
由于继承导致对象的指针和引用具有两种不同的类型: 静态类型 和 动态类型 。
静态类型 :指针或者是引用声明时的类型。
动态类型 :由他实际指向的类型确定。

GameObject *pgo = new SpaceShip; //pgo静态类型是 GameObject动态类型是 SpaceShip*
Asterioid *pa = new Asterioid; //pa的静态类型是 Asterioid *
//动态类型也是 Asterioid *
pgo = pa; //pgo静态类型总指向 GameObject *
//动态类型指向了 Asterioid *
GameObject &rgo = *pa; //rgo的静态类型是 GameObject
//动态类型是 Asterioi
  • static type [defns.static.type]
    the type of an expression (3.9), which type results from analysis of the program without considering execution semantics. The static type of an expression depends only on the form of the program in which the expression appears, and does not change while the
    program is executing.
  • dynamic type [defns.dynamic.type]
    the type of the most derived object (1.8) to which the lvalue denoted by an lvalue expression refers. [Example:if a pointer
