在 面向对象设计里, 责任链模式是一种软件设计模式,它包含了一些命令对象和一系列的处理对象。每一个处理对象决定它能处理哪些命令对象,它也知道如何将它不能处理的命令对象传递给该链中的下一个处理对象。该模式还描述了往该处理链的末尾添加新的处理对象的方法。
以下的日志类(logging)例子演示了该模式。 每一个logging handler首先决定是否需要在该层做处理,然后将控制传递到下一个logging handler。程序的输出是:
Writing to debug output: Entering function y.
Writing to debug output: Step1 completed.
Sending via e-mail: Step1 completed.
Writing to debug output: An error has occurred.
Sending via e-mail: An error has occurred.
Writing to stderr: An error has occurred.
Also, note that in a 'pure' implementation of the CoR a logger would not pass responsibility further down the chain after handling a message. In this example a message will be passed down the chain whether it is handled or not.
import java.util.*;
abstract class Logger
public static int ERR = 3;
public static int NOTICE = 5;
public static int DEBUG = 7;
protected int mask;
// The next element in the chain of responsibility
protected Logger next;
public Logger setNext( Logger l)
next = l;
return this;
public void message( String msg, int priority )
if ( priority <= mask )
writeMessage( msg );
if ( next != null )
next.message( msg, priority );
abstract protected void writeMessage( String msg );
class StdoutLogger extends Logger
public StdoutLogger( int mask ) { this.mask = mask; }
protected void writeMessage( String msg )
System.out.println( "Writting to stdout: " + msg );
class EmailLogger extends Logger
public EmailLogger( int mask ) { this.mask = mask; }
protected void writeMessage( String msg )
System.out.println( "Sending via email: " + msg );
class StderrLogger extends Logger
public StderrLogger( int mask ) { this.mask = mask; }
protected void writeMessage( String msg )
System.out.println( "Sending to stderr: " + msg );
public class ChainOfResponsibilityExample
public static void main( String[] args )
// Build the chain of responsibility
Logger l = new StdoutLogger( Logger.DEBUG).setNext(
new EmailLogger( Logger.NOTICE ).setNext(
new StderrLogger( Logger.ERR ) ) );
// Handled by StdoutLogger
l.message( "Entering function y.", Logger.DEBUG );
// Handled by StdoutLogger and EmailLogger
l.message( "Step1 completed.", Logger.NOTICE );
// Handled by all three loggers
l.message( "An error has occurred.", Logger.ERR );
1. 整个结构就如同一个堆栈,除了Action以外,堆栈中的其他元素是Interceptor
2. Action位于堆栈的底部。由于堆栈"先进后出"的特性,如果我们试图把Action拿出来执行,我们必须首先把位于Action上端的Interceptor拿出来执行。这样,整个执行就形成了一个递归调用
3. 每个位于堆栈中的Interceptor,除了需要完成它自身的逻辑,还需要完成一个特殊的执行职责。这个执行职责有3种选择:
1) 中止整个执行,直接返回一个字符串作为resultCode
2) 通过递归调用负责调用堆栈中下一个Interceptor的执行
3) 如果在堆栈内已经不存在任何的Interceptor,调用Action