[置顶] android 开发问题集(一):SDK更新后 运行程序报错Location of the Android SDK has not been setup in the preferences

SDK更新后 运行程序报错Location of the Android SDK has not been setup in the preferences

问题描述:android跟新后报错location of the android sdk has not been setup in the preferences。eclipse里的SDK Manager也打不开



选择 Help > Install New Software,然后选择”What is already installed?” (一个蓝色的连接),选择”Android DDMS”和”Android Development Tools” 两项,然后点击Uninstall,删除后重启Eclipse。

然后重新安装ADT, Help > Install New Software,地址填https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/


如果重新安装ADT后还是无效,就删除ADT,跟新eclipse,help–>check for updates.等他跟新完后再安装ADT就能成功(我现在就是这么做的)

PS:网上很多都说是SDK配置文件夹不对,其实如果你以前已经跑过android的程序的话,根本不可能是这个原因导致的,只能是手贱跟新android SDK导致


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