Intersting C examples

From C Puzzles

The expected output of the following C program is to print the elements in the array. But when actually run, it doesn't do so.


  #define TOTAL_ELEMENTS (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))

  int array[] = {23,34,12,17,204,99,16};

  int main()
      int d;
      for(d=-1;d <= (TOTAL_ELEMENTS-2);d++)
      return 0;

d赋值为-1, 与宏NUM-2(值为5)相比较,这时d转化为无符号的数,因此条件为假,for循环未进入,若将NUM换为 const int就不会出现这样的情况。


I thought the following program was a perfect C program. But on compiling, I found a silly mistake. Can you find it out (without compiling the program :-) ?

void OS_Solaris_print()
{        printf("Solaris - Sun Microsystems\n");
void OS_Windows_print()
{        printf("Windows - Microsoft\n");

void OS_HP-UX_print()
{        printf("HP-UX - Hewlett Packard\n");
int main()
{        int num;       
         printf("Enter the number (1-3):\n");        
         case 1:                     
         case 2:                     
         case 3:                    
             printf("Hmm! only 1-3 :-)\n");  
        return 0;

。。。。。。竟然只是变量名错了,OS_HP-UX_print  变量名中含-

The following program doesn't "seem" to print "hello-out". (Try executing it)

 #include <stdio.h>

  #include <unistd.h>

  int main()

         return 0;

输出结果是:hello-errhello-out,stdout, stder分别表示标准输出,标准错误,默认都是将信息输出到终端上,在默认情况下,stdout是行缓冲的,他的输出会放在一个buffer里面,只有到换行的时候,才会输出到屏幕。而stderr是无缓冲的,会直接输 出,举例来说就是printf(stdout, "xxxx") 和 printf(stdout, "xxxx\n"),前者会憋住,直到遇到新行才会 一起输出。而printf(stderr, "xxxxx"),不管有么有\n,都输出。

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