

- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
 NSLog(@"--self-machine-%@",[self machineName]); } #pragma -mark -functions
- (NSString*) machineName{ struct utsname systemInfo; uname(&systemInfo); NSString *result = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; return result; } /* @"i386" on the simulator @"iPod1,1" on iPod Touch @"iPod2,1" on iPod Touch Second Generation @"iPod3,1" on iPod Touch Third Generation @"iPod4,1" on iPod Touch Fourth Generation @"iPod5,1" on iPod Touch Fifth Generation @"iPhone1,1" on iPhone @"iPhone1,2" on iPhone 3G @"iPhone2,1" on iPhone 3GS @"iPad1,1" on iPad @"iPad2,1" on iPad 2 @"iPad3,1" on 3rd Generation iPad @"iPad3,2": on iPad 3(GSM+CDMA) @"iPad3,3": on iPad 3(GSM) @"iPad3,4": on iPad 4(WiFi) @"iPad3,5": on iPad 4(GSM) @"iPad3,6": on iPad 4(GSM+CDMA) @"iPhone3,1" on iPhone 4 @"iPhone4,1" on iPhone 4S @"iPhone5,1" on iPhone 5 @"iPad3,4" on 4th Generation iPad @"iPad2,5" on iPad Mini @"iPhone5,1" on iPhone 5(GSM) @"iPhone5,2" on iPhone 5(GSM+CDMA) @"iPhone5,3 on iPhone 5c(GSM) @"iPhone5,4" on iPhone 5c(GSM+CDMA) @"iPhone6,1" on iPhone 5s(GSM) @"iPhone6,2" on iPhone 5s(GSM+CDMA) */



2015-10-19 13:46:01.900 获取设备型号[5730:130903] --self-machine-x86_64

