接上一篇,jt在offerService方法中执行作业recovery操作,需要注意的是,下面介绍的recovery操作是在jt的rpc server启动之前,即jt对外提供服务之前。
public void recover() { if (!shouldRecover()) { // clean up jobs structure jobsToRecover.clear(); return; }//如果没有需要重跑的作业,或者没有配置作业恢复机制,那么把RecoveryManager保存的jobID全部清空,即清空jobsToRecover。 LOG.info("Restart count of the jobtracker : " + restartCount); //cache 住每个作业的history日志文件 Map<JobID, Path> jobHistoryFilenameMap = new HashMap<JobID, Path>(); Iterator<JobID> idIter = jobsToRecover.iterator(); JobInProgress job = null; File jobIdFile = null; boolean isJobIdFileStoreLocal="".equals(conf.get("hadoop.job.history.location","")); //作业的history文件可以放到集群上,也可以放到jobtracker本地,如果不配hadoop.job.history.location,就是默认本地 //实际应用是放到hdfs的/jobtracker/job.history/路径下 while (idIter.hasNext()) { JobID id = idIter.next(); LOG.info("Trying to recover details of job " + id); try { String logFileName = JobHistory.JobInfo.getJobHistoryFileNameByID(conf, id); //根据jobID找到其对应的history文件名 if (logFileName == null) { LOG.info("No history file found for job " + id); idIter.remove(); // 没有历史文件的作业就不能恢复了 continue; } // 找到作业的用户名,重新构建JobInProgress结构 String user = null; if(isJobIdFileStoreLocal){//history日志在本机情况处理 jobIdFile = new File(lDirAlloc.getLocalPathToRead(SUBDIR + "/" + id, conf).toString()); //如果是jt本机磁盘保存作业历史文件,那么这样处理,直接读计算目录下的相应的文件,里边记录了作业的用户 if (jobIdFile != null && jobIdFile.exists()) { LOG.info("File " + jobIdFile + " exists for job " + id); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(jobIdFile); BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); user = reader.readLine(); LOG.info("Recovered user " + user + " for job " + id); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } in.close(); } } }else{ String[] fields=logFileName.split("_"); if(fields!=null && fields.length>4){ user=fields[4]; } } //作业的history文件名包含了用户名,例如,以"_"切分,第5个就是用户名,seo //job_201305281414_832629_1387852833833_seo_share%5F0 if (user == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Incomplete job " + id); } // Create the job /* THIS PART OF THE CODE IS USELESS. JOB RECOVERY SHOULD BE * BACKPORTED (MAPREDUCE-873) */ job = new JobInProgress(JobTracker.this, conf, new JobInfo((org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobID) id, new Text(user), new Path(getStagingAreaDirInternal(user,id.toString()))), restartCount, new Credentials() /*HACK*/); //restartCount计数器,用于统计这个作业被重新跑了多少次,每个作业都有统计 //JobInfo创建了所谓的staging Area Dir 这里配置的就是/user/.staging/jobid // 2.检查用户的合法性 // Get the user group info for the job's owner UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(job.getJobConf().getUser()); LOG.info("Submitting job " + id + " on behalf of user " + ugi.getShortUserName() + " in groups : " + StringUtils.arrayToString(ugi.getGroupNames())); // check the access try { aclsManager.checkAccess(job, ugi, Operation.SUBMIT_JOB); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Access denied for user " + ugi.getShortUserName() + " in groups : [" + StringUtils.arrayToString(ugi.getGroupNames()) + "]"); throw t; } // 3. Get the log file and the file path Path jobHistoryFilePath = JobHistory.JobInfo.getJobHistoryLogLocation(logFileName); // 4. Recover the history file. This involved // - deleting file.recover if file exists // - renaming file.recover to file if file doesnt exist // This makes sure that the (master) file exists JobHistory.JobInfo.recoverJobHistoryFile(job.getJobConf(), jobHistoryFilePath); //确保作业的history文件要准备好 // 5. Cache the history file name as it costs one dfs access jobHistoryFilenameMap.put(job.getJobID(), jobHistoryFilePath); // 6. Sumbit the job to the jobtracker addJob(id, job); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Failed to recover job " + id + " Ignoring the job.", t); idIter.remove(); if (jobIdFile != null) { jobIdFile.delete(); jobIdFile = null; } if (job != null) { job.fail(); job = null; } continue; } }//到这里,把所有需要恢复的作业弄了一圈,history文件cache住,然后重新构造JobInProgress对象, //并加到jt管理的JobInProgress cache中. long recoveryStartTime = clock.getTime(); // II. Recover each job idIter = jobsToRecover.iterator(); while (idIter.hasNext()) { JobID id = idIter.next(); JobInProgress pJob = getJob(id); // 1. Get the required info // Get the recovered history file Path jobHistoryFilePath = jobHistoryFilenameMap.get(pJob.getJobID()); String logFileName = jobHistoryFilePath.getName(); FileSystem fs; try { fs = jobHistoryFilePath.getFileSystem(conf); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Failed to get the filesystem for job " + id + ". Ignoring.", ioe); continue; } // 2. Parse the history file // Note that this also involves job update JobRecoveryListener listener = new JobRecoveryListener(pJob); try { JobHistory.parseHistoryFromFS(jobHistoryFilePath.toString(), listener, fs); //解析hdfs上的每一个history文件,这个history文件很重要,我日,里边保存了恢复信息, //里边回答了你要恢复整个作业,还是task,是map还是reduce? //从哪个attempt恢复等等,这样的一个东西叫做一个event } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.info("Error reading history file of job " + pJob.getJobID() + ". Ignoring the error and continuing.", t); } // 3. Close the listener listener.close(); // 4. Update the recovery metric totalEventsRecovered += listener.getNumEventsRecovered(); // 5. Cleanup history // Delete the master log file as an indication that the new file // should be used in future try { synchronized (pJob) { JobHistory.JobInfo.checkpointRecovery(logFileName, pJob.getJobConf()); //history路径下保存了一个作业的两个文件,一个是.recover另一个是作业主文件 } } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Failed to delete log file (" + logFileName + ") for job " + id + ". Continuing.", t); } if (pJob.isComplete()) { idIter.remove(); // no need to keep this job info as its successful } } recoveryDuration = clock.getTime() - recoveryStartTime; hasRecovered = true; // III. Finalize the recovery synchronized (trackerExpiryQueue) { // Make sure that the tracker statuses in the expiry-tracker queue // are updated long now = clock.getTime(); int size = trackerExpiryQueue.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size ; ++i) { // Get the first tasktracker TaskTrackerStatus taskTracker = trackerExpiryQueue.first(); // Remove it trackerExpiryQueue.remove(taskTracker); // Set the new time taskTracker.setLastSeen(now); // Add back to get the sorted list trackerExpiryQueue.add(taskTracker); } } LOG.info("Restoration complete"); }