How to use the Feathers List component

How to use the Feathers List component


The List class renders a series of items from a flat data source such as an Array or Vector. It includes support for selection, scrolling, custom layouts, layout virtualization, and custom item renderers.


The Basics

Let's start by creating our List control:

var list:List = new List();
list.width = 250;
list.height = 300;
this.addChild( list );

Next, we want the list to display some items, so let's create a ListCollection as its data provider. In the example below, an Array of objects is passed to the ListCollection.

var groceryList:ListCollection = new ListCollection(
	{ text: "Milk", thumbnail: textureAtlas.getTexture( "milk" ) },
	{ text: "Eggs", thumbnail: textureAtlas.getTexture( "eggs" ) },
	{ text: "Bread", thumbnail: textureAtlas.getTexture( "bread" ) },
	{ text: "Chicken", thumbnail: textureAtlas.getTexture( "chicken" ) },
list.dataProvider = groceryList;

ListCollection wraps any type of data to provide a common API that the List component can understand. Out of the box, ListCollection automatically supports Vector, Array, and XMLList, but you can create _data descriptors_ to use other types of data, if needed.

Now, we need to tell the list how to display the data. Well, actually, we need to tell the item renderer how to display the data. The default item renderer has many options for displaying text, images, and other display objects. Here, we'll tell it to use the text property and the thumbnail property from the items.

list.itemRendererProperties.labelField = "text";
list.itemRendererProperties.iconTextureField = "thumbnail";

When using the labelField, the default item renderer will automatically create an appropriate text renderer to display the label. Similarly, when you use the iconTextureField, the item renderer will automatically create and manage an Image to display the texture. Read the documentation for the DefaultListItemRenderer class to see all of the various fields that are available. We'll look at a couple more in more detail in a moment.


Working with the Default Item Renderer

The default item renderer of a list is a subclass of Button, so all of the skinning and layout options available to buttons can be used by item renderers too. For example, you might want to center your content vertically and horizontally, place the icon on top, and add a gap between them:

list.itemRendererProperties.horizontalAlign = Button.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
list.itemRendererProperties.verticalAlign = Button.VERTICAL_ALIGN_MIDDLE;
list.itemRendererProperties.iconPosition = Button.ICON_POSITION_TOP; = 10;

Also just like buttons, the default item renderer has different touch states like down and hover. You can see how the skins for different states may be customized in the Getting Started with Feathers tutorial.



In addition to the label and the icon, the default item renderer can display an accessory view. This is an extra display object that is often interactive in some way. For instance, you might create a list of settings with labels on the left and some user interface controls like sliders and toggle switches on the right.

An accessory may be a label, an image, or any Starling display object, including Feathers components. Similar to how you use labelField to access text from the item, you can use accessoryLabelField to display a second label. The default item renderer also has an accessoryTextureField which is similar to iconTextureField. Those two will give you the best performance when you want the accessory to display text or an image. If you need to display a UI control or any other type of display object, use the accessoryField property.

The Components Explorer example uses accessories in the settings screens for several of the Feathers components.


Custom Item Renderers

If the default item renderer doesn't have the features that you need, the List component offers the ability to use custom item renderers instead. Custom item renderers must implement the IListItemRenderer interface. They should also subclass FeathersControl.


For full details about item renderers, see Creating Custom Item Renderers.



The easiest way to pass in a custom item renderer is to set the itemRendererType property:

list.itemRendererType = ExampleCustomItemRenderer;

Sometimes, you might want to change some properties on each item renderer as it is created. For example, if you're not using a theme, you will need to pass the skins to the item renderer when you create it. In this case, you can use the itemRendererFactory property instead of itemRendererType:

list.itemRendererFactory = function():IListItemRenderer
	var renderer:DefaultListItemRenderer = new DefaultListItemRenderer();
	renderer.defaultSkin = new Image( texture );
	renderer.defaultLabelProperties.textFormat = new BitmapFontTextFormat( font );
	return renderer;

In the example above, we create the default item renderer for a List component, but we pass in a skin and a text format.



The default layout for a list is to display the items vertically one after the other. We can change that to a horizontal layout, a tiled layout, or even a completely custom algorithm that implements the ILayout interface. Let's switch to a HorizontalLayout and customize it a bit:

var layout:HorizontalLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
layout.verticalAlign = HorizontalLayout.VERTICAL_ALIGN_JUSTIFY; = 10;
layout.paddingTop = layout.paddingRight = layout.paddingBottom =
	layout.paddingLeft = 15;
list.layout = layout;

When the list automatically defaults to a VerticalLayout, it also disables the horizontal scroll policy of its Scroller subcomponent so that the “elastic” edges of the Scroller only apply to the vertical direction. If we're switching to a horizontal layout, we should also adjust the scroll policies appropriately.

list.scrollerProperties.horizontalScrollPolicy = Scroller.SCROLL_POLICY_AUTO;
list.scrollerProperties.verticalScrollPolicy = Scroller.SCROLL_POLICY_OFF;


The List component may have one selected item. You can access information about selection through the selectedIndex and selectedItem properties. If there is no selection, the value of selectedIndex will be -1 and the value of selectedItem will be null.

To listen for when the selection changes, listen to the Event.CHANGE event:

list.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, list_changeHandler );

The listener might look something like this:

private function list_changeHandler( event:Event ):void
    var list:List = List( event.currentTarget );
    trace( "selectedIndex:", list.selectedIndex );

To disable selection, set isSelected to false.


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