case class Entry(value: Any, size: Long, deserialized: Boolean) private val entries = new LinkedHashMap[BlockId, Entry](32, 0.75f, true)其中数据块的内容又被包装成为了结构体Entry。由于所有持久化在内存缓存中的数据块是由背后的Java虚拟机进行管理的,因此内存缓存只需维护一个存储其内存引用的简单的哈希表即可
private def ensureFreeSpace(blockIdToAdd: BlockId, space: Long): ResultWithDroppedBlocks = { logInfo("ensureFreeSpace(%d) called with curMem=%d, maxMem=%d".format( space, currentMemory, maxMemory)) val droppedBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[(BlockId, BlockStatus)] if (space > maxMemory) {//直接返回存不下该block logInfo("Will not store " + blockIdToAdd + " as it is larger than our memory limit") return ResultWithDroppedBlocks(success = false, droppedBlocks) } if (maxMemory - currentMemory < space) {//内存空间不够 val rddToAdd = getRddId(blockIdToAdd) val selectedBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[BlockId]() var selectedMemory = 0L // This is synchronized to ensure that the set of entries is not changed // (because of getValue or getBytes) while traversing the iterator, as that // can lead to exceptions. entries.synchronized { val iterator = entries.entrySet().iterator()//因为是LinkHashMap,所以是按最旧的block到最新的block读取 while (maxMemory - (currentMemory - selectedMemory) < space && iterator.hasNext) {//删除现有的block,直到能放下新的block val pair = iterator.next() val blockId = pair.getKey if (rddToAdd.isEmpty || rddToAdd != getRddId(blockId)) { selectedBlocks += blockId selectedMemory += pair.getValue.size } } } if (maxMemory - (currentMemory - selectedMemory) >= space) {//将删除选中的block logInfo(selectedBlocks.size + " blocks selected for dropping") for (blockId <- selectedBlocks) { val entry = entries.synchronized { entries.get(blockId) } // This should never be null as only one thread should be dropping // blocks and removing entries. However the check is still here for // future safety. if (entry != null) { val data = if (entry.deserialized) { Left(entry.value.asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[Any]]) } else { Right(entry.value.asInstanceOf[ByteBuffer].duplicate()) } val droppedBlockStatus = blockManager.dropFromMemory(blockId, data) droppedBlockStatus.foreach { status => droppedBlocks += ((blockId, status)) } } } return ResultWithDroppedBlocks(success = true, droppedBlocks) } else { logInfo(s"Will not store $blockIdToAdd as it would require dropping another block " + "from the same RDD") return ResultWithDroppedBlocks(success = false, droppedBlocks)//内存为空都存不下该block } } ResultWithDroppedBlocks(success = true, droppedBlocks)//直接返回存的下该block }
def getFile(filename: String): File = { // Figure out which local directory it hashes to, and which subdirectory in that val hash = Utils.nonNegativeHash(filename) val dirId = hash % localDirs.length val subDirId = (hash / localDirs.length) % subDirsPerLocalDir // Create the subdirectory if it doesn't already exist var subDir = subDirs(dirId)(subDirId) if (subDir == null) { subDir = subDirs(dirId).synchronized { val old = subDirs(dirId)(subDirId) if (old != null) { old } else { val newDir = new File(localDirs(dirId), "%02x".format(subDirId)) newDir.mkdir() subDirs(dirId)(subDirId) = newDir newDir } } } new File(subDir, filename) }上述代码中,首先对数据块名称计算出哈希值,并将哈希值取模获得dirId和subDirId,这就获得了该块所需存储的路径了。其次在该路径上若还没有建立相应的文件夹,就先创建文件夹。最后在上述获得的路径以块名称作为文件名,就建立了数据块和相应文件路径及文件名的映射了。总而言之,数据块对应的文件路径为:/dirId/subDirId/BlockId,存取块内容就变成了写入和读取相应的文件了。
def getBlockLocation(blockId: BlockId): FileSegment = { if (blockId.isShuffle && shuffleManager.consolidateShuffleFiles) {//如果是shuffle文件,会调用ShuffleBlockManager的方法 shuffleManager.getBlockLocation(blockId.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockId]) } else { val file = getFile(blockId.name) new FileSegment(file, 0, file.length()) } }
2、根据block的storage level将block存储到memory或disk上
private def handleMessage( connectionManagerId: ConnectionManagerId, message: Message, connection: Connection) { logDebug("Handling [" + message + "] from [" + connectionManagerId + "]") message match { case bufferMessage: BufferMessage => { if (authEnabled) { val res = handleAuthentication(connection, bufferMessage) if (res == true) { // message was security negotiation so skip the rest logDebug("After handleAuth result was true, returning") return } } if (bufferMessage.hasAckId) { val sentMessageStatus = messageStatuses.synchronized { messageStatuses.get(bufferMessage.ackId) match { case Some(status) => { messageStatuses -= bufferMessage.ackId status } case None => { throw new Exception("Could not find reference for received ack message " + message.id) null } } } sentMessageStatus.synchronized { sentMessageStatus.ackMessage = Some(message) sentMessageStatus.attempted = true sentMessageStatus.acked = true sentMessageStatus.markDone() } } else { val ackMessage = if (onReceiveCallback != null) { logDebug("Calling back") onReceiveCallback(bufferMessage, connectionManagerId)// 很关键,会调用BlockManagerWorker的blockManager.connectionManager.onReceiveMessage(onBlockMessageReceive)存取block } else { logDebug("Not calling back as callback is null") None } ...... sendMessage(connectionManagerId, ackMessage.getOrElse { Message.createBufferMessage(bufferMessage.id) }) } } case _ => throw new Exception("Unknown type message received") } }