Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue


Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue (but could be due to network errors).

后面终于发现了,原来真的是验证的问题,我使用的是打包apk的时候的SHA1 去生成的map key ,所以我在调试的时候直接点击运行于真机设备,是不支持这个key的。解决方法是,把应用打包好,再放到真机上运行,才是可行的。至于测试的时候,就要用系统生成一个default.keystore,再去申请一个key,才能运行于调试环境。希望能帮助到大家



I found the solution!!!

If you use private keystore to apply API_KEY. You cannot upload and install application with eclipse.

You need to upload .apk file to your device by yourself and install it!

Thanks Tarsem and srikanth gr help!!
