AndroidAnnotations——Adapters and lists 适配器和列表

Adapters and lists

This is just a simple demonstration of how you could handle  Adapters and  AdapterViews in a simple way with AndroidAnnotations.
这是一个使用 AndroidAnnotations 处理   Adapters   AdapterViews 的简单示例

Let's say you have a  Person class:
让我们假设你有这么一个   Person 类:
public class Person {
    public final String firstName;
    public final String lastName;

    public Person(String firstName, String lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;

and a  PersonFinder interface:
和一个   PersonFinder 接口:
public interface PersonFinder {
    List<Person> findAll();
We want to create a  PersonListActivity that lists all the available persons. For that, we'll need a PersonListAdapter that binds the data to the views, and a  PersonItemView that is the view for one item in the list.
我们想创建   PersonListActivity 来列出所有有效人员。因此,我们需要一个 PersonListAdapter   来绑定数据到视图上, PersonItemView  是列表项的视图。

The  PersonItemView will use one  TextView for the first name, and one  TextView for the last name:

  PersonItemView将使用一个 TextView  显示 first name,另一个 TextView  显示 last name
public class PersonItemView extends LinearLayout {

    TextView firstNameView;

    TextView lastNameView;

    public PersonItemView(Context context) {

    public void bind(Person person) {
Notice that creating a custom view group that has its child views injected removes the need to use a  View Holder Pattern.
请注意,创建一个有子视图注入的自定义视图组不需要使用 View Holder Pattern

There's a  PersonFinder implementation, let's say  InMemoryPersonFinder, that is annotated with @EBean. We won't describe this implementation.
  InMemoryPersonFinderPersonFinder  的实现类,用 @EBean注解。我们不再描述这个实现类。

The adapter directly manipulates it to bind its data and create the corresponding views:

public class PersonListAdapter extends BaseAdapter {

    List<Person> persons;
    PersonFinder personFinder;
    Context context;

    void initAdapter() {
        persons = personFinder.findAll();

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        PersonItemView personItemView;
        if (convertView == null) {
            personItemView =;
        } else {
            personItemView = (PersonItemView) convertView;

        return personItemView;
    public int getCount() {
        return persons.size();

    public Person getItem(int position) {
        return persons.get(position);

    public long getItemId(int position) {
        return position;

The PersonListActivity binds the PersonListAdapter to a ListView, and displays a toast when aPersonItemView is clicked. PersonListActivity绑定PersonListAdapter 到一个 ListView视图上,当视图项PersonItemView被单击时,显示一句toast。

public class PersonListActivity extends Activity {
    ListView personList;

    PersonListAdapter adapter;

    void bindAdapter() {

    void personListItemClicked(Person person) {
        makeText(this, person.firstName + " " + person.lastName, LENGTH_SHORT).show();


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