def max(a: Int,b: Int):Int ={ if(a > b) a else b } var maxValue = max(6,10) println("max(6, 10) the max maxValue is :" + maxValue ) println("max(6, 10) the max is :" + max(6,10) )返回结果是较大的值
max(6, 10) the max maxValue is :10 max(6, 10) the max is :10
def max2(a: Int,b: Int)={ if(a > b) a else b }
def max3(a: Int,b: Int)=if(a > b) a else b
scala中的if else和java中的基本一致,如下代码:
object ControlStatementIfElse { def main(args: Array[String]) { val k=5 if (k>10) { println("k is more than 10") } else if(k<0) { println("k is less than 0") } else { println("k is between 1 and 10") } } }
object ControlStatementWhile { def main(args:Array[String]) { var i=0; var sum=0 while (i<10) { sum += i i += 1 } println(sum) } }
while语句的语法也很简单,需要注意在scala中数字类型没有++ --方法
import scala.util.control.Breaks._ import scala.util.Random object ControlStatementBreak { def main(args:Array[String]) { breakable { while (true) { val r = new Random() val i = r.nextInt(10) println("i==" + i) if (i == 5) { break } } } } }
def breakable(op: => Unit) { try { op } catch { case ex: BreakControl => if (ex ne breakException) throw ex } }
breakable接受一个函数做参数,他会在这个要执行的函数op旁添加try catch,如果catch住的异常是breakException,那么不做处理,如果不是则抛出异常。
def break(): Nothing = { throw breakException }