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Linaro Developer Technical Support (LDTS)

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** Linaro packaged builds and components

Linaro provides two main classes of resource
- Packaged Evaluation Builds
- Components
Packaged Evaluation Builds
LEB stands for Linaro Evaluation Build. These are full system images built using the latest stable releases of Linaro versions of core tools, Kernel, GCC, etc. They provide users fast access to a working software stack without the need to build components from source. For more information see the Linaro FAQ What are Linaro Evaluation Builds? from the Downloads page.
A LEB for ARM's Versatile Express platform is available for both Android and Ubuntu Linux.
More information is available by following the "DOWNLOAD FOR" link for Versatile Express, this provides:
- Release Notes: On supported features and bugs
- Binary Image Installation: The simplest use case is to extract the provided .img file directly to an SDcard (alternatively the Linaro Media create tools can be used)
- Building from Source: There are various reasons why customers may wish to re-build or modify the supplied components (usually the kernel) from sources. This tab provides information on the configs and git branch used to generate the binaries in the LEB release
- Firmware Update: Information on configuring the Versatile Express hardware and the UEFI bootloader
- RTSM: Specific instructions for customers using ARM's Versatile Express RTSM.
There is also a LEB demonstrating a Linux software stack running on the ARMv8 Foundation Model.
LEBs will shortly be replaced by Engineer and Member builds. Engineering builds will contain generic output from Linaro Member builds, tailored to a Linaro Member’s request.
The following are submitted to the relevant upstream projects for inclusion in future releases:
GCC – An optimised version of the GNU Compiler Collection. The default Compiler for Linux including patches queued for upstream. This includes support and tuning for newer ARM processors, such as Cortex-A15. Linaro provide prebuilt native and cross GCC binaries for Linux and Windows hosts.
GDB – An optimised version of the GNU Project Debugger. The default software debugger on Linux including patches queued for upstream.
Binutils – An optimised version of GNU Binutils. The default collection of binary tools like the ld linker on Linux including patches queued for upstream.
QEMU – An optimised version of QEMU. A generic and open source machine emulator and virtualiser including patches queued for upstream.
Kernel – There are a several kernel trees offered by Linaro aimed at different aspects. These are discussed in more detail below.
U-boot – a version of the latest stable release with patches queued for upstream.
UEFI – a version of the latest stable release including patches queued for upstream.
KVM – a version of the latest release including patches queued for upstream.
Filesystems – various options of filesystems built using Linaro based artefacts like Linaro’s GCC version etc. See below for details on what is contained. Nano – Provides a very minimum rootfs that's contains a fully function support for apt (the package management system used by Ubuntu). This image only provides console support, and should be used in case you want a fast and small image to develop and verify the kernel and system functionality. Developer – Due demands for a minimum-console based image with extra developer tools integrated by default, the developer rootfs was created. This image is based on Nano, but also deploying a working toolchain, debuggers and also additional development and profiling tools needed by kernel and system developers. This is being phased Desktop – The Ubuntu Desktop rootfs is basically a stock Ubuntu Desktop environment, with a few extra packages and configs to make it customized for Linaro. This image should bring the exact same environment you'd find at an usual Ubuntu installation, with Unity, Firefox and all the components available in the Ubuntu CD images. ALIP – ALIP is a small distribution used for bringing up ARM boards by ARM internally and by various customers. This a small and fast filesystem that can be used with ARM's Versatile models and hardware platforms, without the extra burden from a complete desktop stack. Older prebuilt ALIP images have previously been available directly from the ARM website or supplied with product deliverables. Currently ALIP is based on LXDE (Lubuntu), with lightdm, X11 and chromium as the default graphic applications. Open Embedded – The Open Embedded builds provided are aimed solely for those that wish to test against ARM’s upcoming ARMv8 Architecture. The OE builds contain the latest work on the artefacts listed above, and is used testing ARMv8 only.
Android - Linaro produces an Android build based on the latest code available from the upstream AOSP (Android Open Source Project). The Linaro build of Android differs from Google’s build as it uses outputs from Linaro, like GCC, UEFI, etc., and is synced with AOSP at least once a month.

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