Acitve Directoy Management

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.DirectoryServices;//you must add this reference into this solution firstly
namespace ADTest
    class Program
        public struct UserInfo
            //Required  Elements for my AD Implementation
            public string username;//AD Attribute Name: CN
            public string sAMAccountName;//AD Attribute Name:SAMAccountName

            //Optional  Elements
            public string password;
            public string firstName;//AD Attribute Name:givenName
            public string initials;//AD Attribute Name:Initials
            public string lastName;//AD Attribute Name:SN
            public string displayName;//AD Attribute Name:displayName
            public string officeName;//AD Attribute Name:physicalDeliveryOfficeName
            public string telephoneNumber;//AD Attribute Name:telephoneNumber
            public string emailAddress;//AD Attribute Name:mail


        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Search in AD
            //    Step#1: Instantiate a new DirectoryEntry object that will represent   
             //    the folder in which I want to start my search, or blank if i         
             //    want to start at the top of the AD structure

            DirectoryEntry adFolderObject = new DirectoryEntry();

            //     Step#2: Instantiate a DirectorySearcher object and reference the           
            //     folder object that will be the base for our search (see step #1)

            DirectorySearcher adSearcherObject = new DirectorySearcher(adFolderObject);

            //     Step#3: Set the Scope of our search
            //    (option:Base, OneLevel,or Subtree)
            //    See resources slide for more details
            adSearcherObject.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;

             // Step#4: Set the filter for our search, based on AD Search Syntax     (See resources slide)
             // Examples:
             //  -All users
             //        adUsers.Filter="(ObjectClass=User)"
             //  -All users, except built-in accounts
             //        adUsers.Filter="(&(ObjectClass=User)(idescription=Built-in))"
             //  -All users in the sales office
             //        adUsers.Filter="(&(ObjectClass=User)(physicalDeliveryOfficeName=Sales))"
            adSearcherObject.Filter = "(ObjectClass=user)";

             //     Step#5:Execute the search and iterate throught the result set and in      
             //     this case, show the Common Name (CN) and Path of the adObjects      
             //    that we searched for.
            foreach (SearchResult adObject in adSearcherObject.FindAll())
            Console.WriteLine("Hit any key to continue...");

            #region  Add user into AD
           //Step #0:Setting the values for the new user that we are going to add
            UserInfo newUserInfo;
            newUserInfo.firstName = "John";
            newUserInfo.lastName = "Smith";
            newUserInfo.initials = "JS";
            newUserInfo.displayName = "John Smith";
            newUserInfo.emailAddress = "[email protected]";
            newUserInfo.officeName = "Sales";
            newUserInfo.telephoneNumber = "(555)123-4567";

            //Require values
            newUserInfo.username = "JSmith";//This will be the CN,which is always Required
            newUserInfo.sAMAccountName = "JSmith"; //This is required for mixed domains
                                                   //meaning windows 2003 with pre widows 2000

            //Step #1:Instantiate a new DirectoryEntry Object to repesent the user folder within AD

            DirectoryEntry adUserFolder = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://CN=Users,DC=RSLab,DC=local");

            //Step #2 Make sure  the folder is container  folder, Users can only be add to container folder

                #region Add Group into AD and add user into group

                DirectoryEntry newGroup = adUserFolder.Children.Add("CN=Sales Group ", "Group");

                if (DirectoryEntry.Exists(newGroup.Path))
                    Console.WriteLine("The Group is exist, it will be deleted");
                    adUserFolder.Children.Remove(new DirectoryEntry(newGroup.Path));

                newGroup.Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value = "Sales Group";//Required for my AD implementation
                newGroup.Properties["groupType"].Value = 4;//4= Domain Local group [required]
                newGroup.Properties["description"].Value = "The Sales Group";//[optional]
                newGroup.Properties["mail"].Value = "[email protected]";//[optional]
                newGroup.Properties["managedBy"].Value =
                                            new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://Peter PumkinEater,CN=User,DC=RSLab,DC=local")

                Console.WriteLine("New Group created...");

                Console.WriteLine("Add Peter PumkinEater to the sales group");
                newGroup.Invoke("Add", "LDAP://Peter PumkinEater,CN=User,DC=RSLab,DC=local");
                newGroup.Invoke("Add", "LDAP://John Smith,CN=User,DC=RSLab,DC=local");
                newGroup.Invoke("Add", "LDAP://Ken Liu,CN=User,DC=RSLab,DC=local");


                //Step #3 Instantiate a DirectoryEntry Ojbect to represent the new user

                DirectoryEntry newUser = adUserFolder.Children.Add("CN="+ newUserInfo.username, "User");


                //Step #4 Check if the user object exist, if yes, we will delete it
                    Console.WriteLine("The user" + newUser.Username + " exist, it will be deleted");
                    adUserFolder.Children.Remove(new DirectoryEntry(newUser.Path));


                //Step #5 Setting the AD attributes to new user, and then MOST IMPORTANT committing the changes to AD
                newUser.Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value = newUserInfo.sAMAccountName;
                newUser.Properties["givenName"].Value = newUserInfo.firstName;
                newUser.Properties["sn"].Value = newUserInfo.lastName;
                newUser.Properties["initials"].Value = newUserInfo.initials;
                newUser.Properties["displayName"].Value = newUserInfo.displayName;
                newUser.Properties["physicalDeliveryOfficeName"].Value = newUserInfo.officeName;
                newUser.Properties["telephoneNumber"].Value = newUserInfo.telephoneNumber;
                newUser.Properties["mail"].Value = newUserInfo.emailAddress;

                //Lately we have to committe the changes

                //Step #6 Setting password and enabling user account. we will use ADSI
                //Invoke command  to set the password and  set the "userAccountControl"
                //to enabled(value 0x2001)  

                newUser.Invoke("setpassword", "P@ssword1");
                newUser.Properties["userAccountControl"].Value = 0x2001;


                Console.WriteLine("The User" + newUser.Username + " Created successfully!");
                Console.WriteLine("Hit any key to continue...");


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