } return OK; } status dequeue(struct linked_queue *Q, q_elemtype *elem) { struct QNode *p; if (queue_empty(*Q)) { return FAIL; } else { p = (*Q).front; (*elem) = p->data; (*Q).front = p->next; if (!p->next) { (*Q).rear = NULL; } free(p); return OK; } } int get_first_adjvex(struct ALGraphy G, int vex_no) { if (G.HeadNode[vex_no].firstarc) { return G.HeadNode[vex_no].firstarc->adjvex_no; } return -1; } int get_next_adjvex(struct ALGraphy G, int vex_no, int w) { struct ArcNode *p; p = G.HeadNode[vex_no].firstarc; while (p && p->adjvex_no != w) { p = p->nextarc; } if (p && p->nextarc) { return p->nextarc->adjvex_no; } else { return -1; } } void visit(struct ALGraphy G, int vex_no) { printf("visit %s\n", G.HeadNode[vex_no].data); } void DFS(struct ALGraphy G, int vex_no) { int i; visited[vex_no] = TRUE; visit(G, vex_no); for (i = get_first_adjvex(G, vex_no); i != -1; i = get_next_adjvex(G, vex_no, i)) { if (!visited[i]) { DFS(G, i); } } } void DFS_traverse(struct ALGraphy G) { int i; for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++) { visited[i] = FALSE; } i = 0; /* !不要误解这个for循环,这个只是针对非连通图而设置,对于连通图,只须DFS(G,0)即可 */ //for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++) //{ // if (!visited[i]) // { DFS(G, i); // } //} } void BFS_traverse(struct ALGraphy G) { int i; q_elemtype vex_no = 0; struct linked_queue Q; for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++) { visited[i] = FALSE; } init_queue(&Q); /* !这里没有考虑非连通图的情况,反而便于读者理解,理解了后就很容易去理解非连通图的处理了 */ visited[vex_no] = TRUE; visit(G, vex_no); enqueue(&Q, vex_no); while (!queue_empty(Q)) { dequeue(&Q, &vex_no); for (i = get_first_adjvex(G, vex_no); i != -1; i = get_next_adjvex(G, vex_no, i)) { if (!visited[i]) { visited[i] = TRUE; visit(G, i); enqueue(&Q, i); } } } } status create_graphy(struct ALGraphy *G) { int i; int v; struct ArcNode *pArcNode; char name[3] = {0}; printf("please input vexnum:"); scanf("%d", &(*G).vexnum); printf("please input graphy kind:(0(DG),1(DN),2(UDG),3(UDN):"); scanf("%d", &(*G).kind); (*G).arcnum = 0; (*G).HeadNode = (struct VNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct VNode) * (*G).vexnum); if (!(*G).HeadNode) { printf("%s: malloc failed\n", __FUNCTION__); return FAIL; } for (i = 0; i < (*G).vexnum; i++) { sprintf(name, "v%d", i); strcpy((*G).HeadNode[i].data, name); printf("data:%s\n",(*G).HeadNode[i].data); (*G).HeadNode[i].firstarc = NULL; printf("please input v%d's last adjvex(or input -1 to exit the loop):", i); scanf("%d", &v); while (v != -1) { pArcNode = (struct ArcNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct ArcNode)); if (!pArcNode) { printf("%s: malloc failed\n", __FUNCTION__); return FAIL; } (*G).arcnum++; pArcNode->adjvex_no = v; pArcNode->arcinfo = NULL; pArcNode->nextarc = (*G).HeadNode[i].firstarc; (*G).HeadNode[i].firstarc = pArcNode; printf("please input v%d's another front adjvex(or input -1 to exit the loop):", i); scanf("%d", &v); } } return OK; } void print_graphy(struct ALGraphy G) { int i; printf("vexnum:%3d\n", G.vexnum); printf("arcnum:%3d\n", G.arcnum); printf("kind: %3d\n", G.kind); for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++) //for循环老喜欢加;号阿,影响程序调试,罪过! { printf("Head data:%s\n", G.HeadNode[i].data); } //其余信息读者根据需要自己添加把,TODO } int main(void) { struct ALGraphy G; (void)create_graphy(&G); print_graphy(G); printf("Depth First Search:\n"); DFS_traverse(G); printf("Breadth First Search:\n"); BFS_traverse(G); return 0; }