const volatile 关键字

const int joy = 101;


volatile unsigned int incoming;

表明incoming 在程序中的两次出现之间它的值可能会改变

const int *ptr  = &joy;

表明指针ptr的值 不能用来改变joy的值,但是它可以指向另外的一个位置

void simple(const char *s);

在形式参数s 被初始化为在函数调用中传递给simple() 的任何值之后 simple() 不能改变s 指向值

int *const ptr = &joy;

指针ptr 只能指向joy ,可以使用ptr来改变 joy的值

void supple(int *const pi);  相当于 void supple(int pi[const]);

函数不会改变参量 pi的值  即 pi的所指向

void print(int a)

//const.c:12: error: assignment of read-only location ‘*s’
//const.c:13: error: assignment of read-only location ‘*s2’

void const_test(const int *s, const int *s2)
    int t;
    t = *s;
    *s = *s2;
    *s2 = t;

int *const_test(const int *s, const int *s2)
    int t = 10;
    *s = &t                             
    printf("%d\n", *s);
    return s;
void const_test(int *const pi)
    printf("pi[const] = %d\n", *pi);
    *pi = 5;

    int a = 10;
//  pi = &a;  const.c:37: error: assignment of read-only location ‘pi’

int main(int  argc, char **argv)
    const int joy = 101;
    printf("const int joy = %d\n", joy);
    //joy = 100; //const.c:6: error: assignment of read-only variable ‘joy’
    volatile unsigned int incoming;
    incoming = 10;

    const int *ptr = &joy;
    printf("*ptr = %d\n", *ptr);
    //*ptr = 100;  // const.c:18: error: assignment of read-only location ‘*ptr’

    int s = 1;
    int s2 = 2;
//  const_test(&s, &s2); //

    printf("s = %d\n", s);
    printf("s2 = %d\n", s2);

    int *const ptr_2 = &joy;
    printf("*ptr_2 = %d\n", *ptr_2);
    *ptr_2 = 100;
    printf("*ptr_2 = %d\n", *ptr_2);

    //ptr_2 =  &s; //const.c:58: error: assignment of read-only variable ‘ptr_2’
    //printf("*ptr_2 = %d\n", *ptr_2);

    int array[3] = { 0, 1, 2};
    printf("array[1] = %d\n", array[1]);
    return 0;

你可能感兴趣的:(const volatile 关键字)