document.onkeydown = function banBackSpace(e){ var ev = e || window.event;//获取event对象 var obj = ev.target || ev.srcElement;//获取事件源 var t = obj.type || obj.getAttribute('type');//获取事件源类型 //获取作为判断条件的事件类型 var vReadOnly = obj.getAttribute('readonly'); var vDisabled = obj.getAttribute('disabled'); //处理null值情况 vReadOnly = (vReadOnly == null) ? false : true; vDisabled = (vDisabled == null) ? false : true; //当敲Backspace键时,事件源类型为密码或单行、多行文本的, //并且readonly属性为true或enabled属性为false的,则退格键失效 var flag1 = (ev.keyCode == 8 && (t=="password" || t=="text" || t=="textarea") && (vReadOnly==true || vDisabled==true)) ? true : false; //当敲Backspace键时,事件源类型非密码或单行、多行文本的,则退格键失效 var flag2 = (ev.keyCode == 8 && t != "password" && t != "text" && t != "textarea") ? true : false; //判断 if(flag1 || flag2){ return false; } }
$(window).scroll(function(){ var scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop(); var scrollHeight = $(document).height(); var windowHeight = $(this).height(); if(scrollTop + windowHeight == scrollHeight){ HListApp.update(0, TempApps.get()); //0:追加 } });
function fixThumImg(){ var handle = $(this); var pHandle = handle.parent(); var width = handle.width(); var height = handle.height(); var pWidth = pHandle.width(); var pHeight = pHandle.height(); if(width/height > pWidth/pHeight){ handle.css("width", "100%"); var cur_height = (height * pWidth) / width; handle.css("margin-top", (pHeight - cur_height)/2); }else { handle.css("height", "100%"); var cur_width = (width * pHeight) / height; handle.css("margin-left", (pWidth - cur_width)/2); } handle.show(); }
if(top.document.getElementsByTagName("FRAME").length > 0){ console.log("yes"); }
//批量改变checked属性的话,直接用下面语句会有BUG: $(".select").attr("checked", false); //要用map来轮询操作: $(".select").map(function(){ $(this)[0].checked = false; });
function sizeFormat(size) { var unit = ["B", "K", "M", "G", "T"]; var tmp = size; for(var i=0; i<unit.length-1; i++){ if(tmp < 1024){ tmp = Math.floor((tmp + 0.005) * 100)/100; //取最多两位小数点 return tmp + unit[i]; } tmp = tmp/1024; } tmp = Math.floor((tmp + 0.005) * 100)/100; //取最多两位小数点 return tmp + unit[unit.length-1]; }
function getParameter (sProp ) { var re = new RegExp (sProp + "=([^\&]*)" , "i" ); var a = re . exec (document . location . search ); if (a == null ) return null ; return a [ 1 ]; };
//DIV的滚动冒泡不可用,只能阻止默认滚动,然后自己实现 document.getElementById("scroll_div").onmousewheel =(function(e){ $(this)[0].scrollTop += e.wheelDelta > 0 ? -60 : 60; return false; });
function replaceTplData(tpl, data){ return tpl.replace(/\{([\w\.]*)\}/g, function(key, $1){ return data[$1]; }) }
/** * 和PHP一样的时间戳格式化函数 * @example stampFormat2Date("Y-m-d H:i", new Date().getTime()/1000); * @param {string} format 格式 如'Y-m-d H:i:s' * @param {int} timestamp 要格式化的时间 默认为当前时间(如:new Date().getTime()/1000) * @return {string} 格式化的时间字符串 */ function stampFormat2Date(format, timestamp){ var a, jsdate=((timestamp) ? new Date(timestamp*1000) : new Date()); var pad = function(n, c){ if((n = n + "").length < c){ return new Array(++c - n.length).join("0") + n; } else { return n; } }; var txt_weekdays = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; var txt_ordin = {1:"st", 2:"nd", 3:"rd", 21:"st", 22:"nd", 23:"rd", 31:"st"}; var txt_months = ["", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; var f = { // Day d: function(){return pad(f.j(), 2)}, D: function(){return f.l().substr(0,3)}, j: function(){return jsdate.getDate()}, l: function(){return txt_weekdays[f.w()]}, N: function(){return f.w() + 1}, S: function(){return txt_ordin[f.j()] ? txt_ordin[f.j()] : 'th'}, w: function(){return jsdate.getDay()}, z: function(){return (jsdate - new Date(jsdate.getFullYear() + "/1/1")) / 864e5 >> 0}, // Week W: function(){ var a = f.z(), b = 364 + f.L() - a; var nd2, nd = (new Date(jsdate.getFullYear() + "/1/1").getDay() || 7) - 1; if(b <= 2 && ((jsdate.getDay() || 7) - 1) <= 2 - b){ return 1; } else{ if(a <= 2 && nd >= 4 && a >= (6 - nd)){ nd2 = new Date(jsdate.getFullYear() - 1 + "/12/31"); return date("W", Math.round(nd2.getTime()/1000)); } else{ return (1 + (nd <= 3 ? ((a + nd) / 7) : (a - (7 - nd)) / 7) >> 0); } } }, // Month F: function(){return txt_months[f.n()]}, m: function(){return pad(f.n(), 2)}, M: function(){return f.F().substr(0,3)}, n: function(){return jsdate.getMonth() + 1}, t: function(){ var n; if( (n = jsdate.getMonth() + 1) == 2 ){ return 28 + f.L(); } else{ if( n & 1 && n < 8 || !(n & 1) && n > 7 ){ return 31; } else{ return 30; } } }, // Year L: function(){var y = f.Y();return (!(y & 3) && (y % 1e2 || !(y % 4e2))) ? 1 : 0}, //o not supported yet Y: function(){return jsdate.getFullYear()}, y: function(){return (jsdate.getFullYear() + "").slice(2)}, // Time a: function(){return jsdate.getHours() > 11 ? "pm" : "am"}, A: function(){return f.a().toUpperCase()}, B: function(){ // peter paul koch: var off = (jsdate.getTimezoneOffset() + 60)*60; var theSeconds = (jsdate.getHours() * 3600) + (jsdate.getMinutes() * 60) + jsdate.getSeconds() + off; var beat = Math.floor(theSeconds/86.4); if (beat > 1000) beat -= 1000; if (beat < 0) beat += 1000; if ((String(beat)).length == 1) beat = "00"+beat; if ((String(beat)).length == 2) beat = "0"+beat; return beat; }, g: function(){return jsdate.getHours() % 12 || 12}, G: function(){return jsdate.getHours()}, h: function(){return pad(f.g(), 2)}, H: function(){return pad(jsdate.getHours(), 2)}, i: function(){return pad(jsdate.getMinutes(), 2)}, s: function(){return pad(jsdate.getSeconds(), 2)}, //u not supported yet // Timezone //e not supported yet //I not supported yet O: function(){ var t = pad(Math.abs(jsdate.getTimezoneOffset()/60*100), 4); if (jsdate.getTimezoneOffset() > 0) t = "-" + t; else t = "+" + t; return t; }, P: function(){var O = f.O();return (O.substr(0, 3) + ":" + O.substr(3, 2))}, //T not supported yet //Z not supported yet // Full Date/Time c: function(){return f.Y() + "-" + f.m() + "-" + f.d() + "T" + f.h() + ":" + f.i() + ":" + f.s() + f.P()}, //r not supported yet U: function(){return Math.round(jsdate.getTime()/1000)} }; return format.replace(/[\\]?([a-zA-Z])/g, function(t, s){ if( t!=s ){ // escaped ret = s; } else if( f[s] ){ // a date function exists ret = f[s](); } else{ // nothing special ret = s; } return ret; }); }
var arr = ["中","华","人","民","共","和","国"]; console.log(arr.sort(function(a,b){return a.localeCompare(b)}));注意到localeCompare方法是在当前区域中进行比较的,即比较的环境为当前操作系统设备的地理区域,比如数字、货币、日期时间等的表现方式(在”控制面板“中可以查看修改),如果设备排序的方式为笔划,那上面的结果则为:人,中,民,共,华,和,国(笔划升序)。
//对象和数组的深拷贝 Object.clone = function(sObj){ if(typeof sObj !== "object"){ //数组和对象的type都是"object" return sObj; } var s = {}; if(sObj.constructor == Array){ s = []; } for(var i in sObj){ s[i] = Object.clone(sObj[i]); //递归复制所有属性,包括子对象属性 } return s; }
//对象扩展 //tObj被扩展对象,sObj扩展对象 Object.extend = function(tObj,sObj){ for(var i in sObj){ if(typeof sObj[i] !== "object"){ tObj[i] = sObj[i]; }else if (sObj[i].constructor == Array){ tObj[i] = Object.clone(sObj[i]); }else{ tObj[i] = tObj[i] || {}; Object.extend(tObj[i],sObj[i]); } } } //测试用例 var a = {}; var b = { "a":1, "b":{ "c":function(t){ alert(t); } }, "d":{ "e":2, "f":[1,4,5,7,9] } }; Object.extend(a,b);//a获得了b的所有属性
NaN(Not a Number,非数),是计算机科学中数值数据类型的一个值,表示未定义或不可表示的值
alert(NaN==NaN) // false
alert(typeof(NaN)) // "number"
alert(NaN==undefined) // false
alert(typeof a == "undefined");不能直接用以下方法:
alert(a == undefined);因为当变量a未声明时,则会导致JS错误
很多时候我们会想通过一个存有数据的数组来组成一个特定格式的列表,比如数组["aaa","bbb","ccc"],要把它输出到列表1)aaa, 2)bbb, 3)ccc形式,
var arr = ["aaa","bbb","ccc"]; var tmp = arr.map(function(item, i){ return i + ")" + item; }); //此时tmp数组为["1)aaa","2)bbb","3)ccc"]2)通过join把新数组转换到string
var str = tmp.join('\n'); //此时str为"1)aaa\n2)bbb\n3)ccc"当然,我们也可以一步到位:
var arr = ["aaa","bbb","ccc"]; var str = arr.map(function(item, i){ return i + ")" + item; ).join('\n');
//如Nodejs里Connect的中间件函数,是指定了req,res和next三个参数的,如: require('connect')().use(function(req, res, next){ //middleware logic console.log(req.url); next(); });
//要想把参数传递给中间件函数,可用闭包的方法,如: function setup(options) { // setup logic return function (req, res, next) { // middleware logic //options still accessible even though outer function has returned console.log(req.url); next(); } } require('connect')().use(setup{name: "Eric"}) //成功把name="Eric"传递到中间件函数
.filter_gray{ -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%); -moz-filter: grayscale(100%); -ms-filter: grayscale(100%); -o-filter: grayscale(100%); filter: grayscale(100%); filter: gray; }
function getRealLength(str) { return str.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g,"aa").length; }; alert(getRealLength('测试测试ceshiceshi'));
document.oncontextmenu = function(event) { event.returnValue = false; }
$(".digit-only").keydown(function(e){ var k = window.event ? e.keyCode : e.which; if((k >= 48 && k <=57) || (k >= 96 && k <=105) || k == 8 || k == 0 || (k >= 37 && k <= 40)) { }else { if((k==67 || k == 86) && e.ctrlKey){ //ctrl + (v/c) }else { return false; } } });
22.$(document).ready() 与window.onload的区别
Array.prototype.remove = function(from, to) { var rest = this.slice((to || from) + 1 || this.length); this.length = from < 0 ? this.length + from : from; return this.push.apply(this, rest); };
//在数组(arr)指定位置(i)插入元素(item) function insertArray (arr, i, item) { arr.splice(i, 0, item); }
function(arr) { //filter方法会跳过稀疏数组中缺少的元素,比如delete a[i]后,可调用该函数去重新压缩成稠密的 return arr.filter(function() { return true; }); }压缩空缺并删除undefined和null元素
function(arr) { return arr.filter(function(x) { return x != undefined && x != null;}); }
function encodeHTML(a) { if (a.length == 0) { return "" } a = a.replace(/&/g, "&"); a = a.replace(/</g, "<"); a = a.replace(/>/g, ">"); a = a.replace(/\'/g, "´"); a = a.replace(/\"/g, """); a = a.replace(/\n/g, "<br>"); return a } function decodeHTML(a) { if (a.length == 0) { return "" } a = a.replace(/&/g, "&"); a = a.replace(/</g, "<"); a = a.replace(/>/g, ">"); a = a.replace(/´/g, "'"); a = a.replace(/"/g, '"'); a = a.replace(/<br>/g, "\n"); return a }
If you end up with an XMLHttpRequest having status=0 and statusText=null, it means that the request was not allowed to be performed.
ajaxError(xhr.statusText || null, xhr.status ? 'error' : 'abort', xhr, settings, deferred)
settings.error.call(context, xhr, type, error)
第一个参数是xhr;第二个是type,由xhr.status转换过来,0为'error', 1为'abort';第三个参数是error代表xhr.statusText。
综上所述,只要判断type==='abort' && error === null就可以了,如下:
$.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'http://xxxxxxx', dataType: 'json', data: {}, success: function(ret){ console.log(ret); }, error: function(xhr, type, error) { if(type === 'abort' && error === null) { // 因跨域请求被拦截 console.log('type:' + type + ', error:' + error); } } });
overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 2; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
.tapNone{ -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; }
$(window).scroll(function () { var a = document.getElementById("eq").offsetTop; if (a >= $(window).scrollTop() && a < ($(window).scrollTop()+$(window).height())) { alert("div在可视范围"); } });