One problem with arrays is that they must typically be initialized prior to use. On most computing environments, when we allocate an array of O(n) words of memory they start out filled with “garbage” values (whatever data last occupied that block of memory), and we must spend O(n) time setting the words in the block to some initial value. In this problem,
we wish to design a data structure that behaves like an array (i.e., allowing us to retrieve the ith value and modify the ith value both in O(1) time), but which allows for initialization to a specified value v in O(1) time as well. That is, if we ask for the value of an element we have not modified since the last initialization, the result should be v. The data structure should occupy O(n) space in memory (note that this could be twice or three times as large as the actual space we need to store the elements of the array), and the data structure should function properly regardless of whatever garbage is initially present in this memory. As a hint, try to combine the best features of an array and a linked list.
int data[N]; unsigned int index[N]; unsigned int pos[N]; int number = 0;其中index数组用于记录某位置是第 ith被赋值的,pos用于记录第 ith个被赋值的位置。number用于记录有多少个数被赋值了。
data[i] = val; index[i] = number; pos[index[i]] = i; number++;
1.如果index[i] < number && pos[index[i]] == i,那么说明这一位已经被赋值过了,因此可以返回其值
1.如果在最开始的时候我们访问数组的某一位,则index[i] < number是永远为false的,因为任何无符号数都不会比0小。
2.当数组中已经有一些位置被赋值,在我们访问某未被赋值的位置时,我们直到index[i]此时还未被赋值,也就是其值为垃圾数据。即使碰巧index[i] < number,那么pos[index[i]]也不等于i,因为pos[index[i]]在此前已经被赋值了。
data x x x x x x x x x x x x index x x x x x x x x x x x x pos x x x x x x x x x x x x number = 0;现在我们想访问data[6]的值,首先查看index[6],此时index[6]中的数据是随机的,但是index[6]必然是 >= 0的,因为数组是无符号整型,因此返回默认值VAL.
现在为其赋值data[4] = 9,数组变化如下:
data x x x x 9 x x x x x x x index x x x x 0 x x x x x x x pos 4 x x x x x x x x x x x number = 1;然后访问data[4],发现满足 index[4] = number && pos[index[4]] == 4,因此返回data[4]。
再访问data[6],如果data[6]中的随机数据恰好小于number,即为0,那么我们再查看pos[0]的,我们直到pos[0]的值在上次被赋值为4,因此pos[0] != 6,所以返回默认值VAL.