100 doors in a row are all initially closed. You make 100 passes by the doors. The first time through, you visit every door and toggle the door (if the door is closed, you open it; if it is open, you close it). The second time you only visit every 2nd door (door #2, #4, #6, ...). The third time, every 3rd door (door #3, #6, #9, ...), etc, until you only visit the 100th door. Question: What state are the doors in after the last pass? Which are open, which are closed? [Source]
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System; public class DoorGame { private const int doorsCount = 100; public static string Play(int count) { string doors = InitDoorsStatus(); char[] tmp = doors.ToCharArray(); for(int i=1; i < count + 1; i++) { for(int j = 1; j<doorsCount + 1; j ++) { int k = j; if (i > 1){ if (j % i == 0 ) { k = j ; } else { continue ; } } if (k > doorsCount){ break; } tmp [k - 1] = tmp [k - 1] == '0' ? '1':'0'; } //if (i > 90) {Console.WriteLine(new string(tmp));} } doors = new string(tmp); //Console.WriteLine(doors); return doors; } private static string InitDoorsStatus() { string _r = string.Empty; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(int i= 0; i < doorsCount; i++) { sb.Append("0"); } _r = sb.ToString(); return _r; } }
using NUnit.Framework; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; [TestFixture] public class DoorGameTest { [Test] public void shold_be_all_doors_closed_init() { string _t = "0000000000" + "0000000000"+ "0000000000" + "0000000000"+ "0000000000" + "0000000000"+ "0000000000" + "0000000000"+ "0000000000" + "0000000000"; Assert.AreEqual(true , _t.Equals(DoorGame.Play(0))); } [Test] public void shold_be_all_doors_play_1() { string _t = "1111111111" + "1111111111"+ "1111111111" + "1111111111"+ "1111111111" + "1111111111"+ "1111111111" + "1111111111"+ "1111111111" + "1111111111"; Assert.AreEqual(true , _t.Equals(DoorGame.Play(1))); } [Test] public void shold_be_all_doors_play_2() { string _t = "1010101010" + "1010101010"+ "1010101010" + "1010101010"+ "1010101010" + "1010101010"+ "1010101010" + "1010101010"+ "1010101010" + "1010101010"; Assert.AreEqual(true , _t.Equals(DoorGame.Play(2))); } [Test] public void shold_be_all_doors_play_3() { string _t = "1000111000" + "1110001110"+ "0011100011" + "1000111000"+ "1110001110" + "0011100011"+ "1000111000" + "1110001110"+ "0011100011" + "1000111000"; Assert.AreEqual(true , _t.Equals(DoorGame.Play(3))); } [Test] public void shold_be_all_doors_play_100() { string _t = "1001000010" + "0000010000"+ "0000100000" + "0000010000"+ "0000000010" + "0000000000"+ "0001000000" + "0000000000"+ "1000000000" + "0000000001"; Assert.AreEqual(true , _t.Equals(DoorGame.Play(100))); } }
ProcessModel: Default DomainUsage: Single Execution Runtime: mono-4.0 ..... Tests run: 5, Errors: 0, Failures: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Time: 0.024756 seconds Not run: 0, Invalid: 0, Ignored: 0, Skipped: 0