window; columnLayout; text -label "My text"; button -label "I'm a button"; checkBox -label "Check Box"; radioCollection; radioButton -label "start"; radioButton -label "stop"; floatField -value 3.41; textField -text "Hello"; showWindow;
global proc Create_sphere() { sphere -name "MySphere"; } window; columnLayout; button -label "My Sphere" -command "Create_sphere()"; showWindow;
window; columnLayout -columnWidth 150; button; button; showWindow;
$my_confirm = `confirmDialog -title "Confirm" -message "Yes or No" -button "YES" -button "NO" -defaultButton "YES" -cancelButton "NO" -dismissString "NO"`; if ($my_confirm == "YES"){ print "User has picked YES\n"; } else if ($my_confirm == "NO"){ print "User has picked NO\n"; }
string $text; string $my_prompt = `promptDialog -title "Rename An Entity" -message "Enter Name:" -button "OK" -button "Cancel" -defaultButton "OK" -cancelButton "Cancel" -dismissString "Cancel"`; //get new name of entity if ($my_prompt == "OK") { $text = `promptDialog -query -text`; print ("New name for Entity: " + $text + "\n"); } else if ($my_prompt == "Cancel") { print ("OK, fine don't rename....\n"); }
window intFieldTestWin; columnLayout; intField intergerField; showWindow intFieldTestWin; //then declare an interger variable to store your value int $intStorage; //now, type an interger in the window. //Then, use the infField query mode to query the value of the window into //the variable. You use the single quote (``) signs for this. $intStorage = `intField -q -v intergerField`; print $intStorage; // To do it the other way around, meaning to put the value of a variable into the field // itself, you can try this. // Declare a variable with a value. int $intStorage = 20; // Then use the intField edit mode to input the variable as the arguement // for the window. intField -e -v $intStorage intergerField; // Basically, most UI controls share the same creation/edit/query syntax.
window -t "test"; gridLayout -numberOfColumns 3 -cellWidthHeight 100 30 -w 300 -h 50; text -label "个数:"; intField -min 1 -max 10 number; button -label "生成" -c "test"; showWindow; proc test() { global string $intFieldName = ""; int $value; $value = `intField -query -value number`; print($value); int $i = 0; for($i=1;$i<=$value;++$i) { polyCylinder -r 1 -h 2 -sx 20 -sy 1 -sz 1 -ax 0 1 0 -rcp 0 -cuv 3 -ch 1; polyCylinder -r 1 -h 2 -sx 20 -sy 1 -sz 1 -ax 0 1 0 -rcp 0 -cuv 3 -ch 1; move -r 0 1.40901 0 ; //scale -r 0.487535 0.487535 0.487535 ; $randx = rand(0.2,2); $randy = rand(0.2,2); $randz = rand(0.2,2); scale -r $randx $randy $randz; select -r ("pCylinder"+ ($i*2-1)) ("pCylinder"+$i*2) ; move -r ($i*3) 0 0 ; } }