AVL树也称为高度平衡树,其插入,删除,查找在平均和最坏情况下都是O(log n),增加和删除要通过一次或多次树的旋转来重新平衡这个树。
RB_tree并不追求完全平衡,只要求部分达到平衡要求,降低了对旋转的要求,从而提高了性能,红黑树能够以O(log 2 n)的时间复杂度进行插入,删除,查找,此外由于它的设计任何不平衡都会在3次旋转之内解决。相比较而言红黑树和AVL树的算法时间复杂度相同,但统计性能比AVL树高。同时,红黑树的应用比AVL树广泛
例如:(1)红黑树广泛应用于c++的STL中,比如关联式容器set, map,multiset, multimap都以RB_tree为底层机制。
typedef bool __rb_tree_color_type;
const __rb_tree_color_type __rb_tree_red = false;
const __rb_tree_color_type __rb_tree_black = true;
struct __rb_tree_node_base
typedef __rb_tree_color_type color_type;
typedef __rb_tree_node_base* base_ptr;
color_type color;
base_ptr parent;
base_ptr left;
base_ptr right;
static base_ptr minimum(base_ptr x)
wile(x->left != 0){
x = x->left;
return x;
static base_ptr maximum(base_ptr x)
while(x->right != 0){
x = x->right;
return x;
template<class Value>
struct __rb_tree_node : public __rb_tree_node_base
typedef __rb_tree_node<Value>* link_type;
Value value_field;
struct __rb_base_iterator
typedef __rb_tree_node_base::base_ptr base_ptr;
typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
base_ptr node;
//(1)如果node有右子树,但这个右子树没有左子节点,那么node前进一个节点为node->right.如果这个右子 树有左子树,那么node后面的节点就是这个左子树的最左边的那个节点。
void increment()
if(node->right != 0){
node = node->right;
while(node->left != 0){
node = node->left;
base_ptr y = node->parent;
while(node == y->right){
node = y;
y = y->parent;
if(node->right != y){
node = y;
void decrement()
if(node->color == __rb_tree_red && node->parent->parent == node){
node = node->right;
else if(node->left != 0){
base_ptr y = node->left;
while(y->right != 0){
y = y->right;
node = y;
base_ptr y = node->parent;
while(node == y->left){
node = y;
y = y->parent;
node = y;
template<calss Value, class Ref, class Ptr>
struct __ rb_tree_iterator : public __rb_tree_base_iterator
typedef Value value_type;
typedef Ref reference;
typedef Ptr pointer;
typedef __rb_tree_iterator<Value, Value&, Value*> iterator;
typedef __rb_tree_iterator<Value, const Value&, const Value*> const_iterator;
typedef __rb_tree_iterator<Value, Ref, Ptr> self;
typedef __rb_tree_node<Value>* link_type;
__rb_tree_iterator(link_type x){node = x;}
__rb_tree_iterator(const iterator& it){ode = it.node;}
self& operator++() { increment(); return *this; }
self operator++(int) {
self tmp = *this;
return tmp;
self& operator--() { decrement(); return *this; }
self operator--(int) {
self tmp = *this;
return tmp;
inline bool operator==(const __rb_tree_base_iterator& x,
const __rb_tree_base_iterator& y)
return x.node == y.node;
inline bool operator!=(const __rb_tree_base_iterator& x,
const __rb_tree_base_iterator& y)
return x.node != y.node;
template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare,
class Alloc = alloc>
class rb_tree {
typedef void* void_pointer;
typedef __rb_tree_node_base* base_ptr;
typedef __rb_tree_node<Value> rb_tree_node;
typedef simple_alloc<rb_tree_node, Alloc> rb_tree_node_allocator;
typedef __rb_tree_color_type color_type;
typedef Key key_type;
typedef Value value_type;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
typedef rb_tree_node* link_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
rb_tree(const Compare& comp = Compare())
: node_count(0), key_compare(comp) { init(); }
~rb_tree() {
rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc>&
operator=(const rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc>& x);
get_node(){return rb_tree_node_allocator::allocate();}
void put_node(link_type p) { rb_tree_node_allocator::deallocate(p); }
link_type create_node(const value_type& x) {
link_type tmp = get_node();
return tmp;
link_type clone_node(link_type x) {
link_type tmp = create_node(x->value_field);
tmp->color = x->color;
tmp->left = 0;
tmp->right = 0;
return tmp;
void destroy_node(link_type p) {
size_type node_count; // keeps track of size of tree
link_type header;
Compare key_compare;
link_type& root() const { return (link_type&) header->parent; }
link_type& leftmost() const { return (link_type&) header->left; }
link_type& rightmost() const { return (link_type&) header->right; }
static link_type& left(link_type x) { return (link_type&)(x->left); }
static link_type& right(link_type x) { return (link_type&)(x->right); }
static link_type& parent(link_type x) { return (link_type&)(x->parent); }
static reference value(link_type x) { return x->value_field; }
static const Key& key(link_type x) { return KeyOfValue()(value(x)); }
static color_type& color(link_type x) { return (color_type&)(x->color); }
static link_type& left(base_ptr x) { return (link_type&)(x->left); }
static link_type& right(base_ptr x) { return (link_type&)(x->right); }
static link_type& parent(base_ptr x) { return (link_type&)(x->parent); }
static reference value(base_ptr x) { return ((link_type)x)->value_field; }
static const Key& key(base_ptr x) { return KeyOfValue()(value(link_type(x)));}
static color_type& color(base_ptr x) { return (color_type&)(link_type(x)->color); }
static link_type minimum(link_type x) {
return (link_type) __rb_tree_node_base::minimum(x);
static link_type maximum(link_type x) {
return (link_type) __rb_tree_node_base::maximum(x);
typedef __rb_tree_iterator<value_type, reference, pointer> iterator;
typedef __rb_tree_iterator<value_type, const_reference, const_pointer>
Compare key_comp()const {return key_compare;}
iterator begin(){return leftmost;}
iterator end(){return header;}
bool empty()const{return node_count == 0;}
size_type size()const{return node_count;}
size_type max_size()const{return size_type(-1);}
pair<iterator, bool>insert_unique(const value_type& x);
iterator insert_equal(const value_type& x);
iterator insert_unique(iterator position, const value_type& x);
iterator insert_equal(iterator position, const value_type& x);
template<class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare, class Alloc>
typename rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc>::iterator
rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc>::insert_equal(const value& v)
link_type y = header;
link_type x = root();
while(x != 0){
y = x;
x = key_compare(KetOfValue()(v), key(x)) ? left(x):right(x);
return __insert(x, y, v);
template<class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare, class Alloc>
pair<typename rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc>::iterator, bool>
rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc>::insert_unique(const value_type& v)
link_type y = header;
link_type x = root();
bool comp = true;
while(x != 0){
y = x;
comp = key_compare(KeyOfValue()(v), key(y));
x = comp ? left(x) : right(x);
// 是否可能跟已经插入的节点值重复,因此要进行回朔
iterator j = iterator(y);
if(j === begin()){
return pair<iterator, bool>(__insert(x, y, v), true);
if(key_compare(key(j.node), KeyOfValue()(v))){
return pair<iterator, bool>(__insert(x, y, v), true);
return pair<iterator, bool>(__insert(j, false);
template<class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare, class Alloc>
typename rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc>::iterator
rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc>::__insert(base_ptr x_, base_type y_, const value_type& v)
link_type x = (link_type)x_;
link_type y = (link_type)y_;
link_type z;
//当key_compare(KeyOfValue()(v), keyy(y))为真时,也就是说v<y,往y的左节点插入,分3种情况
if(y == header || x != 0 || key_compare(KeyOfValue()(v), key(y))){
z = create_node(v);
//让leftmost() = z
left(y) = z;
if(y == header){
root() = z;
rightmost = z;
}else if(y == leftmost()){
leftmost() = z;
//当key_compare(KeyOfValue()(v), key(y))为假时,也就是说v>y,(注意这里规定的默认的key_compare规则是小与)
z = create_node(v);
right(y) = z;
if(y == rightmost()){
rightmost() = z;
parent(z) = y;
left(z) = 0;
right(z) = 0;
__rb_tree_rebalance(z, header->parent);
return iteratro(z);
// (1)如果伯父节点存在且为红
// (2)如果伯父节点不存在或者为黑,
// (1)则又要判断插入节点为父节点的左子树
// (2)插入节点为父节点的右子树
// (1)如果伯父节点存在且为红
// (2)如果伯父节点不存在或者为黑
// (1)插入点为父节点的左子树
// (2)插入点为父节点的右子树
inline void __rb_tree_rebalance(__rb_tree_node_base* x, __rb_tree_node_base*& root)
x->color = rb_tree_red;
while(x != root && x->parent->color == rb_tree_red){
if(x->parent == x->parent->parent->left){
__rb_tree_node_base* y = x->parent->parent->right;
if(y && y->color == __rb_tree_red){
x->parent->color = __rb_tree_black;
y->color = __rb_tree_black;
x->parent->parent = __rb_tree_red;
x = x->parent->parent;
if(x == x->parent->right){
x = x->parent;
__rb_tree_rotate_left(x, root);
x->parent->color = __rb_tree_black;
x->parent->parent->color = __rb_tree_red;
__rb_tree_rotate_right(x->parent->parent, root);
__rb_tree_node_base* y =x->parent->parent->left;
if(y && y->color == __rb_tree_red){
x->parent->color = __rb_tree_black;
y->color = __rb_tree_black;
x->parent->parent->color = __rb_tree_red;
x = x->parent->parent;
if(x == x->parent->left){
x = x->parent;
__rb_tree_rotate_right(x, root);
x->parent->color = __rb_tree_black;
x->parent->parent->color = __rb_tree_red;
__rb_tree_rotate_left(x->parent->parent, root);
root->color = __rb_tree_black;
inline void __rb_tree_rotate_left(__rb_tree_node_base* x, __rb_tree_node_base*& root)
__rb_tree_node_base* y = x->right;
x->right = y->left;
if(y->left != 0){
y->left->parent = x;
y->parent = x->parent;
if(x == root){
root = y;
else if(x == x->parent->left){
x->parent->left = y;
x->parent->right = y;
y->left = x;
x->parent = y;
inline void __rb_tree_rotate_right(__rb_tree_node_base* x, __rb_tree_node_base*& root)
__rb_tree_node_base* y = x->right;
x->left = y->right;
if(y->right != 0){
y->right->parent = x;
y->parent = x->parent;
if(x == root){
root = y;
else if(x == x->parent->left){
x->parent->left = y;
x->parent->right = y;
y->right = x;
x->parent = y;