


# 读取数据
import pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pisa = pandas.DataFrame({"year": range(1975, 1988), 
 "lean": [2.9642, 2.9644, 2.9656, 2.9667, 2.9673, 2.9688, 2.9696, 
 2.9698, 2.9713, 2.9717, 2.9725, 2.9742, 2.9757]})

 lean year
0   2.9642  1975
1   2.9644  1976
2   2.9656  1977
3   2.9667  1978
4   2.9673  1979
5   2.9688  1980
6   2.9696  1981
7   2.9698  1982
8   2.9713  1983
9   2.9717  1984
10  2.9725  1985
11  2.9742  1986
12  2.9757  1987
plt.scatter(pisa["year"], pisa["lean"])

Fit The Linear Model


import statsmodels.api as sm

y = pisa.lean # target
X = pisa.year  # features
X = sm.add_constant(X) # add a column of 1's as the constant term # OLS -- Ordinary Least Squares Fit
linear = sm.OLS(y, X)
# fit model
linearfit = linear.fit()
 OLS Regression Results ==============================================================================
Dep. Variable:                   lean   R-squared:                       0.988
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.987
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     904.1
Date:                Mon, 25 Apr 2016   Prob (F-statistic):           6.50e-12
Time:                        13:30:20   Log-Likelihood:                 83.777
No. Observations:                  13   AIC:                            -163.6
Df Residuals:                      11   BIC:                            -162.4
Df Model:                           1                                         
Covariance Type: nonrobust ==============================================================================
 coef std err t P>|t| [95.0% Conf. Int.]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const 1.1233 0.061 18.297 0.000 0.988 1.258 year 0.0009 3.1e-05 30.069 0.000 0.001 0.001 ============================================================================== Omnibus: 0.310 Durbin-Watson: 1.642 Prob(Omnibus): 0.856 Jarque-Bera (JB): 0.450 Skew: 0.094 Prob(JB): 0.799 Kurtosis: 2.108 Cond. No. 1.05e+06 ============================================================================== Warnings: [1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified. [2] The condition number is large, 1.05e+06. This might indicate that there are strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems. '''

Define A Basic Linear Model

  • 打印summary时发现有很多关于模型的信息,为了弄清楚这些统计指标,我们需要仔细研究一下标准的线性回归模型,下面模型中的ei是预测值和真实值的差,意味着我们默认模型的误差是正态分布的,均值为0.:

  • 计算模型的残差(residuals):

# Our predicted values of y
yhat = linearfit.predict(X)
[ 2.96377802  2.96470989  2.96564176  2.96657363  2.96750549  2.96843736
 2.96936923 2.9703011 2.97123297 2.97216484 2.9730967 2.97402857
residuals = yhat - y
residuals :Series (<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>)
0    -0.000422
1     0.000310
2     0.000042
3    -0.000126
4     0.000205
5    -0.000363
6    -0.000231
7     0.000501
8    -0.000067
9     0.000465
10    0.000597
11   -0.000171
12   -0.000740
Name: lean, dtype: float64

Histogram Of Residuals

  • 之前我们用过直方图(histograms )来显示数据的分布,现在我们也可以显示残差的分布,来确认它是否满足正态分布(其实有很多统计测试来检验正态分布):
plt.hist(residuals, bins=5)


  • 由于我们的数据集只有13个样本,因此这样画出来的直方图并没有太大意义,尽管中间最高的有4个样本

Sum Of Squares

许多线性回归模型的统计测量都依赖于三个平方测量值:Error (SSE), Regression Sum of Squares (RSS)以及Total Sum of Squares (TSS).

  • Error (SSE):真实值与预测值的差的平方和


  • Regression Sum of Squares (RSS) :预测值和真实值的均值的差的平方和,其中的均值是真实值的均值。如果将预测值都设置为观测值的均值,RSS会非常低,但这并没有什么意义。反而是一个大的RSS和一个小的SSE表示一个很好的模型。


  • Total Sum of Squares (TSS):观测值与观测值的均值的差的平方和,大概就是训练集的方差。

    TSS=RSS+SSE:数据总量的方差 = 模型的方差+残差的方差

import numpy as np

# sum the (predicted - observed) squared
SSE = np.sum((yhat-y.values)**2)
''' 1.9228571428562889e-06 '''
# Average y
ybar = np.mean(y.values)

# sum the (mean - predicted) squared
RSS = np.sum((ybar-yhat)**2)
''' 0.00015804483516480448 '''

# sum the (mean - observed) squared
TSS = np.sum((ybar-y.values)**2)
''' 0.00015996769230769499 '''
''' 3.42158959043e-17 '''


  • 线性判定(coefficient of determination)也叫R-Squared,是用来测定线性依赖性的。它是一个数字用来告诉我们数据的总方差中模型的方差的占比:


  • 前面提到一个低的SSE和一个高的RSS表示一个很好的模型拟合,这个R-Squared就表示了这个意思,介于0到1之间。


统计测验表明塔的倾斜程度与年份有关系,一个常见的统计显著性测试是student t-test。这个测试的基础是T分布。和正态分布很相似,都是钟型但是峰值较低。T检验是用于小样本(样本容量小于30)的两个平均值差异程度的检验方法。它是用T分布理论来推断差异发生的概率,从而判定两个平均数的差异是否显著。

from scipy.stats import t

# 100 values between -3 and 3
x = np.linspace(-3,3,100)

# Compute the pdf with 3 degrees of freedom
print(t.pdf(x=x, df=3))
[ 0.02297204  0.02441481  0.02596406  0.02762847  0.0294174   0.031341
 0.03341025 0.03563701 0.03803403 0.04061509 0.04339497 0.04638952
 0.04961567 0.05309149 0.05683617 0.06086996 0.0652142 0.06989116
 0.07492395 0.08033633 0.08615245 0.09239652 0.0990924 0.10626304
 0.11392986 0.12211193 0.13082504 0.14008063 0.14988449 0.16023537
 0.17112343 0.18252859 0.1944188 0.20674834 0.21945618 0.23246464
 0.2456783 0.2589835 0.27224841 0.28532401 0.29804594 0.31023748
 0.32171351 0.33228555 0.34176766 0.34998293 0.35677032 0.36199128
 0.36553585 0.36732769 0.36732769 0.36553585 0.36199128 0.35677032
 0.34998293 0.34176766 0.33228555 0.32171351 0.31023748 0.29804594
 0.28532401 0.27224841 0.2589835 0.2456783 0.23246464 0.21945618
 0.20674834 0.1944188 0.18252859 0.17112343 0.16023537 0.14988449
 0.14008063 0.13082504 0.12211193 0.11392986 0.10626304 0.0990924
 0.09239652 0.08615245 0.08033633 0.07492395 0.06989116 0.0652142
 0.06086996 0.05683617 0.05309149 0.04961567 0.04638952 0.04339497
 0.04061509 0.03803403 0.03563701 0.03341025 0.031341 0.0294174
 0.02762847 0.02596406 0.02441481 0.02297204]
