Brocade MAPS Description

1.      It should support the hardware platforms as below:

•Fixed-port swtich

- Brocade300 switch

- Brocade5100 switch

- Brocade5300 switch

- Brocade5410 embedded switch

- Brocade5424 embedded switch

- Brocade5430 embedded switch

- Brocade5431 embedded switch

- Brocade5450 embedded switch

- Brocade5460 embedded switch

- Brocade5470 embedded switch

- Brocade5480 embedded switch

- BrocadeM6505 embedded switch

- Brocade6505 switch

- Brocade6510 switch

- Brocade6520 switch

- Brocade6547 embedded switch

- Brocade7800 extension switch

- BrocadeVA-40FC

- BrocadeEncryption Switch

• Brocade DCX Backbone family:

- BrocadeDCX

- BrocadeDCX-4S

• Brocade DCX 8510 Backbone family:

- BrocadeDCX 8510-4

- BrocadeDCX 8510-8


2.      Software supported:

Fabric OS v7.2.0a (No sure MAPS support all the FOS versions.)


3.      The feature of MAPS should support:

- Backup\restore all the switch configuration files. (schedule can be edited by customer)

- Fabrictopology network.

- MAPSsoftware’s configure file (include the policy setting) can be backup and restore. It also should support the HA host scenario, that can provide NONE-STOP service.

- Brocadesupport should provide the best practice as the following list:

    •   Action
    •   Category
    •   Condition
    •   Element
    •   Group
    •   Rule
    •   Policy

- Brocadeshould help customer to create the rule, specify the element to monitor thefollowing parameter:

    •   Switch Policy Status
    •   Port Health
    •   FRU Health
    •   Security Violations
    •   Fabric State Changes
    •   Switch Resource
    •   TrafficPerformance
    •   FCIP Health

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