本系列文章将主要介绍两种“基础数据结构”——数组和链表,及其变种。(参考教材:Foundational Data Structures)
数组与链表是两种最基本的数据结构。 在《数据结构与算法》的学习中,我们将遇到多种"Abstract Data Types (ADTs)",包括:stacks, queues, deques, ordered lists, sorted lists, hash and scatter tables, trees, priority queues, sets and graphs等。对于这些ADTs中的任意一个,我们都可以选择使用数组或链表来实现。因此,深入理解数组和链表是学好其他数据结构的基础。
下面我们指针C++普通数组的缺点,我们设计一个自定义的“Dynamic Array”。
如上图所示,这个“Dynamic Array”设计了两个结构,左边的结构包含了三个field,右边的结构是一个普通数组。具体设计见如下代码:
#ifndef DYNAMIC_ARRAY_H #define DYNAMIC_ARRAY_H #include <stdexcept> //std::out_of_range // Two structures are used. The first is a structure which comprises three fields--data, base and length. // The member variable data is a pointer to the array data. Variables base and length are used in the array subscript calculation. // The second structure comprises contiguous memory locations which hold the array elements. namespace FoundationalDataStructure { template <typename T> class Array { public: Array(); Array(unsigned int, unsigned int = 0); ~Array(); Array(const Array &); Array & operator=(const Array &); T const& operator[](unsigned int) const; // called by const Array Object T & operator[](unsigned int); T const* Data() const; unsigned int Base() const; unsigned int Length() const; void SetBase(unsigned int); void SetLength(unsigned int); protected: T * data; unsigned int base; unsigned int length; }; template <typename T> Array<T>::Array() : data(new T[0]{}) , base(0) , length(0) {} template <typename T> Array<T>::Array(unsigned int n, unsigned int m) : data(new T[n]{}) , base(m) , length(n) {} template <typename T> Array<T>::~Array() { delete[] data; } template <typename T> Array<T>::Array(const Array & array) : data(new T[array.Length()]{}) , base(array.Base()) , length(array.Length()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i) data[i] = array[i]; } template <typename T> Array<T> & Array<T>::operator=(const Array & array) { data = new T[array.Length()]{}; base = array.Base(); length = array.Length(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i) data[i] = array.Data()[i]; return *this; } template <typename T> T const * Array<T>::Data() const { return data; } template <typename T> unsigned int Array<T>::Base() const { return base; } template <typename T> unsigned int Array<T>::Length() const { return length; } template <typename T> T const & Array<T>::operator[](unsigned int position) const { unsigned int const offset = position - base; if (offset >= length) throw std::out_of_range("invalid position"); return data[offset]; } template <typename T> T & Array<T>::operator[](unsigned int position) { unsigned int const offset = position - base; if (offset >= length) throw std::out_of_range("invalid position"); return data[offset]; } template <typename T> void Array<T>::SetBase(unsigned int newBase) { base = newBase; } template <typename T> void Array<T>::SetLength(unsigned int newLength) { if (length == newLength) return; T * const newData = new T[newLength]{}; unsigned int const min = length < newLength ? length : newLength; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < min; ++i) newData[i] = data[i]; delete[] data; data = newData; length = newLength; } } // namespace FoundationalDataStructure #endif // DYNAMIC_ARRAY_H
1,关于std::out_of_range,它是标准库中的一个类,继承关系:exception <-- logic_error <-- out_of_range,参考std::out_of_range。
2,添加了一个namespace FoundationalDataStructure,防止与标准库冲突。本意是想将模版类的声明和函数实现分离到.h和.cpp文件,才添加namespace,但未成功。