
VirtualClaw -- a virtual machine for Clawpack


The 4.6.2 VM contains a minimal Ubuntu distribution together with variouspackages needed for Clawpack, including:
  • gfortran, gcc, g++
  • git
  • Python modules NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib,
  • ipython,
  • firefox,
  • sphinx,
  • ImageMagick image conversion programs,
  • NetCDF,
  • OpenMPI,
  • leafpad, vi, nano text editors

It should run on any operating system once you've downloaded and installedthe VirtualBox software.

The VirtualClaw.vdi file in compressed form (use unzip or gunzip):

  • For 5.x: Use VirtualClaw-5.vdi.gz
  • For 4.6.3: Use the 4.6.2 VM and "cd clawpack; git pull" to update.
  • VirtualClaw-4.6.2.vdi.zip
  • VirtualClaw-4.6.1.vdi.gz
  • VirtualClaw-4.6.0.vdi.zip
  Note: these files are about 500MB and unzip to about 1.7GB.

If you plan to use Clawpack, please also register as a user.

After starting the VM, log in as clawuser. The password is also clawuser.

Then open a terminal and view the file README.txt.See also the VM documentation

For information on how this VM was created, useful if you want to createyour own, seethisUW eScience Institute How-to page.

We are experimenting with the best setup for this VM. Please send anyfeedback or suggestions for improvement to [email protected].
