首先自然想一想暴力的方法,穷举就不用说了,这里我想到的暴力是先预处理字典中的单词,建立distance[i][j]数组保存那些字母变化为1的单词,即当distance[i][j] == true时单词i和单词j只有一个不同的字母,这样就能建立起一个二维矩阵(图),然后在这个图上进行深搜去查找最短的start->end的路径长度,同时也能存储下每次的变换路径。可这题要是这样就能水过那就未免太对不起它11%的过题率了,此方法显然效率太低,字典内的单词最高高达4000+,所以不出意外应该是TLE(亲测)。
直接深搜肯定是不行,注意到题目是要求最少的步数,那么很容易就能过渡到广搜的方法。单纯将上述算法改成广搜的话,那还远远不够,注意到单词长度都不是很长,而单词数目却非常多,那就要想办法避其锋芒,华丽丽滴优化就这么来了:广搜时,当要扩展某一节点时,直接枚举每一个位置的字母(从‘a’~‘z’),如果变化后的单词在字典中出现则将此单词入队继续广搜。这样一来就能解决问题1。这里同样的方法,我使用C++没过,但是用Java却过了,I wonder to know why.
public class Solution { public int bfs(String start, String end, Set<String> dict) { Queue <String> que = new LinkedList <String>(); while (!que.isEmpty())que.poll(); int sum = 1; que.add(start); que.add("\0"); Set<String> visited = new HashSet<String>(); visited.clear(); //visited.add(start); que.add(start); //for (it_i = dict.begin(); it_i != dict.end(); ++it_i)visited[(*it_i)] = true; int word_len = start.length(); //System.out.print(word_len); //visited[head.str] = true; //string str_tmp; while (!que.isEmpty()){ String tmp = que.poll(); if (tmp == "\0"){ sum ++; if (que.isEmpty()){ return 0; } else { if (tmp.equals(end))return sum+1; tmp=que.element(); que.add("\0"); } } //int jud = count_diff(tmp.str,end); //cout<<"cmp:"<<tmp.str<<' '<< end<<endl; //if (tmp.str==end) return tmp.sum+1; for (int i = 0; i < word_len; i ++){ char sav = tmp.charAt(i); //System.out.println("i:"+i+' '+sav); for (char j = 'a'; j <= 'z'; j ++){ tmp=tmp.substring(0, i)+j+tmp.substring(i+1); if (!visited.contains(tmp) && dict.contains(tmp)){// //System.out.println(tmp); if (tmp.equals(end))return sum+1; visited.add(tmp); que.add(tmp); } } tmp=tmp.substring(0, i)+sav+tmp.substring(i+1); } } return 0; } public int ladderLength(String start, String end, Set<String> dict) { //initalize the distance array to record the distance between each word in the alphabetic table if (start == end)return 1; dict.add(end); return bfs(start,end,dict); } }
public class Solution { HashMap<String,Integer> graph = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); List<List<String>> final_ans = new LinkedList<List<String>>(); List<String> path = new LinkedList<String>(); void bfs(int word_len, String start, String end, Set<String> dict){ Queue <String> que = new LinkedList <String>(); que.add(start); graph.put(start, 1); int deep = 1; while (!que.isEmpty()){ String head = que.poll(); if (head.equals(end)){ //graph.put(end, graph.get(head)+1); continue; } for (int i = 0; i < word_len; i ++){ for (char j = 'a'; j <= 'z'; j ++){ String tail = head.substring(0,i)+j+head.substring(i+1); if (dict.contains(tail)&&!graph.containsKey(tail)){ deep = graph.get(head); graph.put(tail, deep+1); que.add(tail); } } } } } void dfs(int word_len, String cur, String end, Set<String> dict, List<String> newPath){ if (cur.equals(end)){ newPath.add(end); Collections.reverse(newPath); // Iterator<String> it = newPath.iterator(); // System.out.println("path:"); // while (it.hasNext()){ // System.out.println(it.next()); // // } final_ans.add(newPath); return ; } newPath.add(cur); int next_deep = 0; if (graph.get(cur)!=null) next_deep = graph.get(cur); for (int i = 0; i < word_len; i ++){ for (char j = 'a'; j <= 'z'; j ++){ String next = cur.substring(0,i)+j+cur.substring(i+1); if (graph.get(next)!=null && graph.get(next) == next_deep-1){ List<String> newPathArray = new LinkedList<String>(newPath); dfs(word_len, next, end, dict, newPathArray); } } } } public List<List<String>> findLadders(String start, String end, Set<String> dict) { //dict.add(end); bfs(start.length(), start, end, dict); // Iterator it = graph.entrySet().iterator(); // while (it.hasNext()){ // Map.Entry entry=(Map.Entry) it.next(); // System.out.println(entry.getKey().toString()+" "+entry.getValue().toString()); // // } dfs(start.length(), end, start, dict, path); return final_ans; } }