window 7+sqlserver 2008
DB1数据库字符集: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
DB2数据库字符集: Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS
select donor_no,donor_type=case when donor_type='I' then 1 when donor_type<>'' then 2 else 3 end,
name,chi_name,title=(select top 1 ItemTypeID from PropertySetting where ItemKey='ED002' and NameEN+'.' =title ),
sex=case when sex='M' then 1 when sex='F' then 2 else 0 end,religion=case when religion='christian' then 1 when religion='catholic' then 2 else 3 end,
hkid,newsletter=case when newsletter='YES' then 1 when newsletter='NO' then 0 end,
from HOHCS_Lagacy.dbo.donor
where donor_no in(select donor_no from HOHCS_Lagacy.dbo.receipt where rec_date>='2007-04-01')
Msg 468, Level 16, State 9, Line 2
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.
alter database HOHCS_Lagacy collate Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS
后来网上查询不同数据库字符集之间如何查询,原来是这样,需要关键字“Collate Database_Default”转换字符集,把语句改成如下:
select donor_no,donor_type=case when donor_type='I' then 1 when donor_type<>'' then 2 else 3 end,
name,chi_name,title=(select top 1 ItemTypeID from PropertySetting where ItemKey='ED002' and NameEN+'.' Collate Database_Default =title Collate Database_Default ),
sex=case when sex='M' then 1 when sex='F' then 2 else 0 end,religion=case when religion='christian' then 1 when religion='catholic' then 2 else 3 end,
hkid,newsletter=case when newsletter='YES' then 1 when newsletter='NO' then 0 end,
from HOHCS_Lagacy.dbo.donor
where donor_no in(select donor_no from HOHCS_Lagacy.dbo.receipt where rec_date>='2007-04-01')
总结:不同字符集之间比较,关键字“Collate Database_Default ”起作用。