Image Enhancement
1. Histogram Equalization: Write a program for computing the histogram of the image (a) and implement the histogram equalization technique as we discussed in the class.
2. Remove the noise from the image (c).
3. Filtering in the Frequency Domain: Implement the Gaussian highpass filters on test image (e).
1. Don’t use any commercial tools such as matlab functions, Open CV or other library (except FFT functions). Please do it by c/c++, java or other languages.
2. Source codes and projects are required when you submit your report. Submitting names will be ‘Pro1_studentnumber_name.zip/rar’.
3. Each student should independently finish this work.
4. Deadline: 2016-04-20.
5. All test images can be downloaded from the QQ group.
汇报人:张常乐 学号:15S158746 班级:电子与通信工程
1.依据灰度直方图均衡化处理原理,我首先得到了原始图像的灰度直方图Fig.1(a),从图像中我们可以看到,图像灰度集中分布于灰度值较低的区域,表现在图像上Fig.2我们可以看出整幅图像颜色昏暗,对比度不高,为了解决这个问题,我们采用图像直方图均衡化的处理方法,分别计算出每个灰度出现的频率和概率,并利用离散积分函数:S_k=(L-1)/MN ∑_(j=0)^(k-1)▒n_j ,k=0,1,2,…,L-1(1)
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H(u,v)=1-e^(-(D^2 (u,v))/(2〖D_0〗^2 )) (2)
%Name:Histogram_Equalization %function:对直方图进行均衡化处理实现图像增强 %Author:Changle Zhang %Student ID:15S158746 clear all; close all; clc; %Initialization fig = imread('a.jpg'); %import the image subplot(121) plot(fig); title('(a)Gray distribution of image befort process'); [row,col] = size(fig); %Image size PixelsNum = row * col; %Number of Pixels freq = zeros(256,1); %record frequency of each gray level prob = zeros(256,1); %record probability of each gray level %calculate frequency and probability for i = 1:row for j= 1:col value = fig(i,j); freq(value+1) = freq(value+1) + 1; prob(value+1) = freq(value+1) / PixelsNum; end end cums = zeros(256,1); %record the cumulative distribution probc = zeros(256,1); %record the probability of each distribution output = zeros(256,1); %gray level after H_E counter = 0; graylevel = 255; %calculate cumulative distribution and output gray level for i = 1:size(prob) counter = counter + freq(i); cums(i) = counter; probc(i) = cums(i) / PixelsNum; output(i) = round(probc(i) * graylevel); end %HE process outputimage = uint8(zeros(row,col)); %Final image for i = 1:row for j = 1:col outputimage(i,j) = output(fig(i,j)+1); end end %outputing subplot(122) plot(outputimage); title('(b)Gray distribution of image after process'); figure imshow(fig); title('Image before histogram equalization'); figure imshow(outputimage); title('Image after histogram equalization');2.
%Name:Noise_Remove %function:利用3*3中值滤波模板去除含噪声图像中的椒盐噪声 %Author:Changle Zhang %Student ID:15S158746 clear all; close all; clc; %Initialization img=imread('c.jpg'); %Import image imshow(img); title('Image With Salt&pipe Noise'); [m n]=size(img); Nmax=3; %Max filtering Radius(Nmax must be odd) imgn=zeros(m+2*Nmax+1,n+2*Nmax+1); imgn(Nmax+1:m+Nmax,Nmax+1:n+Nmax)=img; imgn(1:Nmax,Nmax+1:n+Nmax)=img(1:Nmax,1:n); %Upper Expansion imgn(1:m+Nmax,n+Nmax+1:n+2*Nmax+1)=imgn(1:m+Nmax,n:n+Nmax); %Right Expansion imgn(m+Nmax+1:m+2*Nmax+1,Nmax+1:n+2*Nmax+1)=imgn(m:m+Nmax,Nmax+1:n+2*Nmax+1); %Lower Expansion imgn(1:m+2*Nmax+1,1:Nmax)=imgn(1:m+2*Nmax+1,Nmax+1:2*Nmax); %Left Expansion [height, width]=size(imgn); %Size of Expansived Image x1=double(imgn); x2=x1; for i=1:height-Nmax+1 for j=1:height-Nmax+1 c=x1(i:i+(Nmax-1),j:j+(Nmax-1)); %get the initial filtering point e=c(1,:); %first row of matrix 'c' for u=2:Nmax e=[e,c(u,:)]; %make 'c' a row vector 'e' end n1=Nmax*Nmax; %Number of pixel in model for l=1:n1-1 %Sort the row vector for q=1:n1-1 if e(q)>e(q+1) c1 = e(q); e(q) = e(q+1); e(q+1) = c1; end end end mm = e((n1+1)/2); %mm is the median number x2(i+(Nmax-1)/2,j+(Nmax-1)/2)=mm; %assignment median value for the center point end end %keep the unassignment points d=uint8(x2); figure; imshow(d(Nmax+1:m+Nmax,Nmax+1:n+Nmax),[]); title('Image After Noise Removement');3.
%Name:Gaussian_Highpass_Filtering %function:利用高斯高通滤波器锐化图像 %Author:Changle Zhang %Student ID:15S158746 clear all; close all; clc; %Initialization img=imread('e.tif'); %Import image imshow(img); title('Image Before Sharpen'); [m n]=size(img); %Get the image size m*n %Generate normalization uniformly-spaced point in frequency domain for i= 1:m if mod(n,2)==0 %n is even f1(i,:)=[-n+1:2:n-1]./(n-1); f2(:,i)=f1(i,:)'; else %n is odd f1(i,:)=[-n:2:n-2]./(n-1); f2(:,i)=f1(i,:)'; end end D = 0.2; %Gaussian end frequency r = f1.^2+f2.^2; %Filerting radius %Generate filering transformation H for i =1:m for j = 1:n t=r(i,j)/(D*D); Hd(i,j)=1-exp(-t); end end X=fftshift(fft2(double(img))); %FFT Y=X.*Hd; %Apply high-pass filtering output=real(ifft2(ifftshift(Y))); %Ifft and get the real part figure; imshow(output,[]); title('Image After High-Pass filtering');