图1. 三个欧拉角(α,β,γ),蓝色的轴是xyz轴,红色的轴是XYZ坐标轴。绿色的线是交点线(N)。
A) 绕着XYZ坐标轴旋转:最初,两个坐标系统xyz和XYZ的坐标轴都是重叠着的,开始绕着Z轴旋转α角度,然后绕着X旋转β角度,再绕Z轴旋转γ角度。
B) 绕着xyz坐标轴旋转:最初,两个坐标系统xyz和XYZ的坐标轴都是重叠着的,开始 先绕着z轴旋转γ角度,然后绕着x旋转α角度,最后绕着z轴旋转β。
对于图1 的一些解释和规范:
由定点O做出固定坐标系Oxyz和固定于刚体 的动坐标系OXYZ,以轴Oz与OZ为基本轴,以其垂直面Oxy和OXY为基本平面。
欧拉角的一个相关概念:万向节死锁(Gimbal Lock)简称万向节锁或者万向锁
(2)由于欧拉角顺规的规定,欧拉角 的旋转一定要按照某个特定次序进行。等量的欧拉角变化可能引起完全不同的旋转变化结构。并且欧拉角可能导致自由度丧失,造成旋转不平衡问题,从而造成“万向锁”现象,导致抖动、路径错误等现象。
设三个欧拉角分别为:旋进角(进动角) φ,章动角θ,自转角ψ。
绕任一轴旋转公式(用v1(a1, b2, c2)和v2(a2, b2, c2)来表示旋转轴,θ表示旋转角度):
1. 欧拉角最容易使用。当需要为世界中的物体指定方位时,欧拉角能大大简化人机交互,包括直接键盘输入方位、在代码中指定方位(如为渲染设定摄像机)、在调试中测试。
2. 如果需要在坐标系之间转换向量,就选择矩阵形式。另一种方法是用欧拉角作为方位的“主拷贝“,但同时维护一个旋转矩阵,当欧拉角发生改变时,矩阵也要同时进行更新。
3. 当需要大量保存方位数据(如动画)时,就使用欧拉角或者四元数,欧拉角少占用25%内存,但是转换到矩阵慢。如果动画数据需要嵌套坐标系之间的连接,四元数可能是最好的选择。
4. 平滑插值只能用四元数。用其它形式则必须转到四元数,插值完毕再转回去。
各方法比较 |
任务/性质 |
旋转矩阵 |
欧拉角 |
四元数 |
在坐标系间(物体和惯性)旋转点 |
能 |
不能(必须转换到矩阵) |
不能(必须转换到矩阵) |
连接或增量旋转 |
能,但是经常比四元数慢,小心矩阵蠕变的情况 |
不能 |
能,比矩阵快 |
插值 |
基本不能 |
能,但是容易遇到万向锁或者其他问题 |
Slerp提供了平滑插值 |
易用程度 |
难 |
易 |
难 |
在内存或文件中存储 |
9个数 |
3个数 |
4个数 |
对给定方位的表达式是否唯一 |
是 |
不是,对同一方位有无数多中方法 |
不是,有两种方法,它们互相为互 |
可能导致非法 |
矩阵蠕变 |
任意三个数都能构成合法的欧拉角 |
容易产生误差积累,从而产生非法的四元数 |
function q = angle2quat( r1, r2, r3, varargin ) % ANGLE2QUAT Convert rotation angles to quaternion. % Q = ANGLE2QUAT( R1, R2, R3 ) calculates the quaternion, Q, for given, % R1, R2, R3. R1 is an M array of first rotation angles. R2 is an M % array of second rotation angles. R3 is an M array of third rotation % angles. Q returns an M-by-4 matrix containing M quaternions. Q has its % scalar number as the first column. Rotation angles are input in radians. % % Q = ANGLE2QUAT( R1, R2, R3, S ) calculates the quaternion, Q, for a % given set of rotation angles, R1, R2, R3, and a specified rotation % sequence, S. % % The default rotation sequence is 'ZYX' where the order of rotation % angles for the default rotation are R1 = Z Axis Rotation, R2 = Y Axis % Rotation, and R3 = X Axis Rotation. % % All rotation sequences, S, are supported: 'ZYX', 'ZYZ', 'ZXY', 'ZXZ', % 'YXZ', 'YXY', 'YZX', 'YZY', 'XYZ', 'XYX', 'XZY', and 'XZX'. % % Examples: % % Determine the quaternion from rotation angles: % yaw = 0.7854; % pitch = 0.1; % roll = 0; % q = angle2quat( yaw, pitch, roll ) % % Determine the quaternions from multiple rotation angles: % yaw = [0.7854 0.5]; % pitch = [0.1 0.3]; % roll = [0 0.1]; % q = angle2quat( pitch, roll, yaw, 'YXZ' ) % % See also DCM2QUAT, QUAT2DCM, QUAT2ANGLE. % Copyright 2000-2011 The MathWorks, Inc. if any(~isreal(r1) || ~isnumeric(r1)) error(message('aero:angle2quat:isNotReal1')); end if any(~isreal(r2) || ~isnumeric(r2)) error(message('aero:angle2quat:isNotReal2')); end if any(~isreal(r3) || ~isnumeric(r3)) error(message('aero:angle2quat:isNotReal3')); end if (length(r1) ~= length(r2)) || (length(r1) ~= length(r3)) error(message('aero:angle2quat:wrongDimension')); end if nargin == 3 type = 'zyx'; else if ischar( varargin{1} ) type = varargin{1}; else error(message('aero:angle2quat:notChar')); end end angles = [r1(:) r2(:) r3(:)]; cang = cos( angles/2 ); sang = sin( angles/2 ); switch lower( type ) case 'zyx' q = [ cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3)]; case 'zyz' q = [ cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3)]; case 'zxy' q = [ cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3)]; case 'zxz' q = [ cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3)]; case 'yxz' q = [ cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3)]; case 'yxy' q = [ cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3)]; case 'yzx' q = [ cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3)]; case 'yzy' q = [ cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3)]; case 'xyz' q = [ cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3)]; case 'xyx' q = [ cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3)]; case 'xzy' q = [ cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3)]; case 'xzx' q = [ cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*sang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*cang(:,2).*cang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3) - sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3), ... cang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*cang(:,3) + sang(:,1).*sang(:,2).*sang(:,3)]; otherwise error(message('aero:angle2quat:unknownRotation', type)); end
function [r1, r2, r3] = quat2angle( q, varargin ) % QUAT2ANGLE Convert quaternion to rotation angles. % [R1 R2 R3] = QUAT2ANGLE( Q ) calculates the calculates the set of % rotation angles, R1, R2, R3, for a given quaternion, Q. Input Q is an % M-by-4 matrix containing M quaternions. R1 returns an M array of % first rotation angles. R2 returns an M array of second rotation % angles. R3 returns an M array of third rotation angles. Each element % of Q must be a real number. Additionally, Q has its scalar number as % the first column. Rotation angles are output in radians. % % [R1 R2 R3] = QUAT2ANGLE( Q, S ) calculates the set of rotation % angles, R1, R2, R3, for a given quaternion, Q, and a % specified rotation sequence, S. % % The default rotation sequence is 'ZYX' where the order of rotation % angles for the default rotation are R1 = Z Axis Rotation, R2 = Y Axis % Rotation, and R3 = X Axis Rotation. % % All rotation sequences, S, are supported: 'ZYX', 'ZYZ', 'ZXY', 'ZXZ', % 'YXZ', 'YXY', 'YZX', 'YZY', 'XYZ', 'XYX', 'XZY', and 'XZX'. % % Examples: % % Determine the rotation angles from q = [1 0 1 0]: % [yaw, pitch, roll] = quat2angle([1 0 1 0]) % % Determine the rotation angles from multiple quaternions: % q = [1 0 1 0; 1 0.5 0.3 0.1]; % [pitch, roll, yaw] = quat2angle(q, 'YXZ') % % See also ANGLE2DCM, DCM2ANGLE, DCM2QUAT, ANGLE2QUAT, QUAT2DCM. % Copyright 2000-2007 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2007/05/10 13:42:36 $ % Limitations: % The limitations for the 'ZYX', 'ZXY', 'YXZ', 'YZX', 'XYZ', and 'XZY' % implementations generate an R2 angle that lies between +/- 90 % degrees, and R1 and R3 angles that lie between +/- 180 degrees. % % The limitations for the 'ZYZ', 'ZXZ', 'YXY', 'YZY', 'XYX', and 'XZX' % implementations generate an R2 angle that lies between 0 and % 180 degrees, and R1 and R3 angles that lie between +/- 180 degrees. % error(nargchk(1, 2, nargin,'struct')); if nargin == 1 type = 'zyx'; else if ischar( varargin{1} ) type = varargin{1}; else error('aero:quat2angle:notchar','Rotation sequence is not a string.'); end end qin = quatnormalize( q ); switch lower( type ) case 'zyx' [r1, r2, r3] = threeaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ... qin(:,1).^2 + qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ... -2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ... 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ... qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 + qin(:,4).^2); case 'zyz' [r1, r2, r3] = twoaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ... 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ... qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 + qin(:,4).^2, ... 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ... -2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3))); case 'zxy' [r1, r2, r3] = threeaxisrot( -2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ... qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 + qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ... 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ... -2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ... qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 + qin(:,4).^2); case 'zxz' [r1, r2, r3] = twoaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ... -2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ... qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 + qin(:,4).^2, ... 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ... 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2))); case 'yxz' [r1, r2, r3] = threeaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ... qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 + qin(:,4).^2, ... -2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ... 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ... qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 + qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2); case 'yxy' [r1, r2, r3] = twoaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ... 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ... qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 + qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ... 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ... -2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2))); case 'yzx' [r1, r2, r3] = threeaxisrot( -2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ... qin(:,1).^2 + qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ... 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ... -2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ... qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 + qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2); case 'yzy' [r1, r2, r3] = twoaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ... -2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ... qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 + qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ... 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ... 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4))); case 'xyz' [r1, r2, r3] = threeaxisrot( -2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ... qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 + qin(:,4).^2, ... 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ... -2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ... qin(:,1).^2 + qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2); case 'xyx' [r1, r2, r3] = twoaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ... -2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ... qin(:,1).^2 + qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ... 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ... 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3))); case 'xzy' [r1, r2, r3] = threeaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,3).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,2)), ... qin(:,1).^2 - qin(:,2).^2 + qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ... -2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ... 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ... qin(:,1).^2 + qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2); case 'xzx' [r1, r2, r3] = twoaxisrot( 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ... 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,4)), ... qin(:,1).^2 + qin(:,2).^2 - qin(:,3).^2 - qin(:,4).^2, ... 2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,4) + qin(:,1).*qin(:,3)), ... -2.*(qin(:,2).*qin(:,3) - qin(:,1).*qin(:,4))); otherwise error('aero:quat2angle:unknownrotation','Unknown rotation sequence, %s', type); end function [r1, r2, r3] = threeaxisrot(r11, r12, r21, r31, r32) % find angles for rotations about X, Y, and Z axes r1 = atan2( r11, r12 ); r2 = asin( r21 ); r3 = atan2( r31, r32 ); function [r1, r2, r3] = twoaxisrot(r11, r12, r21, r31, r32) r1 = atan2( r11, r12 ); r2 = acos( r21 ); r3 = atan2( r31, r32 ); function qout = quatnormalize( q ) % QUATNORMALIZE Normalize a quaternion. % N = QUATNORMALIZE( Q ) calculates the normalized quaternion, N, for a % given quaternion, Q. Input Q is an M-by-4 matrix containing M % quaternions. N returns an M-by-4 matrix of normalized quaternions. % Each element of Q must be a real number. Additionally, Q has its % scalar number as the first column. % % Examples: % % Normalize q = [1 0 1 0]: % normal = quatnormalize([1 0 1 0]) % % See also QUATCONJ, QUATDIVIDE, QUATINV, QUATMOD, QUATMULTIPLY, % QUATNORM, QUATROTATE. % Copyright 2000-2005 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/11/01 23:39:35 $ qout = q./(quatmod( q )* ones(1,4)); function mod = quatmod( q ) % QUATMOD Calculate the modulus of a quaternion. % N = QUATMOD( Q ) calculates the modulus, N, for a given quaternion, Q. % Input Q is an M-by-4 matrix containing M quaternions. N returns a % column vector of M moduli. Each element of Q must be a real number. % Additionally, Q has its scalar number as the first column. % % Examples: % % Determine the modulus of q = [1 0 0 0]: % mod = quatmod([1 0 0 0]) % % See also QUATCONJ, QUATDIVIDE, QUATINV, QUATMULTIPLY, QUATNORM, % QUATNORMALIZE, QUATROTATE. % Copyright 2000-2005 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/11/01 23:39:32 $ mod = sqrt(quatnorm( q )); function qout = quatnorm( q ) % QUATNORM Calculate the norm of a quaternion. % N = QUATNORM( Q ) calculates the norm, N, for a given quaternion, Q. Input % Q is an M-by-4 matrix containing M quaternions. N returns a column vector % of M norms. Each element of Q must be a real number. Additionally, Q has % its scalar number as the first column. % % Examples: % % Determine the norm of q = [1 0 0 0]: % norm = quatnorm([1 0 0 0]) % % See also QUATCONJ, QUATDIVIDE, QUATINV, QUATMOD, QUATMULTIPLY, % QUATNORMALIZE, QUATROTATE. % Copyright 2000-2005 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/11/01 23:39:34 $ if any(~isreal(q(:))) error('aero:quatnorm:isnotreal','Input elements are not real.'); end if (size(q,2) ~= 4) error('aero:quatnorm:wrongdim','Input dimension is not M-by-4.'); end qout = sum(q.^2,2);测试文件eularquat.m
%matlab航空航天工具箱(Aerospace Toolbox)提供有: %quat2angle函数实现四元数到欧拉角转换 %angle2quat函数实现欧拉角到四元数转换 %quat2angle调用示例 [yaw,pitch,roll]=quat2angle([1 0 1 0]) %angle2quat调用示例 q=angle2quat(0.7854,0.1,0)