原文网址: http://m.phys.org/news/2015-03-revolutionary-3d-technology.html
新型的3D打印技术 2015.3.17
一种由Slicon Valley startup,Carbon3D Inc研发的3D打印技术能够使物体不停地由液体介质中生成而不是和过去的25年那样一层一层地打印,这代表了一种根本上的新的3D打印方法。这个技术,将作为在3.20号印刷的Science的封面文章出现,使要准备使用的产品能比用其他方法加工快25~100倍,而且能加工以前不可能完成的几何体。这给健康监护、药物和主要的工业,比如汽车和航空的创新都带了新机会。
Joseph M.DeSimone,UNC-Chapel Hill和NC.State的化学工程教授,是现任他和同事,AlexErmoshkin 和Edward T.Samulski一起发明这个技术的所在地,Carbon 3D的CEO。Alex Ermoshkin是Carbon 3D的首席技术总监,Edward T.Samulski也是UNC.的化学教授,目前在休假。DeSimone关注于将这个技术带到市场,同时,也为研究生使用该技术探索材料科学和药物传递提供机会。(由麦香鱼香麦 翻译)
这项技术,CLIP(Continuous Liquid Interface Production) 操纵光和氧在液体介质中腐蚀物体,形成使用可调的光化学方法来进行3D打印的第一步,代替了定义了3D打印几十年的逐层打印方法。通过计划让光束通过一个可通过氧的窗口进入液态松香来实现。光和氧串联控制松香的凝固,形成可以商业化的产品,其特征尺寸小于20微米,或者说少于纸张厚度的四分之一。
“通过不断考虑3D打印的全过程,以及其背后的化学、物理过程,我们已经创造了一种本质上是在液体池子中‘生长’起来的,从根本上比传统技术快的新技术。”DeSimone说。他在3.16在Vancouver,British Columbia的公开学期会议中的TED演讲上公布了这种技术。(由 麦香鱼香麦 翻译)
经由UNC-Chapel Hill和 Carbon 3D的赞助研究协议,这个研发团队现在继续进一步研究这项技术,以及能够匹配这技术来使用的新材料。CLIP使很多材料都可以用来3D打印,包括弹性材料,硅树脂,尼龙类物质,陶瓷,和生物可降解材料。这技术本身为在材料科学中探索合成新奇的材料绘制了蓝图。(由 麦香鱼香麦 翻译)
Rima Janusziewicz 和Ashley R.Johnson,DeSimone's 学术实验室的研究生,是这论文的共同作者,现在正研究药物传递和其他领域这项技术的新应用。
“除了新材料的使用,CLIP能够让我们制造更坚固的,带有奇特几何形状的,其他技术无法加工的物品,比如需要根据特殊病人的需求私人订制的心脏支架。”DeSimone说,“自从CLIP推动了3D聚合物制造从几小时或者几天到几十分钟,在未来几年,可能使个人化的冠状动脉支架、种植牙和假肢在医疗环境中根据需要3D打印。”(由 麦香鱼香麦 翻译)
(由 麦香鱼香麦 翻译)
/****************** 以下是原文 ***********************/
Mar 17, Technology/Engineering
Joseph M. DeSimone, professor of chemistry at UNC-Chapel Hill and of chemical engineering at N.C. State, is currently CEO of Carbon3D where he co-invented the method with colleagues Alex Ermoshkin, chief technology officer at Carbon 3D and Edward T. Samulski, also professor of chemistry at UNC. Currently on sabbatical from the University, DeSimone has focused on bringing the technology to market, while also creating new opportunities for graduate students to use the technique for research in materials science and drug delivery at UNC and NCSU.
The technology, called CLIP - for Continuous Liquid Interface Production - manipulates light and oxygen to fuse objects in liquid media, creating the first 3D printing process that uses tunable photochemistry instead of the layer-by-layer approach that has defined the technology for decades. It works by projecting beams of light through an oxygen-permeable window into a liquid resin. Working in tandem, light and oxygen control the solidification of the resin, creating commercially viable objects that can have feature sizes below 20 microns, or less than one-quarter of the width of a piece of paper.
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"By rethinking the whole approach to 3D printing, and the chemistry and physics behind the process, we have developed a new technology that can create parts radically faster than traditional technologies by essentially 'growing' them in a pool of liquid," said DeSimone, who revealed the technology at a TED talk on March 16 in the opening session of the conference in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Through a sponsored research agreement between UNC-Chapel Hill and Carbon 3D, the team is currently pursuing advances to the technology, as well as new materials that are compatible with it. CLIP enables a very wide range of material to be used to make 3D parts with novel properties, including elastomers, silicones, nylon-like materials, ceramics and biodegradable materials. The technique itself provides a blueprint for synthesizing novel materials that can further research in materials science.
Rima Janusziewicz and Ashley R. Johnson, graduate students in DeSimone's academic lab, are co-authors on the paper and are working on novel applications in drug delivery and other areas.
"In addition to using new materials, CLIP can allow us to make stronger objects with unique geometries that other techniques cannot achieve, such as cardiac stents personally tailored to meet the needs of a specific patient," said DeSimone. "Since CLIP facilitates 3D polymeric object fabrication in a matter of minutes instead of hours or days, it would not be impossible within coming years to enable personalized coronary stents, dental implants or prosthetics to be 3D printed on-demand in a medical setting."
CLIP's debut coincides with the United Nation designating 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies, which recognizes important anniversaries of scientific advances enabled with light.
More information: Continuous liquid interface production of 3D objects, Published Online March 16 2015. Science DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa2397
Provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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