探究Delphi的图形处理 之七 -- 柔化和锐化处理 |
第三章 基本图像处理算法
unit Unit1; {柔化处理} Interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, GraphicProcess, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) PaintBox1: TPaintBox; btnExe: TButton; txtN: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); procedure btnExeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private Procedure SmoothPicture(const Bit : TBitmap;var n : Integer); public { Public declarations } end; procedure WritePixel(Pic: TBitmap; tPix: TPixels); procedure ReadPixel(Pic: Tbitmap; var tPix: TPixels); var Form1: TForm1; Bits : TBitmap; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Bits:=TBitmap.Create; Bits.LoadFromFile(‘Test.Bmp‘); end; procedure TForm1.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); begin PaintBox1.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0,0,400,300),Bits); end; procedure TForm1.SmoothPicture(const Bit: TBitmap;var n: Integer); var R,G,B:Integer; i,j,k,l : Integer; Pix : TPixels; nDiv : Integer; nDivRs : Integer; jP,jM,ip,im:Integer; OpCount : Integer; begin ReadPixel(Bit,Pix); if n mod 2 = 0 then n := n +1; nDiv := n * n; nDivRs := n div 2; For i := 0 to Bit.Width-1 do begin ip:= i + nDivRs; im := i ; if im < 0 then im := 0; if ip > Bit.Width -1 then ip := Bit.Width-1; For j := 0 to Bit.Height -1 do begin R:=0; G:=0; B:=0; jP := j + nDivRs; jM := j - nDivRs; if Jp > bit.Height-1 then jp := Bit.Height-1; if jm <0 then jm :=0; OpCount := (ip - im+1) *(jp-jm+1); For k := im to Ip do begin For l := jm to jp do begin R := R + Pix[k,l].rgbtRed; G := G + Pix[k,l].rgbtGreen; B := B + Pix[k,l].rgbtBlue; end; end; Pix[i,j].rgbtBlue := B div opCount; Pix[i,j].rgbtGreen := G div opCount; Pix[i,j].rgbtRed := R div opCount; end; end; WritePixel(Bit,Pix); end; procedure ReadPixel(Pic: Tbitmap; var tPix: TPixels); Var PixPtr:PbyteArray;i,j,m:Integer; begin SetLength(tPix,Pic.Width,Pic.Height); Pic.PixelFormat := pf24bit; Pic.HandleType:=bmDIB; For i :=0 to pic.Height-1 do begin PixPtr:=Pic.ScanLine[i]; for j:= 0 to pic.Width-1 do begin m := j*3; tPix[j,i].rgbtBlue:=PixPtr[m]; tPix[j,i].rgbtGreen := PixPtr[m+1]; tPix[j,i].rgbtRed := PixPtr[m+2]; end; end; end; procedure WritePixel(Pic: TBitmap; tPix: TPixels); var PixPtr:PByteArray;i,j,m:Integer; begin pic.PixelFormat := pf24bit; pic.HandleType:=bmDIB; Pic.Height := High(tPix[0])+1; Pic.Width:= High(tPix)+1; For i :=0 to pic.Height-1 do begin PixPtr:=Pic.ScanLine[i]; for j:= 0 to pic.Width-1 do begin m := j*3; PixPtr[M] := tPix[j,i].rgbtBlue; PixPtr[m+1] := tPix[j,i].rgbtGreen; PixPtr[m+2] := tPix[j,i].rgbtRed; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.btnExeClick(Sender: TObject); var n :Integer; begin n := StrToInt(txtN.Text); Bits.LoadFromFile(‘Test.bmp‘); SmoothPicture(Bits,n); PaintBox1.Refresh; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin Bits.Free; end; end. |
原图 |
柔化系数=21 |
如果记图像中任意一个像素(x,y) (x∈[1,图像宽度-1],y∈[1,图像高度-1])修改前的RGB分值分别为OldRed, OldGreen, OldBlue, 修改后的RGB分值分别为NewR,NewG,NewB,有:
newR = (oldR - (x-1,y-1)的Red分值)×待定系数 + OldRed newG = (oldG - (x-1,y-1)的Green分值)×待定系数 + OldGreen newB = (oldB - (x-1,y-1)的Blue分值)×待定系数 + OldBlue |
unit Sharp;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;
type TPixels = Array of Array of TRGBTriple; TfrmMain = class(TForm) PaintBox1: TPaintBox; btnExecute: TButton; lblCap: TLabel; txtS: TEdit; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure btnExecuteClick(Sender: TObject); procedure PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); private Procedure SharpPic(Bit : TBitmap; n : Single); public { Public declarations } end; procedure WritePixel(Pic: TBitmap; tPix: TPixels); procedure ReadPixel(Pic: Tbitmap; var tPix: TPixels);
var frmMain: TfrmMain; Bits : TBitmap; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Bits := TBitmap.Create; Bits.LoadFromFile(‘Test.bmp‘); end; procedure TfrmMain.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin Bits.Free; end; procedure TfrmMain.btnExecuteClick(Sender: TObject); var n : Single;c : Integer; begin Bits.LoadFromFile(‘Test.BMP‘); Val(txtS.Text,n,c); SharpPic(Bits,n); PaintBox1.Refresh; end; procedure ReadPixel(Pic: Tbitmap; var tPix: TPixels); Var PixPtr:PbyteArray;i,j,m:Integer; begin SetLength(tPix,Pic.Width,Pic.Height); Pic.PixelFormat := pf24bit; Pic.HandleType:=bmDIB; For i :=0 to pic.Height-1 do begin PixPtr:=Pic.ScanLine[i]; for j:= 0 to pic.Width-1 do begin m := j*3; tPix[j,i].rgbtBlue:=PixPtr[m]; tPix[j,i].rgbtGreen := PixPtr[m+1]; tPix[j,i].rgbtRed := PixPtr[m+2]; end; end; end; procedure WritePixel(Pic: TBitmap; tPix: TPixels); var PixPtr:PByteArray;i,j,m:Integer; begin pic.PixelFormat := pf24bit; pic.HandleType:=bmDIB; Pic.Height := High(tPix[0])+1; Pic.Width:= High(tPix)+1; For i :=0 to pic.Height-1 do begin PixPtr:=Pic.ScanLine[i]; for j:= 0 to pic.Width-1 do begin m := j*3; PixPtr[M] := tPix[j,i].rgbtBlue; PixPtr[m+1] := tPix[j,i].rgbtGreen; PixPtr[m+2] := tPix[j,i].rgbtRed; end; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.SharpPic(Bit: TBitmap; n: Single); var R, G, B : Integer; i,j:Integer; Pix : TPixels; im,jm : Integer; begin ReadPixel(Bit,Pix); For i := 1 to Bit.Width-1 do begin im := i-1; For j := 1 to Bit.Height-1 do begin jm := j-1; R := Pix[i,j].rgbtRed + Round((Pix[i,j].rgbtRed-Pix[im,jm].rgbtRed)*n); G := Pix[i,j].rgbtGreen + Round((Pix[i,j].rgbtGreen-Pix[im,jm].rgbtGreen)*n); B := Pix[i,j].rgbtBlue + Round((Pix[i,j].rgbtBlue-Pix[im,jm].rgbtBlue)*n); if R > 255 then R := 255; If R <0 then R := 0; if G > 255 then G := 255; If G <0 then G := 0; if B > 255 then B := 255; If B <0 then B := 0; Pix[i,j].rgbtRed := R; Pix[i,j].rgbtGreen := G; Pix[i,j].rgbtBlue := B; end; end; WritePixel(Bit,Pix); end; procedure TfrmMain.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); begin PaintBox1.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0,0,400,300),Bits); end; end. |
原图 |
锐化系数 = 0.95 |
探究Delphi的图形处理 之八 -- 图像混合(透明度)效果 |
透明度 = 100% |
透明度 = 50% |
透明度 = 0% |
R = 图像A的像素点(x,y).R +(图像B的像素点(x,y).R-图像A的像素点(x,y).R)×A G = 图像A的像素点(x,y).G +(图像B的像素点(x,y).G-图像A的像素点(x,y).G)×A B = 图像A的像素点(x,y).B +(图像B的像素点(x,y).B-图像A的像素点(x,y).B)×A |
unit AlphaBlending;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;
type TPixels = Array of array of TRGBTriple; TForm1 = class(TForm) PaintBox1: TPaintBox; Label1: TLabel; scA: TTrackBar; lblPos: TLabel; Bevel1: TBevel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure scAChange(Sender: TObject); private
public { Public declarations } end; Procedure GraphicFading(PicA, PicB: TPixels; const PicR: tBitmap; Percent: Byte); procedure WritePixel(Pic: TBitmap; tPix: TPixels); procedure ReadPixel(Pic: Tbitmap; var tPix: TPixels);
var Form1: TForm1; BitA,BitB:TBitmap; Bits: TBitmap; PixA,PixB:TPixels; implementation
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin BitA := TBitmap.create; BitB := TBitmap.Create; Bits := TBitmap.Create; BitA.LoadFromFile(‘PicA.bmp‘); BitB.LoadFromFile(‘PicB.bmp‘); Bits.Assign(BitA); //这个语句可以把BitA中的内容复制到Bits中 Bits.PixelFormat := pf24Bit; ReadPixel(BitA,PixA); ReadPixel(BitB,PixB); end;
procedure TForm1.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); begin PaintBox1.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Bits); end;
Procedure GraphicFading(PicA, PicB: TPixels; const PicR: tBitmap; Percent: Byte);//Make a Fading Picture From var //PicA to PicB MidR,MidG,MidB : Byte; i,j : integer; m:Integer; pixPtrA,pixPtrB,pixPtrR : PByteArray; Position : Single;rPos,gPos:Integer; PicRWidth:Integer; begin Position := Percent / 100; PicRWidth:=PicR.Width-1; for i := 0 to picR.Height -1 do begin PixPtrR := picR.ScanLine[i]; for j := 0 to picRWidth do Begin m:=j*3; rPos:=m+2; gPos:=m+1; midR := PicA[j,i].RGBTRed+Round((PicB[j,i].RGBTRed-PicA[j,i].RGBTRed)*Position); midG := PicA[j,i].RGBTgREEN+Round((PicB[j,i].RGBTgREEN-PicA[j,i].RGBTgREEN)*Position); midB := PicA[j,i].RGBTBlue+Round((PicB[j,i].RGBTBlue-PicA[j,i].RGBTBlue)*Position); pixPtrR[m] := midB; pixPtrR[gPos] := midG; pixPtrR[rPos] := MidR; end; end; end; procedure ReadPixel(Pic: Tbitmap; var tPix: TPixels); Var PixPtr:PbyteArray;i,j,m:Integer; begin SetLength(tPix,Pic.Width,Pic.Height); Pic.PixelFormat := pf24bit; Pic.HandleType:=bmDIB; For i :=0 to pic.Height-1 do begin PixPtr:=Pic.ScanLine[i]; for j:= 0 to pic.Width-1 do begin m := j*3; tPix[j,i].rgbtBlue:=PixPtr[m]; tPix[j,i].rgbtGreen := PixPtr[m+1]; tPix[j,i].rgbtRed := PixPtr[m+2]; end; end; end; procedure WritePixel(Pic: TBitmap; tPix: TPixels); var PixPtr:PByteArray;i,j,m:Integer; begin pic.PixelFormat := pf24bit; pic.HandleType:=bmDIB; Pic.Height := High(tPix[0])+1; Pic.Width:= High(tPix)+1; For i :=0 to pic.Height-1 do begin PixPtr:=Pic.ScanLine[i]; for j:= 0 to pic.Width-1 do begin m := j*3; PixPtr[M] := tPix[j,i].rgbtBlue; PixPtr[m+1] := tPix[j,i].rgbtGreen; PixPtr[m+2] := tPix[j,i].rgbtRed; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin BitB.Free; BitA.Free; BitS.Free; end;
procedure TForm1.scAChange(Sender: TObject); begin GraphicFading(PixA,PixB,Bits,scA.Position); paintBox1.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Bits); lblPos.Caption := IntToStr(scA.Position) + ‘ %‘; lblPos.Refresh; end;
end. |
探究Delphi的图形处理 之九 -- 转为灰度图像 |
作者:何咏 发布日期:(2005-4-12 20:56:06 |
将图像转为灰度的算法非常简单,把图像中每一个像素的R、G、B分值都设置为该像素R、G、B分值的平均值即可。这是因为,在RGB编码中,如果一个像素的R、G、B分值相等,那么这就是一个灰色的像素。例如RGB(i,i,i) (i∈[0,255])可以表示不同灰度等级的灰色。当i = 255时,该像素为白色,当 i = 0时,该像素为白色。下面的程序段给出了灰度图像的算法。这一次,我们使用PRGBTriple类型作为ScanLine的指针类型,大家可以参考一下。
Function GraphicToGray(const Pic: Tbitmap): Integer; var i,j : integer; pixPtr : PRGBTriple; picH : integer; picW : Integer; GrayVal : Byte; Begin Pic.PixelFormat := pf24Bit; Pic.HandleType := bmDIB; picH := pic.Height; picW := pic.Width; for i := 0 to picH -1 do begin pixPtr := pic.ScanLine[i]; for j := 0 to picW -1 do begin GrayVal := Round((pixPtr^.rgbtBlue + pixPtr^.rgbtRed +pixptr^.rgbtGreen)/3); pixPtr^.rgbtBlue := grayVal; pixptr^.rgbtGreen := grayval; pixptr^.rgbtRed := grayval; inc(pixPtr); end; end; end; |
探究Delphi的图形处理 之十 -- 对比度调整和反色处理 |
从图中我们可以看出,对于未调整的图像,f(x) = x。如果调整了对比度,那么f(x) 的图像以点(127,127)为原点旋转。如果我们设f(x)= kx + b,提高对比度的问题就转变为根据k求b,在用k和b求f(x)的值的问题(也就是转换坐标系的问题)。其中,k是由用户指定的,它决定了是提高对比度还是降低对比度。如果k>1,就提高对比度,反之则降低对比度。如果k<0,那么可以达到反色的效果。
如果我们以点(127,127)为原点作一个平面直角坐标系,那么在新的坐标系XOY中,我们有Y = kX。把坐标系XOY向左、向下各移动127个单位,此时XOY与xoy重合,我们得到
Y = k(x-127) + 127
NewRed = k(OldRed - 127) + 127 NewGreen = k(OldGreen - 127) + 127 NewBlue = k(OldBlue - 127) + 127 |
Procedure GraphicContrast(Pic: TBitmap;Const tPix: TPixels;Value:Integer); var RPos:Double;i,j:Integer; NewR,newG,NewB:Integer; OffSetValue:Single; begin RPos:=Value/100; OffSetValue:=RPos*(-127)+127; For i:=0 to Pic.Width-1 do begin For j := 0 to Pic.Height-1 do Begin NewR := Round(tPix[i,j].rgbtRed*RPos+OffSetValue); NewG := Round(tPix[i,j].rgbtGreen*RPos+OffSetValue); NewB := Round(tPix[i,j].rgbtBlue*RPos+OffSetValue); If NewR>255 then NewR := 255; if NewG > 255 then NewG:=255; If NewB > 255 then NewB:=255; if NewR<0 then NewR := 0; if NewG<0 then NewG := 0; if NewB<0 then NewB := 0; tPix[i,j].rgbtBlue := NewB; tPix[i,j].rgbtGreen := NewG; tPix[i,j].rgbtRed := NewR; end; end; WritePixel(pic,tPix); end; |
原图 |
对比度系数k = 1.5 |
对比度系数 k = -1 |
探究Delphi的图形处理 之十一 -- 亮度的调整 |
作者:何咏 |
unit Brightness;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;
type TPixels = Array of array of TRGBTriple; TForm1 = class(TForm) PaintBox1: TPaintBox; Label1: TLabel; scB: TTrackBar; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); procedure scBChange(Sender: TObject); private Procedure BrightnessChange(Bit : TPixels; n : Integer); public { Public declarations } end; procedure WritePixel(Pic: TBitmap; tPix: TPixels); procedure ReadPixel(Pic: Tbitmap; var tPix: TPixels); var Form1: TForm1; Bits : TBitmap; PixA : TPixels; Pix : TPixels; implementation
{$R *.dfm} procedure ReadPixel(Pic: Tbitmap; var tPix: TPixels); Var PixPtr:PbyteArray;i,j,m:Integer; begin SetLength(tPix,Pic.Width,Pic.Height); Pic.PixelFormat := pf24bit; Pic.HandleType:=bmDIB; For i :=0 to pic.Height-1 do begin PixPtr:=Pic.ScanLine[i]; for j:= 0 to pic.Width-1 do begin m := j*3; tPix[j,i].rgbtBlue:=PixPtr[m]; tPix[j,i].rgbtGreen := PixPtr[m+1]; tPix[j,i].rgbtRed := PixPtr[m+2]; end; end; end;
procedure WritePixel(Pic: TBitmap; tPix: TPixels); var PixPtr:PByteArray;i,j,m:Integer; begin pic.PixelFormat := pf24bit; pic.HandleType:=bmDIB; Pic.Height := High(tPix[0])+1; Pic.Width:= High(tPix)+1; For i :=0 to pic.Height-1 do begin PixPtr:=Pic.ScanLine[i]; for j:= 0 to pic.Width-1 do begin m := j*3; PixPtr[M] := tPix[j,i].rgbtBlue; PixPtr[m+1] := tPix[j,i].rgbtGreen; PixPtr[m+2] := tPix[j,i].rgbtRed; end; end; end;
procedure TForm1.BrightnessChange(Bit: TPixels; n: Integer); var i ,j :Integer; R,G,B:Integer; begin For i := 0 to Length(Bit)-1 do begin for j := 0 to Length(Bit[0])-1 do begin B:= Bit[i,j].rgbtBlue + n; G := Bit[i,j].rgbtGreen + n; R := Bit[i,j].rgbtRed + n; If B > 255 then B := 255; If B <0 then B := 0; If G > 255 then G := 255; If G <0 then G := 0; If R > 255 then R := 255; If R <0 then R := 0; Bit[i,j].rgbtBlue := B; Bit[i,j].rgbtGreen := G; Bit[i,j].rgbtRed := R; end; end; end;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i,j :Integer; begin Bits := TBitmap.Create; Bits.LoadFromFile(‘Test.bmp‘); ReadPixel(Bits,Pix); SetLength(PixA,Bits.Width,Bits.Height); For i := 0 to Bits.Width-1 do begin For j := 0 to Bits.Height-1 do begin PixA[i,j] := Pix[i,j]; end; end; end;
procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin Bits.Free; end;
procedure TForm1.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); begin PaintBox1.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Bits); end;
procedure TForm1.scBChange(Sender: TObject); var i,j : Integer; begin Caption := IntToStr(scB.Position) + ‘%‘; For i := 0 to Bits.Width-1 do begin For j := 0 to Bits.Height-1 do begin Pix[i,j] := PixA[i,j]; end; end; BrightnessChange(Pix,scB.Position); WritePixel(Bits,Pix); PaintBox1.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Bits); end;
end. |
亮度-50 |
原图 |
亮度+50 |
探究Delphi的图形处理 之十二 -- 浮雕效果 |
unit Emboss; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type TPixels = Array of array of TRGBTriple; TfrmMain = class(TForm) PaintBox1: TPaintBox; Label1: TLabel; scS: TTrackBar; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure scSChange(Sender: TObject); procedure PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); procedure PaintBox1Click(Sender: TObject); private procedure Emboss(Bit: TPixels; n: Integer); { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; procedure WritePixel(Pic: TBitmap; tPix: TPixels); procedure ReadPixel(Pic: Tbitmap; var tPix: TPixels); var frmMain: TfrmMain; Bits : TBitmap; PixA : TPixels; Pix : TPixels; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure ReadPixel(Pic: Tbitmap; var tPix: TPixels); Var PixPtr:PbyteArray;i,j,m:Integer; begin SetLength(tPix,Pic.Width,Pic.Height); Pic.PixelFormat := pf24bit; Pic.HandleType:=bmDIB; For i :=0 to pic.Height-1 do begin PixPtr:=Pic.ScanLine[i]; for j:= 0 to pic.Width-1 do begin m := j*3; tPix[j,i].rgbtBlue:=PixPtr[m]; tPix[j,i].rgbtGreen := PixPtr[m+1]; tPix[j,i].rgbtRed := PixPtr[m+2]; end; end; end;
procedure WritePixel(Pic: TBitmap; tPix: TPixels); var PixPtr:PByteArray;i,j,m:Integer; begin pic.PixelFormat := pf24bit; pic.HandleType:=bmDIB; Pic.Height := High(tPix[0])+1; Pic.Width:= High(tPix)+1; For i :=0 to pic.Height-1 do begin PixPtr:=Pic.ScanLine[i]; for j:= 0 to pic.Width-1 do begin m := j*3; PixPtr[M] := tPix[j,i].rgbtBlue; PixPtr[m+1] := tPix[j,i].rgbtGreen; PixPtr[m+2] := tPix[j,i].rgbtRed; end; end; end; procedure TFrmMain.Emboss(Bit: TPixels; n: Integer); var i ,j :Integer; R,G,B:Integer; begin For i := 0 to Length(Bit)-2 do begin for j := 0 to Length(Bit[0])-2 do begin B:= ABS(Bit[i,j].rgbtBlue-Bit[i+1,j+1].rgbtBlue) + n; // 把当前像素值的 G := ABS(Bit[i,j].rgbtGreen-Bit[i+1,j+1].rgbtGreen) + n; // RGB分量设置为 R := ABS(Bit[i,j].rgbtRed-Bit[i+1,j+1].rgbtRed) + n; // 当前像素值与下一个像素值的差的绝对值+系数n。 {如果像素值超过范围,设置像素值为0或255} If B > 255 then B := 255; If B <0 then B := 0; If G > 255 then G := 255; If G <0 then G := 0; If R > 255 then R := 255; If R <0 then R := 0; Bit[i,j].rgbtBlue := B; Bit[i,j].rgbtGreen := G; Bit[i,j].rgbtRed := R; end; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i,j:Integer; begin Bits := TBitmap.Create; Bits.LoadFromFile(‘Test.bmp‘); ReadPixel(Bits,Pix); SetLength(PixA,Bits.Width,Bits.Height); For i := 0 to Bits.Width-1 do begin For j := 0 to Bits.Height-1 do begin PixA[i,j] := Pix[i,j]; end; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin Bits.Free; end; procedure TfrmMain.scSChange(Sender: TObject); var i,j:Integer; begin {我们在ScrollBar的Change事件中处理浮雕效果} Caption := IntToStr(scS.Position); {先将像素值复原} For i := 0 to Bits.Width-1 do begin For j := 0 to Bits.Height-1 do begin Pix[i,j] := PixA[i,j]; end; end; Emboss(Pix,scS.Position);//调用浮雕效果处理过程。 WritePixel(Bits,Pix); PaintBox1.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Bits); //显示结果。 end; procedure TfrmMain.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); begin PaintBox1.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Bits); end; procedure TfrmMain.PaintBox1Click(Sender: TObject); begin WritePixel(Bits,PixA); PaintBox1.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Bits); end; end. |
原图 |
浮雕亮度 = 127 |
探究Delphi的图形处理 之十三 -- 马赛克效果 |
Procedure Mosic(const Bit: TBitmap;var n: Integer); var R,G,B:Integer; i,j,k,l : Integer; Pix : TPixels; nDiv : Integer; nDivRs : Integer; jP,jM,ip,im:Integer; OpCount : Integer; begin ReadPixel(Bit,Pix); if n mod 2 = 0 then n := n +1; nDiv := n * n; nDivRs := n; I := 0 ; While I<= Bit.Width-1 do begin ip:= i + nDivRs; im := i ; if im < 0 then im := 0; if ip > Bit.Width -1 then ip := Bit.Width-1; j := 0; While j <= Bit.Height-1 do begin R:=0; G:=0; B:=0; jP := j + nDivRs; jM := j - nDivRs; if Jp > bit.Height-1 then jp := Bit.Height-1; if jm <0 then jm :=0; OpCount := (ip - im+1) *(jp-jm+1); For k := im to Ip do begin For l := jm to jp do begin R := R + Pix[k,l].rgbtRed; G := G + Pix[k,l].rgbtGreen; B := B + Pix[k,l].rgbtBlue; end; end; For k := im to Ip do begin For l := jm to jp do begin Pix[k,l].rgbtBlue := B div opCount; Pix[k,l].rgbtGreen := G div opCount; Pix[k,l].rgbtRed := R div opCount; end; end; j := j + n; end; i := i + n; end; WritePixel(Bit,Pix); end; |
原图 |
马赛克大小 = 25 |