
刚刚上完软件开发实践课,下课那会想到前几天在书上看到的一个C题目,想到了一个改进方法有可能提高算法的运行效率(时间上的效率), 于是打算留下来try一下,反正这会儿吃饭人也多......
#include  <stdio.h>
#include  <sys/time.h>

int main()
     int  p, q, r;            /* three digits             */
     int  number;
     int  count = 0;   
     struct timeval fun_start, fun_end;  
     long start = 0, end = 0;
     gettimeofday(&fun_start, NULL);
      start = fun_start.tv_usec;
     for (number = 100; number <= 999; number++) {
          p = number/100;      /* extract left most digit  */
          q = (number%100)/10; /* the middle digit         */
          r = number%10;       /* the right most one       */
          if (p*p*p+q*q*q+r*r*r == number) /* Armstrong # ?*/
    gettimeofday(&fun_end, NULL);  
    end = fun_end.tv_usec;
    printf("The numbers of 3-digit ArmStrong number is: /n", count);  
    printf("The time cast in ARMS1.C is:%d/n", (end - start));
    return 0;


#include  <stdio.h>
#include  <sys/time.h>

int main()
     int  p, q, r;            /* three digits             */
     int  p_cube, q_cube, r_cube; /* their cubes          */
     int  p100, q10;          /* their position values    */
     int  number;             /* the computed number      */
     int  cube_sum;           /* the sum of the cubes     */
     int  count = 0;          /* counter                  */ 
     struct timeval fun_start, fun_end; 
     long start = 0, end = 0;

     gettimeofday(&fun_start, NULL);  
     start = fun_start.tv_usec;
     for (p = 1, p100 = 100; p <= 9; p++, p100+=100) {
          p_cube = p*p*p;
          for (q = q10 = 0; q <= 9; q++, q10+=10) {
               q_cube = q*q*q;
               for (r = 0; r <= 9; r++) {
                    r_cube   = r*r*r;
                    number   = p100 + q10 + r;
                    cube_sum = p_cube + q_cube + r_cube;
                    if (number == cube_sum)
    gettimeofday(&fun_end, NULL);
    end = fun_end.tv_usec;
    printf("The numbers of 3-digit ArmStrong number is: %d/n", count);
    printf("The time cast in ARMS2.C is: %d/n", (end - start));
    return 0;


a[i] = a[i-1] + 3*(i -1)*i + 1;
通过减少乘法的次数 (貌似每有减少,但书上说这样要快些,大概是因为乘数的数字要小得多吧)
#include "stdio.h"
#include "sys/time.h"
int main(){ 
    struct timeval fun_start, fun_end;
 int a[10];
 int i, j, k, m, count = 0;
 long start = 0, end = 0;
 a[0] = 0;
 gettimeofday(&fun_start, NULL); 
 start = fun_start.tv_usec;
 for(i = 1; i < 10; i++){
  a[i] = a[i-1] + 3*(i -1)*i + 1;

 for(j = 1; j < 10; j++){
  for(k = 0; k < 10; k++){
   for(m = 0; m < 10; m++){
    if((j*100 + k*10 + m) == (a[j] + a[k] + a[m])){
 gettimeofday(&fun_end, NULL);
 end = fun_end.tv_usec;
 printf("The numbers of 3_digit ArmStrong number is: %d/n", count);
 printf("The time cast in ARMS.C is: %d/n", (end - start));
 return 0;

The numbers of 3_digit ArmStrong number is: 4
The time cast in ARMS.C is: 12
The numbers of 3-digit ArmStrong number is:
The time cast in ARMS1.C is:27
The numbers of 3-digit ArmStrong number is: 4
The time cast in ARMS2.C is: 14
The numbers of 3_digit ArmStrong number is: 4
The time cast in ARMS.C is: 13
The numbers of 3-digit ArmStrong number is:
The time cast in ARMS1.C is:27
The numbers of 3-digit ArmStrong number is: 4
The time cast in ARMS2.C is: 14
The numbers of 3_digit ArmStrong number is: 4
The time cast in ARMS.C is: 12
The numbers of 3-digit ArmStrong number is: 4
The time cast in ARMS1.C is:26
The numbers of 3-digit ArmStrong number is: 4
The time cast in ARMS2.C is: 16


