对于已root过的手机,我们可以在/system/media下找到bootanimation.zip文件,解压后 文件内容如下
文件夹名称 intro mobility可自定义,但是必须与desc.txt中的一致,而且desc.txt是不允许重命名的。
# 320 wide, 320 tall 15 frames per second
320 320 15
# p means we're defining a part
# first number is repeat count, 0 means infinite
# second number is delay in frames before performing the next part
# so if you are playing 15 frames a second 15 would be... one second
# string defines the directory to load files from
# files will be loaded in order but names don't matter
# s defines a sound for a part
# sounds will be loaded from /system/media
# oggs with loop points will loop automatically
# only one sound will play at a time
# timing is driven by the part, not the sounds
# if you want no sound, leave blank
# intro
p 1 15 intro
# mobility
p 1 0 mobility
# carrier
#p 0 0 TEST
#s att_power_opt.ogg
2.使用winRar,将上述三个目标压缩成bootanimation.zip,【不能使用其他名字】,要注意:压缩格式必须是.zip, 还有最重要的是,压缩方式【必须】选择为【“存储”】否则系统读不到的。完成,可以替换原有开机动画啦!
至于开机动画具体的代码实现,大家可以在 {Your SourceCode}/frameworks/base/cmds/bootanimation中找到,是用C++写的,里面规定了配置文本必须命名为desc.text.
下面是BootAnimation的代码,来自android 4.1.2源码,