
To develop a solid understanding of a data structure requires three things: First, you must learn how the information is arranged in the memory of the computer. Second, you must become familiar with the algorithms for manipulating the information contained in the data structure. And third, you must understand the performance characteristics of the data structure so that when called upon to select a suitable data structure for a particular application, you are able to make an appropriate decision.


Objects  are used to combine data with the procedures that operate on that data. The main advantage of using objects is that they provide both  abstraction  and  encapsulation .

Abstraction can be thought of as a mechanism for suppressing irrelevant details while at the same time emphasizing relevant ones. An important benefit of abstraction is that it makes it easier for the programmer to think about the problem to be solved.

For example, procedural abstraction lets the software designer think about the actions to be performed without worrying about how those actions are implemented. Similarly, data abstraction lets the software designer think about the objects in a program and the interactions between those objects without having to worry about how those objects are implemented.

There are also many different levels of abstraction. The lower the levels of abstraction expose more of the details of an implementation whereas the higher levels hide more of the details.

Encapsulation aids the software designer by enforcing information hiding. Objects encapsulate data and the procedures for manipulating that data. In a sense, the object hides the details of the implementation from the user of that object.

There are two very real benefits from encapsulation--conceptual and physical independence. Conceptual independence results from hiding the implementation of an object from the user of that object. Consequently, the user is prevented from doing anything with an object that depends on the implementation of that object. This is desirable because it allows the implementation to be changed without requiring the modification of the user's code.

Physical independence arises from the fact that the behavior of an object is determined by the object itself. The behavior of an object is not determined by some external entity. As a result, when we perform an operation on an object, there are no unwanted side-effects.


