

2010-05-07 11:26:08|  分类: Zigbee|字号 订阅


ZigBee2006\Texas Instruments\ZStack-1.4.3-1.2.1\Projects\zstack\Samples\SampleApp



afIncomingData() ——afBuildMSGIncoming() ——osal_msg_send() —— osal_set_event()——

根据task_id调用事件处理函(SampleApp_ProcessEvent()) ——判断具体事件类型调用相应回调函数(SampleApp_MessageMSGCB()) ——实现具体现象




typedef struct


  osal_event_hdr_t hdr;

  uint16 groupId;

  uint16 clusterId;

  afAddrType_t srcAddr;

  byte endPoint;

  byte wasBroadcast;

  byte LinkQuality;

  byte SecurityUse;

  uint32 timestamp;

  afMSGCommandFormat_t cmd;

} afIncomingMSGPacket_t;




 * @fn          afIncomingData


 * @brief       Transfer a data PDU (ASDU) from the APS sub-layer to the AF.


 * @param       aff  - pointer to APS frame format

 * @param       SrcAddress  - Source address

 * @param       LinkQuality - incoming message's link quality

 * @param       SecurityUse - Security enable/disable


 * @return      none



void afIncomingData( aps_FrameFormat_t *aff, zAddrType_t *SrcAddress,

                     uint8 LinkQuality, byte SecurityUse, uint32 timestamp )


  endPointDesc_t *epDesc = NULL;

  uint16 epProfileID = 0xFFFF;  // Invalid Profile ID

  epList_t *pList;

  uint8 grpEp;



  if ( ((aff->FrmCtrl & APS_DELIVERYMODE_MASK) == APS_FC_DM_GROUP) )


    // Find the first endpoint for this group

    grpEp = aps_FindGroupForEndpoint( aff->GroupID, APS_GROUPS_FIND_FIRST );

    if ( grpEp == APS_GROUPS_EP_NOT_FOUND )

      return;   // No endpoint found,没找到终端


    epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( grpEp );   //找到终端,接着找终端描述符

    if ( epDesc == NULL )

      return;   // Endpoint descriptor not found,没找到终端描述符


    pList = afFindEndPointDescList( epDesc->endPoint );  //找到终端描述符

  }  //pList指向终端列表中的元素



  else if ( aff->DstEndPoint == AF_BROADCAST_ENDPOINT )


    // Set the list

    if ( (pList = epList) )


      epDesc = pList->epDesc;





  else if ( (epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( aff->DstEndPoint )) )


    pList = afFindEndPointDescList( epDesc->endPoint );



  while ( epDesc )


    if ( pList->pfnDescCB )  //如果有回叫函数


      uint16 *pID = (uint16 *)(pList->pfnDescCB(

                                 AF_DESCRIPTOR_PROFILE_ID, epDesc->endPoint ));

      if ( pID )


        epProfileID = *pID;

        osal_mem_free( pID );




    else if ( epDesc->simpleDesc )  //简单描述符


      epProfileID = epDesc->simpleDesc->AppProfId;



    if ( (aff->ProfileID == epProfileID) ||

         ((epDesc->endPoint == ZDO_EP) && (aff->ProfileID == ZDO_PROFILE_ID)) )  //符合各条件




        afBuildMSGIncoming( aff, epDesc, SrcAddress, LinkQuality, SecurityUse, timestamp );





    if ( ((aff->FrmCtrl & APS_DELIVERYMODE_MASK) == APS_FC_DM_GROUP) )


      // Find the next endpoint for this group

      grpEp = aps_FindGroupForEndpoint( aff->GroupID, grpEp );

      if ( grpEp == APS_GROUPS_EP_NOT_FOUND )

        return;   // No endpoint found


      epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( grpEp );

      if ( epDesc == NULL )

        return;   // Endpoint descriptor not found


      pList = afFindEndPointDescList( epDesc->endPoint );  //epDesc != NULL



    else if ( aff->DstEndPoint == AF_BROADCAST_ENDPOINT )


      pList = pList->nextDesc;

      if ( pList )

        epDesc = pList->epDesc;


        epDesc = NULL;




      epDesc = NULL;




afBuildMSGIncoming( aff, epDesc, SrcAddress, LinkQuality, SecurityUse, timestamp )

afBuildMSGIncoming( aps_FrameFormat_t *aff, endPointDesc_t *epDesc,

                 zAddrType_t *SrcAddress, uint8 LinkQuality, byte SecurityUse,

                 uint32 timestamp )





LinkQuality—— LinkQuality

SecurityUse—— SecurityUse

Timestamp—— timestamp




 * @fn          afBuildMSGIncoming


 * @brief       Build the message for the app


 * @param


 * @return      pointer to next in data buffer


//Build the message for the app 

static void afBuildMSGIncoming( aps_FrameFormat_t *aff, endPointDesc_t *epDesc,

                 zAddrType_t *SrcAddress, uint8 LinkQuality, byte SecurityUse,

                 uint32 timestamp )


  afIncomingMSGPacket_t *MSGpkt;    //AF层需要接收这种结构体类型的信息包



  const byte len = sizeof( afIncomingMSGPacket_t ) + aff->asduLength;  //长度

  byte *asdu = aff->asdu;

  MSGpkt = (afIncomingMSGPacket_t *)osal_msg_allocate( len );  //分配内存


  if ( MSGpkt == NULL )





  MSGpkt->hdr.event = AF_INCOMING_MSG_CMD;  //事件类型

  MSGpkt->groupId = aff->GroupID;         //ID

  MSGpkt->clusterId = aff->ClusterID;     //ID

  afCopyAddress( &MSGpkt->srcAddr, SrcAddress );  //源地址

  MSGpkt->srcAddr.endPoint = aff->SrcEndPoint; 

  MSGpkt->endPoint = epDesc->endPoint;

  MSGpkt->wasBroadcast = aff->wasBroadcast; //广播

  MSGpkt->LinkQuality = LinkQuality;        //链路质量

  MSGpkt->SecurityUse = SecurityUse;        //安全使能

  MSGpkt->timestamp = timestamp;            //时间


  MSGpkt->cmd.TransSeqNumber = 0;           //传送序号

  MSGpkt->cmd.DataLength = aff->asduLength; //长度


  if ( MSGpkt->cmd.DataLength )  //aff->asduLength


    MSGpkt->cmd.Data = (byte *)(MSGpkt + 1);  //空间

               //把长为 MSGpkt->cmd.DataLength数据从asdu赋给MSGpkt->cmd.Data

    osal_memcpy( MSGpkt->cmd.Data, asdu, MSGpkt->cmd.DataLength );


  else  //无数据


    MSGpkt->cmd.Data = NULL;



#if defined ( MT_AF_CB_FUNC )

  // If MT has subscribed for this callback, don't send as a message.

  if AFCB_CHECK(MSGpkt->endPoint, *(epDesc->task_id), SPI_CB_AF_DATA_IND)


    af_MTCB_IncomingData( (void *)MSGpkt );

    // Release the memory.

    osal_msg_deallocate( (void *)MSGpkt );





    // Send message through task message.


osal_msg_send( *(epDesc->task_id), (uint8 *)MSGpkt );






osal_msg_send( *(epDesc->task_id), (uint8 *)MSGpkt );

byte osal_msg_send( byte destination_task, byte *msg_ptr )



*(epDesc->task_id)—— destination_task

(uint8 *)MSGpkt——*msg_ptr



 * @fn      osal_msg_send


 * @brief


 *    This function is called by a task to send a command message to

 *    another task or processing element.  The sending_task field must

 *    refer to a valid task, since the task ID will be used

 *    for the response message.  This function will also set a message

 *    ready event in the destination tasks event list.


 * @param   byte destination task - Send msg to?  Task ID  目的任务

 * @param   byte *msg_ptr - pointer to new message buffer  指向消息

 * @param   byte len - length of data in message  消息中的数据长度






byte osal_msg_send( byte destination_task, byte *msg_ptr )



  if ( msg_ptr == NULL ) //无消息

    return ( INVALID_MSG_POINTER );


  if ( destination_task >= tasksCnt )  //不在任务条目范围内???任务不合法


    osal_msg_deallocate( msg_ptr );

    return ( INVALID_TASK );



  // Check the message header

  if ( OSAL_MSG_NEXT( msg_ptr ) != NULL ||

       OSAL_MSG_ID( msg_ptr ) != TASK_NO_TASK )   //检查到指针不合法


    osal_msg_deallocate( msg_ptr );   //释放这个消息内存

    return ( INVALID_MSG_POINTER );



  OSAL_MSG_ID( msg_ptr ) = destination_task;   //检查到含有合法任务的消息,





  // queue message  把当前消息(msg_ptr所指)加入到系统消息列表中

  osal_msg_enqueue( &osal_qHead, msg_ptr );


  // Signal the task that a message is waiting

  osal_set_event( destination_task, SYS_EVENT_MSG );  //设置事件发生标志函数!!


  return ( ZSUCCESS );





osal_set_event( destination_task, SYS_EVENT_MSG )

osal_set_event( byte task_id, UINT16 event_flag )



destination_task—— task_id

SYS_EVENT_MSG—— event_flag


 * @fn      osal_set_event


 * @brief


 *    This function is called to set the event flags for a task.  The

 *    event passed in is OR'd into the task's event variable.


 * @param   byte task_id - receiving tasks ID

 * @param   byte event_flag - what event to set




byte osal_set_event( byte task_id, UINT16 event_flag )


  if ( task_id < tasksCnt )


  halIntState_t   intState;

    HAL_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(intState);    // Hold off interrupts

    tasksEvents[task_id] |= event_flag;  // Stuff the event bit(s)  相应任务有事件发生

    HAL_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION(intState);     // Release interrupts



    return ( INVALID_TASK );


  return ( ZSUCCESS );




从上面的tasksEvents[task_id] |= event_flag;系统主循环函数中会轮询到相应任务有事件发生(这点请参照OSAL系统主循环流程),因而调用相应的任务事件处理函数.比如说这个消息是从另一个节点发过来的flash消息(簇IDSAMPLEAPP_FLASH_CLUSTERID),那么是用户应用任务的消息事件,则task_id=6,


   函数中对应的task_id=6events=SYS_EVENT_MSG,而在构造AF信息包的时候,MSGpkt->hdr.event = AF_INCOMING_MSG_CMD; 因而函数最终调用SampleApp_MessageMSGCB( MSGpkt )进行处理.



uint16 SampleApp_ProcessEvent( uint8 task_id, uint16 events )


  afIncomingMSGPacket_t *MSGpkt;  //接收到的消息



  if ( events & SYS_EVENT_MSG )


    MSGpkt = (afIncomingMSGPacket_t *)osal_msg_receive( SampleApp_TaskID );  //接收属于本用户应用SampleApp


    while ( MSGpkt )  //接收到着                                            

    {                                                                      //属于这个应用的消息osal_msg_receive( MApp_TaskID );

      switch ( MSGpkt->hdr.event )  //判断数据包事件类型



        // Received when a key is pressed


        case KEY_CHANGE:      //#define KEY_CHANGE  0xC0   --Key Events

          SampleApp_HandleKeys( ((keyChange_t *)MSGpkt)->state, ((keyChange_t *)MSGpkt)->keys );

          break;                                             //执行按键处理函



          // Received when a messages is received (OTA:over the air) for this endpoint


        case AF_INCOMING_MSG_CMD: // #define AF_INCOMING_MSG_CMD  0x 1A  --Incoming MSG type message

          SampleApp_MessageMSGCB( MSGpkt );




        // Received whenever the device changes state in the network


        case ZDO_STATE_CHANGE:   //#define ZDO_STATE_CHANGE  0xD1  --ZDO has changed the device's network state

          SampleApp_NwkState = (devStates_t)(MSGpkt->hdr.status);  

          if ( (SampleApp_NwkState == DEV_ZB_COORD)

              || (SampleApp_NwkState == DEV_ROUTER)

              || (SampleApp_NwkState == DEV_END_DEVICE) )


            // Start sending the periodic message in a regular interval.

            osal_start_timerEx( SampleApp_TaskID,


                              SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_TIMEOUT );




            // Device is no longer in the network








      // Release the memory


      osal_msg_deallocate( (uint8 *)MSGpkt );


      // Next - if one is available

      MSGpkt = (afIncomingMSGPacket_t *)osal_msg_receive( SampleApp_TaskID );

    }  //end while ( MSGpkt )


    // return unprocessed events

    // 判断是否有未处理的系统消息,有则接收返回没有处理的事件

    return (events ^ SYS_EVENT_MSG);  //注意!这里 returnosal_start_system()下




  // Send a message out - This event is generated by a timer

  //  (setup in SampleApp_Init()).

  if ( events & SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_EVT )   //发送周期消息


    // Send the periodic message



    // Setup to send message again in normal period (+ a little jitter)

    osal_start_timerEx( SampleApp_TaskID, SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_EVT,

        (SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_TIMEOUT + (osal_rand() & 0x00FF)) );


    // return unprocessed events

    return (events ^ SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_EVT);



  // Discard unknown events

  return 0;




SampleApp_MessageMSGCB( MSGpkt )

SampleApp_MessageMSGCB( afIncomingMSGPacket_t *pkt )






 * @fn      SampleApp_MessageMSGCB


 * @brief   Data message processor callback.  This function processes

 *          any incoming data - probably from other devices.  So, based

 *          on cluster ID, perform the intended action.


 * @param   none


 * @return  none




void SampleApp_MessageMSGCB( afIncomingMSGPacket_t *pkt )


  uint16 flashTime;


  switch ( pkt->clusterId )//判断簇ID






      flashTime = BUILD_UINT16(pkt->cmd.Data[1], pkt->cmd.Data[2] );

      HalLedBlink( HAL_LED_4, 4, 50, (flashTime / 4) );  //小灯闪烁四次










